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Player Profile

Name: Josiah AKA Jose
{Birthday} 8 December 1994
{Hotmail} liverpool_diehardfan@hotmail.com
{hatez} Arrogance/action shits/posers/bandung/teachers that piss the hell out of me
{others...}CCA: Soccer, NCC(land)Part C Staff sergeant/PTI instructor
Quote(s) of the week:"nothing"

Dream Signings

For Liverpool to win the Premiership
To sprint faster
run 2.4 in 10 mins
be able to do at least 15 pull ups by end of the year
Not to be scared of challenges
Improve my overall technical skills
learn new dribbling tricks(i've been stuck at the same stage for half a year!)
play in first team more often
To not be recognized only by my shooting
get 38 pts for final year exam
get into inter class semi final
grow in God

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Player Loves

Sports! (soccer esp!) Facebook
Listening to music
Chilling with friends
anything gun related
Playing Examples

Steven Gerrard
Jamie Carragher
Fernanado Torres
Dwight Howard
Dwyane Wade
Andres d'alessandro


Daryl Chen-BCC Future NCC Air USM | Issac Neo | Jem Ong-Future NCC RSM/ASM | Yen Hang-weightlifting addict | Jian Jie-tracker | Rishi-Make everybody kenna pumping | Dave | Jon-Waterpolo keep | Nikhel-Niks | Alex | Shadi-real long legs | My Church's Blog | Sheng Yuan-band turned canoeist | Noel | Rohan Shah-Shah of Blah | 2.12 Naphtali Class blog | Nick Soh-Founder of Sohism | Brandon-Muscular Canoer | Shahdan-real long legs | Gokul migrated to Qatar...and back | Wee Shuen-ex tution buddy | Geng Jie-Another muscular canoer | Tyrone-guai lo | Eduardo da silva...my ass | Rui Jun | Ryan Ong-C div star striker lol | Grace-loudhailer | Abigail-Another loudhailer | Jon Wong-ANOTHER muscular canoer...haha | Asyraf the Mat | Constance | Lionel-thbuffedboy | Jon Goh-Soccer teamate! | Daryl Er best keeper and striker! | Deon | Joseph-retarded scholar :P | William-KAKA |

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Designed by shinigami_ojou
Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Nothing interesting happened today, just played street after school, went poolcafe to eat, then played basketball with some sec 3s. 2mrw got soccer dinner, so I have to do some work now but I dun feel like....And the whole of 2.12 online is caught up in an emergency.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 5:25 AM

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Todays soccer was fun. I was dam gd in the first game, i scored 4 goals. then second game i scored one by ramming from halfway line then everyone dodge. Then Jasni said not counted cos sir say cannot be so high. then next game play with sir's team and they say can. At least today better, win 1, lose 2. Then at the end we played a full field match with real goals and i had a hand in both my team's goals!(we won 2-1) I was quite on form, dribbled like crap, mainly cos Peanut was left back( im right wing) =) sorry peanut, but it is quite easy to dribble u. But dun jus think that i only dribble past 1 person, I am the only one not to get tackled by Gabriel Loke, who played very well as a sweeper. I dribbled him quite a lot cos he was on the left side. Luckily daryl was the right Center back so i had it easy=)

First goal- Daniel chan burn down left flank and somehow managed to get past daryl and gabriel, leaving no one to mark me in the center. He crossed from a few meters from the goal and i headed it. Wan mai managed to block it, but i shot the rebound in=)

Lester scored a open goal tap in for the other team after in tae's shot was tipped onto the cross bar by daryl er.

My assisted goal- the ball jus kinda fell to me at the side and i shot at the far post. It hit the post and Daniel tapped it in. For us to win is dam gd, cos the only consistent first team player we had was Daniel chan, Daryl er and wen shien. They had jon ong, jasni, sir, daryl chen and Gabriel loke. they also had in tae. But we also mainly survived because of daryl er, who made some incredible saves as usual.

now dunno whether to join basketrball cos some sec 1s are proer than me. I think i join in july lah, jus correct my technique first cos some sec 1s are better than me. wah lao

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 7:20 AM

Monday, April 21, 2008

Today was very eventful. First, when shaun khoo was playing street soccer, we shouted at him that he sucks through the window and when he left like half the class was shouting, "shaun khoo u suck" and "Shaun koo koo" and "koo koo bert". he got dam pissed he threw his ball at our closed window and he hit it. Than after that he apparently went to 2.11 and scolded them and even pushed shahdan and gokul onto the floor and wall respectively. srry guys.

next, the porky saga. dunno, jus that me and sean made him cry! hi 5! if u want to know the details ask me in sch, cos im too lazy to blog.=)

After sch stayed back to play basketball cos no one played soccer. Played with some sec 3 guys at first then they left and this sec 1 boarder came so i played with him. Taught me how to do a lay up. After that we went pool cafe and went back to play with some yr 5s. Then they left then basketball finish also so we played with the basketball guys, including jian and my team got owned. Dunno why. We got jian somemore. but they had this dam pro sec 1 and the whole team is ok while our team...

