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Player Profile

Name: Josiah AKA Jose
{Birthday} 8 December 1994
{Hotmail} liverpool_diehardfan@hotmail.com
{hatez} Arrogance/action shits/posers/bandung/teachers that piss the hell out of me
{others...}CCA: Soccer, NCC(land)Part C Staff sergeant/PTI instructor
Quote(s) of the week:"nothing"

Dream Signings

For Liverpool to win the Premiership
To sprint faster
run 2.4 in 10 mins
be able to do at least 15 pull ups by end of the year
Not to be scared of challenges
Improve my overall technical skills
learn new dribbling tricks(i've been stuck at the same stage for half a year!)
play in first team more often
To not be recognized only by my shooting
get 38 pts for final year exam
get into inter class semi final
grow in God

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Free Counter

Player Loves

Sports! (soccer esp!) Facebook
Listening to music
Chilling with friends
anything gun related
Playing Examples

Steven Gerrard
Jamie Carragher
Fernanado Torres
Dwight Howard
Dwyane Wade
Andres d'alessandro


Daryl Chen-BCC Future NCC Air USM | Issac Neo | Jem Ong-Future NCC RSM/ASM | Yen Hang-weightlifting addict | Jian Jie-tracker | Rishi-Make everybody kenna pumping | Dave | Jon-Waterpolo keep | Nikhel-Niks | Alex | Shadi-real long legs | My Church's Blog | Sheng Yuan-band turned canoeist | Noel | Rohan Shah-Shah of Blah | 2.12 Naphtali Class blog | Nick Soh-Founder of Sohism | Brandon-Muscular Canoer | Shahdan-real long legs | Gokul migrated to Qatar...and back | Wee Shuen-ex tution buddy | Geng Jie-Another muscular canoer | Tyrone-guai lo | Eduardo da silva...my ass | Rui Jun | Ryan Ong-C div star striker lol | Grace-loudhailer | Abigail-Another loudhailer | Jon Wong-ANOTHER muscular canoer...haha | Asyraf the Mat | Constance | Lionel-thbuffedboy | Jon Goh-Soccer teamate! | Daryl Er best keeper and striker! | Deon | Joseph-retarded scholar :P | William-KAKA |

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Thursday, July 31, 2008

Well today was eventful. Managed to chiong lang arts essay in 30 mins during recess then went to eat some snacks. then in history, ah liang took 1/2 hr to answer the questions so we had to stay back. sir also said we were the worst SBGE class he has ever taught and said that he disliked some of us. wadever lah. next, art. took some pics in the mac lab, only becos its fun with all the retarded effects. will psot pics 2mrw cos im putting up a quiz i did on notepad in class and i dun wan the post 2 be so long. lazy. haha. then me and keith got demerits for 'wrestling' according to JL. B****. we were jus playing a fool as usual. then we went back to class with jin sun and went through SAC. Because of that, JL scolded us back in class, deeming it to be 'necessary' to walk tht way. of course we went that way to buy food. i ended the scolding by saying, "Madam, its not much different to walk this way. Its actually faster than going through the space frame." we were sent to the back of the class for the lame class meeting. bullshit. first talked abt behavior in class. like we care. nxt as duty roster. i couldnt say anything lest provoke lol and JL again so i told jin sun to say, "its our class and we want to keep it in its natural state". Rofl. anyway told keith to put his haribro under the nearest desk in case they searched our pockets later. i did likewise with my pack of famous amos cookies. then after they scolded us went back to class to wait for sir. who, when jon tang called at 3, claimed he had canceled it when he did not. so i was late for soccer but when i was changing managed to catch the beginning of the incredible hulk, pig version when leon engaged in hand-to-hand combat with chester. soon, chestnut gt pissed off and nailed leon's eye with a great right hook, knocking his specs off. more wrestling ensued. However, I did not manage to catch the rest of the fight as i had to leave for soccer. go to edwards blog for more insights on the abomination.

Next was soccer training where we played mini matches, as usual during exam period. keane, jasni, anand and RYAN ONG formed my team. we owned. haha. keane played well despite his apparent injury and jasni too mesmerised with his dribbling. anand burned, ryan ong was the uber goalie and i was a nice combo of attack and defense. pulled off some nice dribbling too. haha. then we played against the badminton guys, abt 18 of them and 13 of us. we were winning UNTIL half the team slacked and went off, leaving 8 of us on the field. we lost. i played right wing most the time and did fairly reasonable. got tackled a few times tho=(. it happens. lol. jon ong made me return balls again. dam.

