Today dam pissing. Mdm marhaini dint come for ISO so we played GTA the whole time and Gin sun made andre character got max sex appeal and fat=> Then it was raining during recess so went to eat but after that ok so went and play and sean pissed me of. Sean pronounced "seen". So seen the noob punched me and now i have a line on my left cheek. It sorta looks nice. Then we got free period during geog as mdm dint come so we train goalkeeping. Me and Jian tried to sneak out to buy food but NK and mrs tee were talking for like 40 mins. Isaac was rite abt Nancy Kangs long talks=> Ok, have to finish ISO, nitez
Monday, August 27, 2007
Hi all, sorry i havent been posting for long, last week got lsci and maths exam and weekend need to do ISO(still havent finish). My GTA got virus so got a new one from richard. Must be because from gin sun. Anyway, I passed my maths and chinese but jus failed my lifesci=<. I am quite happy with my maths cos i failed last term and now I got 36=>My chinese got 25/50......Our new maths teacher took up soccer as his cca and now will make us run 2.4 every monday and play match after that. He say we will be kicked out of soccer if we keep skipping training. I think da team is going to improve alot under him. Ok, better start on my ISO, bye homies.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Sorry, all, for not posting for so long. Had chinese exam and life sci project. Bleh. Next week also got maths and Geog test. Anyway, some recap. The admin nothing better to do, ban the astro turf for 3 months. Probably because of the o-levels and IB diploma. If this happens every year i am going to sue. Anyway, its not like the sec 4s dont have brains to play at the mph. Then we had to do a stupid survey in PC and it contained crap like :Are senior admin good role models? Blah blah blah. Went to yishun safra for IMT again and got marskman=3.3cm. Kenneth Chee got 1.5! better than the trainer. Very crazy. Anyway it was just a training so theres still room 4 improvement. Went to maths tution early in the morning today then came home and played GTA. Damn fun. So sad no soccer training again today, cannot use astro turf than how to train? Stupid Admin, jus because we are the lousiest cca in the whole school dosent mean have to create problems for us rite? And with Mr Stefan gone, I dont know how Mr Mongan and Zhao lao shi are going to handle things. Zhao lao shi cant even speak english! And Of course Mr Mongan cant speak chinese. Crap.
Friday, August 10, 2007
Havent posted for two days...too busy. Went to watch rush hour on thursday. hilarious. Chris tucker was like somebody we all know....And my father finally bought me a new phone! Nokia N5700 xpress music. He actually wanted to buy me n73 music version but too ex. 5700 $100 cheaper. dint go to keiths bday on fri, too far and i already watch rush hour. Sorry, Keith. My cousin came over too play on friday. we played xbox then went downstairs to play soccer. thrashed one p4 guy until he started scolding his k2 brother and almost cried. I really bullied him(whoops) He took shot from half line fulll strength and i just stop the ball and whack it to the other side and watched it bounce back=> That sumsup my national day.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Today was damn waste of time....might as well dun have sch, so short time. At least we played soccer during PE=>. I dribbled past a lot of ppl, but i also tackled a lot of times=<. Only got two shots but made about 2 or 3 goals. After school play soccer until 1.30pm. Scored from half line against sean 3 times in a row. That noob. played soccer with the ncc air guys. sec 2s vs the rest. Of course they were thrashed. I was playing defender and slacking but we only let in 1 goal and I managed to tackle Joshua and Pradeep. Thats hard, if you dun know who they are.
Monday, August 6, 2007
Annual Cross country day. another one of the schools lame ideas to encourage school spirit. a total waste of slacking time in class and soccer during recess. I can go on and on but i wont. cos itsjus going to bore whoever is reading this. so nothing much happened. I slacked during the cross country. walked almost the whole thing except the start and the end. Me and ashraf raced at the last 400m and i sprinted/strided the whole way. was hardly tired at the finish. Wasnt even panting. warming up all the way at the start helped, I guess. Overtook like 20 plus ppl at the last stretch. lol...Went home right after that. the rest went to KAP. So many ppl pwned. Sebastian, cow,daryl and Keith had marching to do. but lenz and theodore came...hmm...

Dint play soccer during recess today cos i accompanied Keith to see his rugby teacher cos he wanted to quit rugby and join soccer with mew and Daryl<= and the rest dint play too cos the field was too full. After school played soccer with 1.13 .Titus soccer ball was damn light, i scored 4 goals from half line using it.(roughly 15 metres or so)=>Uber Ownage. Hows this collage? give your ratings for the previous one too please.
Sunday, August 5, 2007

Nothing much happened today, jus coudent go to church cos my brother still have sore eyes.....ate at the airport cos my father had to see off some clients and the food there is not worth it. now im doing some revision(applause people) cos my psci really lousy. Hows the collage? made it myself using a cool program from google.(its legal) No viruses. Just go to google and type in Picassa and youll get it. its simple to use, even i learnt to use it myself(which explains a lot) And i've figured out how to link after tampering with my HTML for long
Saturday, August 4, 2007
went to soccer training today, very fun, but coach forgot to put in me,DK,dave and bryan at one point so we were waiting for at lest 15 mins. then went home had lunch and slack until 4, then went for tution. playing cs now and slacking. can someone teach me how to link others? I edited the html so the names are there and your blogs are there too but it dosent work. will have to check back with daryl. Lucky guy, got into GOH and get to do rifle drills...
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Today was a very short day so nothing much to blog abt....but PE was dam fun, we played floorball and i was captain. though my team only won 1 out of 4 matches, i was like the best defender(ego but true!) I just created sliding in floorball and FREDERICK whacked me in the head with his floorball stick(ow). that sort of sums up today. and im going to play soccer now with 1.7 then im off to tution.
Today was damn boring, no fun and cow did our pop presentation and we sucked. sean was damn funny but leon was jus slacking. And our art teacher(i shall not reveal his nickname) kept saying we pon his class last wk, which was true=>. And now i dun need to go tution cos im already late and my mum dosent want to waste
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Today was dam fun man, went to soccer for the first time in like a decade.....and scored 4 sweet far range was very happy and asked whether i was in the sch team and when i said no he was very sad. sweet. and me Ivan and tits were late for french and dint feel like going so we decided to pon french and so we sat at some table outside and play cs<=. haha, lol.....btw if anyone comes add me to ur msn, i am