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 5:32 AM

Sunday, April 20, 2008

I feel like quiting soccer and joining basketball or hockey. probably because I will never break into the first team and i don't want to waste my time going to every training when others dont go or dont put in as much effort and still get to play just becos they can dribble or trap. I dont want to make the same mistake as i did in primary school where i stayed in track for 3 years but it was obvious that i would never be as fast as the rest. I could have joined soccer but the thought only came to me in p6 when it was useless to quit as the soccer tournament was in feb. So i dun wan to like be so 'loyal' this time, cos if i dun quit now, then join in sec 3 i will be uber noob. haiz...dun know wad to do...

Another reason is that soccer dosent get much respect in acs. In neighbourhood school the soccer players are like kings, cos they are the best players in school cos dun have a lot of sports ccas. But in our school where there's so many sports DSAs and natural sportsmen, everyone can play soccer, so the soccer team does not get all the best players, only a few like dc and colin. So its like,"look, that guys in the soccer team. Big deal, i can play better than him, hes such a noob." Look at people like the badminton players and ruggers lah, look at us like we are some vermin, esp at the IB ones. Even the sec 1s. There's one sec 1 badminton guy i hate like shit. he thinks hes dam pro just because he can ram and hes fast and his face is like "That guy looks dam noob". The other time they played with us during training cos we not enough people than he dun pass to me, play any position he wanted to, force me play defence. Who the hell does he think he is?! fuck you man, its our training, not your playtime. Show us some respect lah. I dont normally use vulgarities in my posts or they are censored, but this guy is dam pissing.

Another reason i want to quit soccer is that i want to expand my area of expertise. I dont want to be just proficient at 1 sport cos is like you're quite useless, only can play one thing. Almost everyone who plays soccer in our class is good at another sport:
Jian: running, basketball
Daryl: running
Andre: Hockey first team
Keith: used to be in rugby and hes strong
Jevon: waterpolo, swimming
Sean: x country, basketball
J.ong: was in tennis
Joshua and sheener: rugby and running(esp sheener)
So there you have it, i want to be more diverse, cos anyway i can play soccer anytime i want.

If i really quit, i will probably join basketball, cos hockey, though i pro at floorball, there are several key differences. And also have to pay a lot of money(100 plus bucks) for the stick and the coach and kit. And also cos i like basketball, i used to play everyday in p5, and it wont make my back ache as much as hockey where i have to bend over. Haiz..don't know wad to do...

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 12:13 AM

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Homework...I'm drowning in it. Art, psci, lsci, chinese, exams. argh

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 2:40 AM

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Today's soccer training was fun. We just ran 5 rounds than sir made the 4 sec 1s captain. ryan ong's team was the best. My team lost all 4 games, even the 'mega' one at the end. First 2 games ryan chang score 1 own goal each game, dam funny. First one was the cross come and he deflect into the goal. second one was he back pass no one there so the ball just roll in. lol, that one was dam funny. Sir was dam hyper, he was yelling like some kung fu guy when he dribbled and called his team teamwork and no teamwork. from the names u can guess how they played.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 7:09 AM

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Art sucks

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 5:25 AM

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Chinese sucks! I'm sure almost everyone agrees with that. LSK is an OK teacher, shes quite nice but B***** at times. But the amount of homework she gives is retarded and stupid. And i hate the way she keeps comparing us to her previous classes on how hardworking they were. Oh suck it up! What era was that huh?! She should just shut up and learn to adapt to our current learning style. giving us 6 assignments a day is NOT going to help us when we have problems coping with even 1! Not every one of us is like yh or nikhel, we cant finish the assignment in 20 mins. It takes me 20 mins to read the damn thing and understand it.

And i don't know what's with the stereotype of HCL students being passionate about chinese and good at it. LOL presumed that was so in her little feedback session with me today, so I just told her, the whole class hates chinese. LSK keeps saying we dont deserve to be in HCl and why we even joined it in the first place. For the main reason that almost the whole class was in HCL in primary school so just continue lah. And not like there's much diff right? Normal cl is only a little easier and HCL ultimately gives u more options. No one is passionate about chinese, ok, what's with the stereotypes. LSK, if you not happy with our class then don't teach anymore lah, resign lah, nobody ask u waste time come when u are supposedly ill.

