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Player Profile

Name: Josiah AKA Jose
{Birthday} 8 December 1994
{Hotmail} liverpool_diehardfan@hotmail.com
{hatez} Arrogance/action shits/posers/bandung/teachers that piss the hell out of me
{others...}CCA: Soccer, NCC(land)Part C Staff sergeant/PTI instructor
Quote(s) of the week:"nothing"

Dream Signings

For Liverpool to win the Premiership
To sprint faster
run 2.4 in 10 mins
be able to do at least 15 pull ups by end of the year
Not to be scared of challenges
Improve my overall technical skills
learn new dribbling tricks(i've been stuck at the same stage for half a year!)
play in first team more often
To not be recognized only by my shooting
get 38 pts for final year exam
get into inter class semi final
grow in God

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Player Loves

Sports! (soccer esp!) Facebook
Listening to music
Chilling with friends
anything gun related
Playing Examples

Steven Gerrard
Jamie Carragher
Fernanado Torres
Dwight Howard
Dwyane Wade
Andres d'alessandro


Daryl Chen-BCC Future NCC Air USM | Issac Neo | Jem Ong-Future NCC RSM/ASM | Yen Hang-weightlifting addict | Jian Jie-tracker | Rishi-Make everybody kenna pumping | Dave | Jon-Waterpolo keep | Nikhel-Niks | Alex | Shadi-real long legs | My Church's Blog | Sheng Yuan-band turned canoeist | Noel | Rohan Shah-Shah of Blah | 2.12 Naphtali Class blog | Nick Soh-Founder of Sohism | Brandon-Muscular Canoer | Shahdan-real long legs | Gokul migrated to Qatar...and back | Wee Shuen-ex tution buddy | Geng Jie-Another muscular canoer | Tyrone-guai lo | Eduardo da silva...my ass | Rui Jun | Ryan Ong-C div star striker lol | Grace-loudhailer | Abigail-Another loudhailer | Jon Wong-ANOTHER muscular canoer...haha | Asyraf the Mat | Constance | Lionel-thbuffedboy | Jon Goh-Soccer teamate! | Daryl Er best keeper and striker! | Deon | Joseph-retarded scholar :P | William-KAKA |

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Sunday, November 30, 2008

yoz....haven posted for some time cos no time. haha. tues reach changi at 11 then wed thurs have ncc fitness camp which was retarded. for details, go jem's blog.for funny bits, here they are.

well to start off, nicknames given to various ppl, cadets and instructors alike. there was this sengkang sec guy, he was quite tall, dam white, a slight hunch back, a rudolf nose and a poser hairstyle which dint suit him at all. the name 'drug addict' was thus coined. he was retarded. see his face wan to fight liao. he called calf raises tip toe. wth.  next was an instructor with narrow eyes. so i called him 'narrow eyes' simple. its nt jus narrow, there is like some tan line around it or large eyelid creases that make him look like he has frog eyes. lol. mean but true. very weak too. probably became a pti thru running. next was a mutt whose name i do not know, but since on the first day he was wearing a green shirt, he became 'green shirt'. he was dam ass. made trouble wherever he went with his mutt brother. next are ppl without nicknames but are dam funny or irritating.
an indian called chandru was dam funny. he was like viknes, jus much more vulgar. he kept telling other ppl to suck their father cock or threatened to bring them to yck mrt cheers and cut off theirs. he was constantly having a vulgar battle with this irritating queenstown guy called daryl, nt to be confused with daryl chui. this guy was a poser with huge specs tht kept sliding down so he peered over them. he was dam irritating. after lunch on the first day, WO mathy(another joke, more later) ask us whether anything wrong with lunch. he tried to be funny, say no second serving. no one laugh. in the end:
M for mathy, d for daryl

D: No second serving!
M: what?
D: *louder* No second serving!
M: *beckons for D to come closer* WHAT?
D: *goes closer* NO SECOND SERVING!
M: Okay. boy, u come here.
D:*goes over*
M: u need second serving?
D: err, ya
M: okay. sergent! get this cadet a second serving!
D: no need, no need!
M: but u say u need second serving!
D:no never mind
M: u sure? u sure u dun need? better say!
D: no need. sorry sorry.
M: ah. u better think before u say anything arh. go back!
Chandru: tht stupid idiot, never even pay money want second serving, later i cut off his cock then he know! 
everyone who hears laugh.

now for mathy. he was dam retarded. at first he say gt afternoon snack, energy bar in the afternoon. but in the afternoon, he say they were held up at immigration because they say gt milk from china. so instead he say they giving apple and cake. it arrived right after dinner. and he forced us to eat it right away. lol.

