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Player Profile

Name: Josiah AKA Jose
{Birthday} 8 December 1994
{Hotmail} liverpool_diehardfan@hotmail.com
{hatez} Arrogance/action shits/posers/bandung/teachers that piss the hell out of me
{others...}CCA: Soccer, NCC(land)Part C Staff sergeant/PTI instructor
Quote(s) of the week:"nothing"

Dream Signings

For Liverpool to win the Premiership
To sprint faster
run 2.4 in 10 mins
be able to do at least 15 pull ups by end of the year
Not to be scared of challenges
Improve my overall technical skills
learn new dribbling tricks(i've been stuck at the same stage for half a year!)
play in first team more often
To not be recognized only by my shooting
get 38 pts for final year exam
get into inter class semi final
grow in God

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Player Loves

Sports! (soccer esp!) Facebook
Listening to music
Chilling with friends
anything gun related
Playing Examples

Steven Gerrard
Jamie Carragher
Fernanado Torres
Dwight Howard
Dwyane Wade
Andres d'alessandro


Daryl Chen-BCC Future NCC Air USM | Issac Neo | Jem Ong-Future NCC RSM/ASM | Yen Hang-weightlifting addict | Jian Jie-tracker | Rishi-Make everybody kenna pumping | Dave | Jon-Waterpolo keep | Nikhel-Niks | Alex | Shadi-real long legs | My Church's Blog | Sheng Yuan-band turned canoeist | Noel | Rohan Shah-Shah of Blah | 2.12 Naphtali Class blog | Nick Soh-Founder of Sohism | Brandon-Muscular Canoer | Shahdan-real long legs | Gokul migrated to Qatar...and back | Wee Shuen-ex tution buddy | Geng Jie-Another muscular canoer | Tyrone-guai lo | Eduardo da silva...my ass | Rui Jun | Ryan Ong-C div star striker lol | Grace-loudhailer | Abigail-Another loudhailer | Jon Wong-ANOTHER muscular canoer...haha | Asyraf the Mat | Constance | Lionel-thbuffedboy | Jon Goh-Soccer teamate! | Daryl Er best keeper and striker! | Deon | Joseph-retarded scholar :P | William-KAKA |

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Monday, May 26, 2008

Jus came back from ncc bowling competition, i think we have a good chance of getting into the finals on june 13th. But that day is also civil defence course and keith tan apparently treats the bowling thing as "lower priority". I bowled 3 strikes in 2 games. second game double strike=). Jem topped both games while i was third for the first and second for the second game. Li wen's positions are the opposite of mine. 1st game strike in the 9th turn but screwed up in the next one so my strike only worth 11=( wad the heck lah. Could have gotten over 1oo. second game did better, got 92 points cos of my double strike. My ball curled like shit, lol. It ws like going out then suddenly curve back in. Must be because i dint exert strength so the ball no power to go straight so curl. lol. Only 6 ppl went for soccer, dam sad lah. 2mrw going to NLB for history project then wed-friday soccer camp. Im not really looking forward to it cos its going to be dam tiring.=( and cant bring tablet......

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 2:24 AM

Sunday, May 25, 2008

So U guys went to the hillsong concert last night. interesting. I was at my church friend's b'day "party". We went ice-skating then went to watch Indiana Jones and the crystal skull. Its quite a nice movie but the ending a bit weird, got UFO and a lot of destruction. All the villians died of course, some consumed by ants, the other burnt alive from too much knowledge and some sucked into a storm caused by the Martians. Yes, Martians. Then went to his house and played Halo and Call of duty 4(i bought that as his birthday present) on his PS3. Then we ate pizza and my mum came to pick my brother up and allowed me to stay over. His dad bought him GTA 4 on PS3 for his birthday so we played it and it was dam fun. But very hard to memorise the streets and cannot find weapons. The police also keep killing me. GTA 3 was easier=( Then when his parents went to sleep we watched clerks 2 and half of jay and silent bob strikes back. Then we played GTA for a while more then went to sleep.

Went to church with my friend's family and after service played soccer at basketball court barefoot. now got blisters on my feet. ow. 2mrw got ncc bowling competiton, sure lose, and i don't even know the proper technique to bowl. die liao.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 3:26 AM

Thursday, May 22, 2008

We beat SJI(international) 5-0! Yea! Though Saileesh's goal was a fluke. I played 30 mins over 2 thirds, 2nd and third. I played pretty well for 2nd third, dint get tackled once and took 3 considerably good shots=). But the last third played okay only, cos got tackled a few times and lester never failed to not connect with the ball thanks to some fat indian who was marking him=). I dint get to take any long range shots=(, daryl thinks they pressed me becos b4 tht i took some shots. Asyraf scored! everyone was teasing him abt mis kicking again cos training he scorea goal like that and it was a mis kick. lol. It was a nice shot tho. The second team played well too. Even peanut produced good passes the whole time he was on. Dave dint anyhow clear as usual=) and d.wee dribbled past loads of ppl. but i dribbled more=> ego.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 6:27 AM

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

fell asleep early last night so dint manage to post. nothing to blog abt so i stole this from daryl who stole it from isaac.