And stop blaming us for wasting lesson time to collect homework when u are the one giving us so much homework. Chinese is not our only subject, we have other homework to do okay, not to mention our other commitments to stuff like ncc and soccer. And so what if you think the most passionate about chinese in our class is a Jap, what's wrong with a jap being good at chinese. Japanese is after all similar to chinese and hes been learning Jap for how long. Its just a simple matter of learning how to express more complicated tonal voices and words. I dont know why all the teachers ar eso racist. first darth vader, now LSK. Hes only half jap idiots!

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 7:29 AM

So today's ncc lesson was boring, just strip and assemble rifle and learn some bo liao IA drills. IRS was dam slack as usual and we did our term 2 music reflections during music. Sir said as long as u give him 150 words automatic B so I slacked and used the thesaurus and some of my own vocab to bullshit. Here's an example:" I have found it a very enjoyable, pleasant, fun-filled, pleasurable, pleasing and agreeable. It has also been an exciting, thrilling, exhilarating, stirring, stimulating, electrifying, moving, fascinating, remarkable, out of the ordinary, worthy to note period of time." That was my second paragraph made up of 1 sentence. The whole essay was made up of 4 sentences. And as i promised, here is a picture of my new shoes.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 6:15 AM

Monday, April 14, 2008

So i got my new canvas shoes already. Just that its probably fake cos it cost $6.20. The brand is Accelerate. Interesting. Who cares if they're not real anyway. As long as it looks okay, idon't really care. i'll put some pics up another time. Was chased off the field by a sec 3 class, as usual, using the PE excuse. I have finally found out how to aim my rabonas, so i can score a penalty with it(i did quite a few times today when we were jus waiting for jon ong's class to leave) Haha.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 5:17 AM

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Tagged by dave to do this. bleh.
a) List 7 habits / quirks / facts about yourself.
1) I don't play soccer at home even though i have a street soccer court downstairs. I just slack
2) I am addicted to haribro and fruitips. i eat at least of of either a day.
3) I love Liverpool!(duh!)
4) Fernando Torres is NOT my favourite player. Gerrard is.
5) After a long day at school I often conk out at home(that's why i don't do my homework=>)
6) I only like to watch comedy movies(or action/comedy movies eg. Kung fu dunk, transformers)
7) I play billard.

a) List 7 habits / quirks / facts about yourself. Dave already tagged a few...I don't think the bloggers i tag evenread my blog=(

Today,church. soccer, pool.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 1:18 AM

Friday, April 11, 2008

Surprisingly started in the match against bartley as rohan and mark were at OM and dc and the bull came late due to ncc. YES! Played center mid and lets jus say there were good moments and bad moments.=( but at least i started ahead of d.wee and adarsh.
Standing broad jump in PE jumped 2.25 only, best is 2.3. Was making fun of the indian's turban in poetry slam and insulting him the whole time. shouted dean's name damn loudly when he came out during poetry slam.
went for dc where we did cip and hw time which was fun cos i was chatting with wei chong. wrote a dam retarded zhou ji in which i wrote the best compo in the world and became a millionare by selling it=) saw colin's twin while eating lunch. couldn't go home because of the rain so jus walked around the place and finally settled at the pool cafe where i did some history. walked back to the SAC where i met jon and then my mum came to pick me up.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 11:20 PM

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Yesterday we drew queenstown, so we have to win bartley tomorrow. we can do it! And class shirt i got no. 8, keith got 11. stupid dom took 10. And liverpool won arsenal 4-2! YES! today pe i did 62 situps and shuttle run got 10.2, slower than last year. the mph floor is dam slippery=(tomorrow get to pon sch at 10.40 and is still dun know wad to do for art...

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 6:24 AM

Monday, April 7, 2008

today got a demerit point from gavin ang poning dc. oh well, no point crying over spilt milk so let's jus move on. look forward to seeing the class shirts, though i dun have no. 10 thanks to stupid cow who took such a good no. So i got 11, benayoun's no. at least hes a decent player, works hard for the team. recess amos the rugger went to pump my ball into the big drain and we told gavin ang so he will pay me 20 bucks for it. He claimed he 'accidentally' kicked it over. my ass. But i dint feel to sad abt it...cos i have 3 more soccer balls at home! haha. so i can use this money to buy myself a new shoebag or other stuff. Ownage. Played soccer with sec 1s after school and soon a few teachers came, including mr rasdeen and they played teachers vs the rest. at first they got owned but after more ppl left they scored more. then went to SAC for a drink and do some work and when i came out played soccer with the sec 1s who were still there followed by a brief match with some sec 3s and then jus play kick around. And a Happy 14th birthday Isaac!