chandru and daryl kept me awake with their retarded conversations/arguments where chandru told daryl to suck his father's cock and daryl threw chandru's sock across the room right into the face of a henderson sec guy. lol. 

so im now a ncc pti. at least if i pass the test and get the badge. heck lah, if fail ask theodog go beach road buy. anyway gt the shirt liao. mwahahaha.

well, HK will have to wait. lazy to post. friendly with acjc on tues. hope we dun get owned too bad.  oled chan wei twice today, tee hee=)

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 1:29 AM

Thursday, November 20, 2008

hey peeps. going to leave for HK soon. tht means ill miss mon's training and wednesday's cos of the ncc pti course. going to amoy quee. noooooo. pissing place. at least jem will be there so wont be chatting to mutts all the time. lol. speaking of mutts, the top eurasian psle scorer is a dude called ashraf. lol. half mutt. today's training was dam slack, cos mrt only came to check on us then left.we did the usual passing drills til around 9.45 when the A div asked whether we wanted to play friendly. since only gt 18 of us, coach agreed. i started since the other 7 were sec 1s and 2 sec 2s including LAME KAI. haha, im dam bad to lim kai. played right wing where i did decently, no big screw ups, highlight was a shot that keeper deflected but rohan volleyed over the bar. half time gt subbed off for johanand but gt subbed in for pradeep 10 mins later. played better this half since i was desperate to play cos i wun be playing for like a week after this. did better and dribbled the left back a few times=P flicked the ball over him once but kenna by the centre back. dint shoot tho=( jus signed daniel alves and freddy adu in FM. mwahahahaha. no posts for a week! maybe ill go find beef in HK. shouldnt be so hard to find him=P

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 10:36 PM

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

ok yesterday's traning was short becos mrt dint come and we dint play match=( instead we played that stupid attack defense thing which was screwed up cos no one passed to the left flank no matter how open we were. so i had a horrible training. luckily my day was saved when colin, gabriel, wei chong and shaun came my hse. played fifa 09 and halo (finally found my disk!) where colin was rather good at despite having nt played b4. after they left played fifa a while and had a nice nap b4 taking cab to united sq for replacement tll classes. took trans cab, where the stupid cabby claimed going thru orchard road was faster. in the end since it rained and peak hour, the whole road was jammed. then he dint know how to get into united sq, so i told him to turn right. he passed by the turning and went past united sq and novena sq. i told him to turn right go back, but he said dun hv when he passed by a perfectly fine u turning. after tht he went all the way back to newton circus and turned back to united sq. he blamed me for not knowing the route. like wtp. ur the driver, u should know the route. somemore united sq quite common place, nt like some ulu place like beach road. stupid driver. probably took up cabbying to pay off his gambling debts. went for tll where jem was luckily/unluckily in my replacement class. chatted a while til SOMEBODY came in, namely sean/seeeen's baby kangaroo. interesting, a must tell story to seenn. her friend was dam irritating, talk dam loud and said chee bai and f word in front of the teacher. even shouted at the teacher. imba

posted on thursday (sumthing wrong with myblog clock)

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 8:22 PM

Monday, November 17, 2008

keith tan jus scolded me cos i dint go for 2days ncc shooting comp. lol. details:
KT: Josiah, do u know hus this?
Me: uh...yes.
KT: why are u not here?
Me: umm.....cos i dun want to waste my time?
Me: ummm....
Me: Ummm.....
Me: ummmm.....
me: Yes sir.
*Hangs up*


 lol. lazy to post recently, haha. training has been going well, yesterday's training was quite good. at first it was shit cos i was paired with colin and couldnt dribble past him. after that swapped with mark so things gt better=P i oso oled pradeep=D after tht had match where all the retards that came to sch to play soccer were acting retarded on the sidelines whenever i touched the ball. scored a nice long range goal into top corner=D after tht rained so went to do strengthening. suria was dam funny lol. he say mark give ur 100 but i relax, only give ur 20. in the end he gave us 20 of 6 different exercises. LOL. but still more fun than doing 100. haha. after tht went kick around with the peeps b4 heading to the SAC to have a meal. since i went late, only me and mark were left. we were having a peaceful meal when mrt came along for a chat where we found out that hes not coming on wednesday! so wed is a must go day for all! spread the word! last friday asyraf dave and shaun came my hse to play xbox and stuff. shaun was much better at halo than wei chong so i battled then 1 vs 3 to a 50-37 win. mwahahahaha.