1.) What is your name?
Josiah aka Jose

2.) What colour pants are you wearing?
blue, im posting in sch

3.) What are you listening to right now?
My chinese teacher showing some scrapbooks while lol is telling us to "stop our talking"

4.) Are your legs crossed?
Nope, sitting on my chair.

5.) What was the last thing you ate?
Last night's dinner, rice, meat, veg

6.) If you were a crayon, what colour would you be?

7.) How is the weather right now?
cool in class, normal outside

8.) Last person you talked to on the phone?
My mum

9.) First thing you notice about the opposite sex?
umm....heh heh

10.) Do you like the person who sent you this?

11.) How are you today?

12.) Favourite drink?
Something sour or sweet but does not taste like sweetwater.

13.) What's your favourite alcoholic drink?
i hate alcohol

14.)What is your favourite sport?
Soccer lah.

15.) Hair colour?

16.) Eye colour?

17.) Do you wear contacts?
Nope, dun like the things

18.) Siblings?
Younger brother.

19.) Favourite month?

20.) Favourite food?
21.) Last movie you watched?
Movie in cinema or on tablet? Cinema is The Eye, tablet is Bottom's Up

22.) Favourite day of the year?

8th December.

23.) Saturday or Sunday?

24.) Are you too shy to ask someone out?
I don't usually ask people out. too slack

25.) Do you like marmite?
No, but what the hell is that?

26.) Summer or Winter?

27.) Hugs or kisses?
Depends on who's hugging/kissing me.

28.) Chocolate or vanilla?

29.) Living arrangements?
HDB 5 room flat.

30.) What books are you reading?
Comics count?

31.) Did you wake up before your alarm went off?
No alarm. Get nagged at by my mum til I decide to get up to shut her up.

32.) Do you miss big brother yet?
How do I miss something that's non-existent?

33.) Favourite smells?

34.) What inspires you?
.........Wonder kids?

35.) Buttered, plain or salted popcorn?
Buttered and salted.

36.) Favourite crisps?
Sour cream and onion

37.) Favourite car?
I dunno, wait another 10 years for some hover car to come out then talk lah.

38.) Favourite flower?
Dun like the things. They dun even smell nice.

39.) How many keys on key ring?

40.) Can you juggle?
Soccer balls, yes.

41.) Favourite day of the week?
Dunno, depends on whether its week A or B

42.) Red or white wine?
I hate alcohol!

43.) What did you do for your last birthday?
Played water basketball in batam at last day of church camp, bathed, played pool, checked out, took ship back to S'pore.
44.) Do you own a donor card?

45.) What is the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning?
To sleep for another 5 mins til my mum nags me awake again.
46.) What are you gonna do once you have finished this?
Sleep in lol's class.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 6:12 PM

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Sry haven update for 4 days cos got the RIMB concert and ncc. Went to my brother's fren hse yesterday.
I screwed up in the friendly. Dint play very well. And the SJI ppl are uber bad sports. After that bathed and went to eat at broadway with jian and daryl then was almost scammed by the drink stall owner. Then cabbed to victoria concert hall to meet up with my DG(discipleship group) leaders. After the concert went to funan with daryl and one of my dg leaders to eat supper at pastamania.

EXAMS RELEASED! Not a good time for me. failed 2 subjects which was expected, chinese and psci. best subject was lsci with 78 dint get a grade 7, must work harder in term 4(cos term3 is mainly project). Concert was fun but the bands were a bit siao, especially the first one. With the less than superior lighting, the lead singer looked slightly like shaun khoo, though he was a malay. he was dam retarded also, jumping around and shaking his head like a dog who just got out of the shower. The bass guitarist and another guitarist were also rocking like mad dogs. they had long hair that went beyond their shoulders so they were basically shaking their heads up and down with their hair going haywire. Ncc was dam slack cos we trained with the part Cs and the whole platoon of part Bs reported sick, even jong and jian. I was one of the first to report sick=) of course none of us besides jem were really sick, we jus wanted to slack. Then we went for a thrilling 700m run in long 4 and boots around the 2.4 route. The stupid CLT xuan kai dun let us go pt jus becos we dint bring pt kit. Then he scold us for not bringing pt kit. Stupid retard. firstly, the notice dint say bring pt kit, jus drilling. secondly, we have not had pt for almost a year. Lastly, even last year and the start of the year, when the notice said bring pt kit, there was no pt, so there you go.