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 5:24 AM

Saturday, April 5, 2008

YES!!!! i broke my juggling record big time in soccer training today when i juggled 52 and 49 times! YES!!! but kinda screwed up in the match later=(. Yesterday's training was quite fun cos nafter training we went to play futsal in the MPH cos after all, we were supposed to play a match, but it was raining and there was lightning. Its dam fun playing in the MPH, even if the stupid chin up bars and chairs block the flanks. Oh yea, and daryl, sir is NOT happy u dint turn up 4 training and he told us to teach you what we learnt today, so ask me on monday, cos its a bit hard to explain here. And i forgot to post abt thursday's 2.4. i got 10.57, which is an improvement of 1 1/2 mins from last year, so thats gd. I was striding the short and going slower for the long sides of the track but last lap i stride until last 100m then chiong. dint sprint that fast though, cos stride 300m=). After the thing i vomited cos i had phlegm in my throat for the whole thing and i couldn't spit it out, which made my throat very dry, so yes, i did vomit. big deal.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 12:20 AM

Thursday, April 3, 2008

today's match against Bartley was postponed cos of rain again, dam retarded. And the class apparently had to stay back to do their art work. how lucky i am, cos i dint do=>

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 5:35 AM

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Today's soccer training was not as tiring as yesterday's. Yesterday we warmed up with the usual ten laps. Then sir made a huge square with cones and marked out the sides. This was what we had to do:
First station-push ups
Second station-burpee jumps
third station-crunches
4th station-some touch your thighs and ankle crap
And to get to each station you had to do suicides. 4 people starts at each station. 1 round is completed when you get back to your starting station. once you reach a station, you have to do the specified activity continuously until its your turn to run suicides to the next station. For example, if you are no.2 in your group to start, you keep doing the exercise until number one has reached the next station then u start running. We did 2 rounds. it wasn't as tiring as sat's one as we did more rounds on sat and even though no suicides, we kept doing until MRT told us to stop which could drag on and on...

in contact time Darth vader lectured me for standing up the latest to greet her and greeting her "differently" from the rest. I dint really remember what she said cos i was dreaming. but i remember her saying, "Don't try to fight with me. A lot of boys have tried to resist me in the past ad they never won." Oh yea?! that's only cos you are a teacher, dumb. No matter how the boy enjoys being the class clown, he knows his limits, cos the class clowns are usually quite smart=>. If i insult you the way i insult Joshua you think you will win? Actually you will, cos i will be expelled or at least caned. So don't think you are very smart, it's just that you wield SOME authority. But just because we listen to you occasionally, does not mean we respect you. then during ep me, josh and inaba pon cos it was sewing today. We went to eat prata. Josh ordered m16 and cheese while I ordered cheese and banana. Kazu dint have enuff money. haha. then Joshua's express frens came over and they were chatting when LCM came over and ask us why we werent in EP. the express said they were buying stuff for Bizworld and bought somthing to eat on the way. Joshua said we were in home ec but the room was occupied so we dint have lessons. Of course we went up after that to do sewing. We claimed we were waiting outside the room but suddenly saw the sign and came up. i sewed finish the whole thing in the same time as the rest of the 'class'. lol, they suck.
soccer training today i heard they ran 20 rounds because of daniel chan and shaun but i only ran 10 because i came late. Then there was passing practice for half an hour then we played match at five cos gabriel loke had to go at 5.30. I was selected for the first team cos dc dint come. Yea! played left back. the bull also played for the first team as sir deemed jasni to small to play against Bartley. According to Toh, i played well in the first half. i think i only screwed up once, when my pass to Saileesh went too far to his left. I even got a couple of Nice ones! esp from toh and gabriel. even jon ong said it to me once, when i made a good trap! second half dint get as much of the ball as sir suggested the midfield run more and the defence move further back as he was afraid on thurs a long ball will come and finish us. But i managed to get in 2 crosses. one which was an assist to bryan chong and had a nice outward curl=> while the other did not curl as i wanted and went to the right flank. Jon ong praised my good cross. However, i screwed up once in this half when i let 1 ball bounce over my head. Dave and Asyraf played well for the other team when at 1 point dave burned shaun and colin but was tackled by colin after that and Asyraf ran past daniel chan, shaun and colin only to be tackled by ryan chang. Anand put in a pretty good performance as well. The sec 1 keeper, wan mai, played very well after we scored like 9/10 nil and saved loads of shots. Going to slack off now, parents are at a wake. lol, think this is my longest ever post. Actually the other time got longer, but i accidentally press back and deleted it.lmao......

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 5:11 AM