You'll Never Walk Alone~** 8:05 PM

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

well today's training was okay. i was promoted by suria to the first team. yay! but couldnt play properly cos my left boot got ripped even more, and now the whole front part is detached. haiz. need to put masking tape. had a decent match, even tho i missed 3 close range shots. kenna slide cannot do anything. assisted jon ong for the final goal. muahahaha. received some positive comments from mrt today. a step forward. yippee. after training set up the new goal post and then played soccer with ivan and tits gang. mutt scored a dam lucky corner goal. haha. after that went to SP to eat and hasif sparked off a lame jokes frenzy:

Which movie involves the fighthing of stars?
Star wars!

What is the most violent drink?
fruit PUNCH!

where do judges and lawyers eat?
food COURT

which brand likes to advertise the most?

What do waiters and tennis players have in common? (hasif's)

got a lot more but forgot liao cos they are made impromptu by yours truly. muahahaha.

friday going to play lan and watch madagascar with soccer ppl and jon wong and if jem can then jem. poor daryl had to take his dog for a walk today to watch movie. i tot pets not allowed in cinemas?

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 2:37 AM

Monday, November 10, 2008

today was officially the worst training of my life. first it rained. so we had to train indoors doing the quickfeet thing with the fireladder which was fine, then ____ came. still okay. then strengthening, which was fine, just pain. i like strengthening. but ____ said i dint jump so had to restart count for star jumps. still not so bad, i can take it. then, suria left cos 10.30 liao, so left___ to make teams for us. obviously i got left out of the good teams. suria would have put me in. nvm, that was expected. then, i got a bullshit team, suren dint want to run so play keeper, the other players were darius and 2 sec 1s. who attack? who defend? all midfield except darius. the other team had jus nice 2 attack, def, and mid. kenna owned lah. then next match managed to win, only becos some sec 3 join our team and i rather have lost cos he come not fun liao. he tell us wad to do all. next match was against ___'s team. pissing. played like shit, played like shit, i played like shit. somemore forgot to put masking tape so my socks kept falling down and my shin pads flying everywhere, and i play like shit in the rain. after that everyone played big field, i played like shit. we hardly had the ball. i missed a one on one. dam that ruined my day. and my left boot ripped open so now can see my socks. wtf.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 2:15 AM

Saturday, November 8, 2008

wow, fifa 09 manager mode is sick. i get a budget of 73 million us dollars in my first season, same as FM. but quaresma is worth only 14 mil, while in FM i had to fork out 39 mil to buy him-.- yesterday something funny happened. i was playing fifa with my dad(and owning him=P) and his phone rang. i paused the game to let him answer but he say nvm, dun need. later when we continued i asked whether impt or not, he say impt, but finish the game first. ten minutes later, his phone rang again. i told him go answer he say nevermind, can wait. 5 mins later, my phone rang:
me: hello?
my mum: why ur father never answer his phone?
Me: *whispers to dad* its her
my dad: oh shit. say im busy
me: hes busy. later we fetch u.
mum: okay. *hangs up*
me: *laugh at my dad*
dad: stop laughing and play lah.

i won him, muahahaha.

woke up at 1 today due to sleeping at 2 last night. was reading an interesting book. rocchi is owning in fm but hes injured now)= its only november but hes scored 17 goals in the epl and 24 overall. too bad hes injured now. hes only started 19 matches and was subbed in 4 times btw. torres and crouch have 18 each. liverpool is the highest scoring in the league now, with 50 goals to man us pathetic 35. muahahaha.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 2:57 AM

Thursday, November 6, 2008

heyz ppl. had a good sleep last night, or rather today since i slept at 3=P woke up at 2 and ate lunch. explored fifa 09 a bit then practised some juggling and new flicks and tricks. since i was sweating, decided to say it was from sweeping the floor(which my clean freak mum has instructed/ordered me to do every day of the holidays.) then i can slack when he gets back as i have already "swept" the floor. muahahaha. settle down and read a funny comic book in the air-conditioned comfort of my room. since nothing much to post about, i shall be making dedications for ppl not from 2.12 that i feel like making dedications too. (eric bea is included so read my blog in the coming days! tee hee, way to get viewership to increase! XD)

Jon Wong aka Jon aka Jon WONK
A really funny/retarded guy. fun to be around with where cracking lame jokes is always on the agenda. making fun of ewwroy is always a must have too. teasing jem ong (or jem ONK as he calls him) and several others is a favourite pastime. a muscular canoeist is the description on his link and rightfully so. hello panda lover and is real funny when playing soccer. right next to my class next year and hopefully coming to my class for history lessons nxt year as his is class is half geog half history.