Woke up late so ponned tution. went soccer and waited dam long for coach to come. Then ran 10 rounds as warm up and finished first. but thats cos i ran without ball for 8 laps. 7th lap i lapped saileesh and the rest of the squad then he pass me his ball, lol. Then we did biometric whichwas dam tiring. we had to run up the pe staircase to the 5th level then come down the spiral staircase and touch the tumbler in 2 mins. mrt told us we had to do it in 2 mins 5 times. we did 6 times cos the 4th time we did it, daryl er and toh dint finish on time. I had pretty consistent timings and neve finished after 1.50 mins. i was always among the first few too.=) ego. Then at waterbreak i found out someone stole my wallet which had 30 bucks in it and also had my ez link and tll cards. thankfully dave lent me 4 bucks for lunch and daryl er lent me 60 cents to bus home. thanks guys. After the biometrics did agility and passing drills and of course, monkey. Training was rounded off with a match of 6 v 6. sir was on our team and the 1st team on the other. to score we had to kick the chair down with the ball. i scored as the game finished 1-1. jon ong missed two dam easy chances. he was one on one with the chair and kicked the ball. it rocked the chair and went back to him. he kicked again and still dint manage to get it down. everyone was laughing like mad.

woke up dam late for church but still went. ate lunch, rented 3 dvds-big daddy, mr deeds and some korean show called Le grand chef. came home. ~the end~

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 12:45 AM

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Today was hectic. First the debate team was only informed of the debate and the topic today. Joshua obviously would not want to forsake rugby for debate and dean was "hurt" by jin sun. I still think dean was fibbing. hes going to get it when school reopens. Then yh asked me and richard to join debate. so jus to help him I went. 2.13 dint show up so we were pitted against rocky the short guys class. The first speaker was a a******. he addressed us as ladies. so in my speech i adressed them as ladies too. And they kept interrupting with their point of info. and i replied in a way they couldnt say anything.
opp. : would you rather be on the side of danger by releasing these convicts or be on the side of caution?
me: ya. so?

Then during yh speech their 1st speaker kept giving POIs until yh refuse to accept anymore of his crap. he used his fingers to count to 10 b4 giving a POI. wth?

after that played street soccer against sec 1s and owned. went to sac, then astro, where i was bitten by a bee. Luckily daryl was
there with his combat knife to cut the end of the sting away and pluck it out. i went 2 wash it and when i returned, they were playing match with yr 5s. of course we got owned. came home and slacking around currently.
I measured my vertical leap last night. its 18 inches. Not much. Jian's is 22 inches and above cos i only did a rough measurement with a ruler comparing the points where we touched on the ventilator in class. Given my current height, i need 36 inches to touch the rim, or maybe dunk. that means i have to double my verticle leap. bleh. prob impossible given that im a singaporean.
jus dun hv that jumping gene in us you know.

Going RI concert 2mrw night with jian and daryl and church ppl. Dun call me a traitor, its jus to support a church fren. 2mrw also got friendly with SJI. dun think i will play.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 7:23 AM

Monday, May 12, 2008

difficulty-10/10 suck mah
screwed level-11/10
studied status- -100%

Maths paper 1
Difficulty level-3/10
screwed level-3/10
studied level-85%
quite easy.

Paper 2
Difficulty level-9/10
screwed level-10/10
studied level-10%
I dint even know how to draw the graphs. jus drew a few random criss cross lines

difficulty level-1/10 easiest paper!
screwed level-2.5/10
studied level-90% quite easy to study

difficulty level-8/10
screwed level-7/10 never para
studied level-80%

difficulty level-11/10
screwed level-200/10
studied level- -1000
die liao. first page worth 20 marks. wrote 3 words.

difficulty level-6/10
screwed level-5/10 dint manage to finish last question
studied level- 75%

difficulty level-6/10
screwed level-4.5/10
studied level-0%

So exams went by quickly, thanks to the allocation of 2 exams a day. been staying up late for the past few nights. I am posting this at 2.08 am tuesday btw. I slept at 3.30 last night(or morning) so roughly 3 hrs of sleep. and i dint sleep during school! except for lsci.......im going to watch some stuff then go sleep alr, tomorrow got soccer.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 10:58 AM

Sunday, May 11, 2008

yo guys. posting in class now. hehe. haven post 4 so long cos of exams and tablet confiscated. exam updates later.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 8:48 PM