Zhang Zhi Hong aka zzh aka Zhi Bonk
Known him since pri sch (he was in my p1 and p2 class!) but was more of an acquaintance back then since i was never in his class after p2. the sad/lucky boy's p5 and p6 class was made up of 33 girls and 7 boys. furthermore, he threw a mini basketball right into my solar plexus in p6 while me and my frens were bugging his class to let us play basketball with them. have u any idea how hard mini basketballs are? suddenly became a muscle man after joining canoeing in sec 1 and a really funny retard.

Faiz aka Mutt aka the friendliest mutt aka the nicest mutt
great goalie and very quiet despite the mutt status. loves to ram the ball up the field and owns stunning reflexes. always can count on him to let me play with his band mates and lives up to his status as the friendliest mutt as i have never seen him angry or even shout at anyone. always smiles when we call him the friendliest or nicest mutt. and never fails to follow our class to play soccer during a free period or recess.

I think that's all for today, next post will continue and after that post will be dedications to soccer ppl. reason why im stopping here is cos lazy to type and im having trouble playing chelsea in fm despite ricardo quaresma and micah richards owning. yes, that's right, i bought MICAH RICHARDS. too bad i had to miss on daniel alves tho. next season, he is mine! plus those imba inter milan left backs marcelo and maxwell. damn, i love brazilian fullbacks.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 5:14 AM

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

today soccer training was fun, as usual since suriamuthi took over. and MRT dint come again! yay! but hes returning on fri so he might make us stay back for physical after coach leaves=( or hopefully play match after the 1 hour of matches suriamuthi gives us=) since i've used masking tape to hold up my socks(they no more elasticity so keep dropping) i've been playing much better and been scoring regularly. so today i was promoted to the first team to play match! yay! but dint play as well as with the reserves and subs cos dun have chemistry with them. oh well. hope my performances will improve. another POSSIBLE reason is although today i used masking tape I DIDNT SCORE. however, only the masking tape on my left foot remained intact. the right one dropped off cos dint use enough. thus i did not even have a shot WITH MY RIGHT FOOT. HOWEVER, i had a nice, sweet volley with my LEFT. THE SIDE WITH MASKING TAPE. interesting........lol. after training a lot of ppl wanted to go jon ong's hse for fun. but since nothing to do there, asyraf, dave and yao decided to come my house to play xbox and stuff. we took a cab there and it cost 4.80 . lol. 1 buck per person except i had to pay extra 80 cents. grrrr. first played fifa street 3 but after a while a bit sian so played fifa 09. then wei chong cracked a dam funny mutt joke:

Me: i find the disk, ur set up the game first
Asyraf: ok, press this button to connect.
Yao: wa, how u noe one?
Asyraf: I have at home wad.
Yao: wa wa, rich mutt ah.

after retarded games of hack-it-clear and hack-them-down, where we scored own goals so can play penalties, halo was on the agenda. wei chong never play before so dam funny. his aim was to not fall to his death. LOL. he only managed that one a map where u couldn't fall to ur death. haha. his score was always -5 or -4. haha. walked them to the mrt after that but when we almost reach, wei chong realised he left his phone AND wallet in my hse. lol. I just bought ricardo quaresma and andres d'alessandro in FM! if u dun noe who d'alessandro is, youtube him. oh and i bought micah richards too! but i sold reina, kuyt and arbeloa. secured alves but no money cos use all on jeremy menez and saivet, the next two french superstars. youtube all of these guys and be amazed by their skills. dun need samir nasri so dint bother.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 5:26 AM

Monday, November 3, 2008

hello peeps. sry haven posted for a week cos went to bintan from thurs to sat for a short holiday. tee hee. life has been fine i guess, playing com, going online, playing soccer during trainings. trainings have been more fun since suria came. today's training was dam short, jus 2 hours. warmed up, did technical drills, then played small matches for half and hour. three matches in total. scored 2 each in the first 2 games. =) then last game too tired liao, only managed an assist. then kicked around with them a while then went to eat and talked cock like whether the prata stall owners went back to india cos they havent been opened since their supposed one day holiday last week. (deepavali, for those who are not in the know) but havent seen them the whole holiday0.o interesting....also debated whether they should make a movie called "a mutt's life" and that it would be R21 because got violence, blood, gore and nudity. LOL. made fun of some retard from band by shouting that he sucks in front of the whole band in the SAC. which caused the whole band to look at our table. haha. catched up with faiz and shadi the friendly mutts. lol. oh yea. almost forgot. LIVERPOOL DOMINATED AND SHOULD NOT HAVE LOST. and i did AV in church again! hahaha. another jumbled up slides week. LOL.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 3:18 AM