Here's the quiz, ripped from jem's blog, who ripped it from sheng yuan who i hope did not rip it from odelia or i will have to erase my blog.

Josiahlogy? dam my name dosent work wif this sort of things


Q. What is your salad dressing of choice?
A.Salad? Eww.

Q. What is your favorite fast food restaurant?
A. Burger King, KFC, Subway...

Q. What is your favorite sit-down restaurant?
A. All restaraunts sit down wad.

Q. On average, what size tip do you leave at a restaurant?
A. I give a tip? More likely i complain make them give me refund.

Q. What food could you eat every day for two weeks and not get sick of?
A. Ice-cream, smoothies, mango, durian, apple crumble, strudel, desserts....

Q. What are your pizza toppings of choice?
A. Pepperoni, pineapple, ham, cheese, chilli...

Q. What do you like to put on your toast?
A. Kaya! Pandan, nonya...

Wa lau, mouthology dam long, given my retarded appetite.=)


Q. What is your wallpaper on your computer?
A. Your mum mum's who died already. Liverpool lah!

Q. How many televisions are in your house?


Q. Are you right-handed or left-handed?
A. Right. Im th normal guy! also, on average, left handers live 5 yrs less than right handers=)

Q. Have you ever had anything removed from your body?
A. heheheh.

Q. When was the last time you had a cavity?
A.Never had one. My dental Hygiene is 110%.

Q. What is the last heavy item you lifted?
A. My body up the pull-up bar. haha.
Q. Have you ever been knocked unconscious?
A. nope. knocked a few out tho. haha.


Q. If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die?
A. yes. If im going to be murdered, ill murder the guy first. If im going to die of disease, im killing my doctor, if im....

Q. If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
A.Christopher Ramirez de Souza Esteban Cambiasso

Q. What color do you think looks best on you?
A. black

Q. Have you ever swallowed a non-food item by mistake?
A. No, but have u swallowed haribros whole?

Q. Have you ever saved someone’s life?
A. No, but i almost took someone's life. haha.

Q. Has someone ever saved yours?
A. Someone's mum, forgot who


Q. Would you kiss a member of the same sex for $100?
A. yes. my brother lah. retards.

Q. Would you allow one of your little fingers to be cut off for $200,000?
A. No. Ill help u cut someone's off tho.

Q. Would you never blog again for $50,000?
A. Cash first.

Q. Would you pose naked in a magazine for $250,000?
A. No, ill offer ur mum and get 90%.

Q. Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000?
A. Ill need $10000 for my hospital bills.

Q. Would you, without fear of punishment, take a human life for $1,000,000?
A. no. 1 billion then we START to negotiate.


Q: What is in your left pocket?
A. wallet lah. if not wad, condoms ah?

Q: Is Napoleon Dynamite actually a good movie?
A: heard it was gd. never watched it.

Q: Do you have hardwood or carpet in your house?
A: neither. HDB flat custom tiles

Q: Do you sit or stand in the shower?
A: stand lah. sit down for wad?

Q: Could you live with roommates?
A: Yea. more ppl to pwn at halo.

Q: How many pairs of flip flops do you own?
A: 3 but i only wear 1.

Q: Last time you had a run-in with the cops?
A: I was smuggling drugs across the causeway for my mum who needed them for a party in johor.

Q: What do you want to be when you grow up?
A: Liverpool Captain. nah, lawyer.

Q: Who is number 1 on your top 8
A:Keely Hazell. nah, YH


Q: Last Friend you talked to?
A. Keith the beef

Q: Last person who called you?

Q: Person you hugged?
A: My bolster. his name is Jacob.


Q: Number?
A: 8

Q: Season?
A: summer all year round. global warming? no diff.


Q: Missing someone?
A. Someone to pwn in halo. lol.

Q: Mood?
A: lalalala

Q: Listening to?
A: listening to sir in history lesson. what do you think?

Q: Watching?
A. Ah liang struggling with political asylum.

Q: Worrying about?
A. Not knowing what is political asylum.


Q: First place you went this morning?
A: The mattress next to my bed to sleep for another 5 mins.

Q: What can you not wait to do?
A: Art so can slack in mac lab

Q: What’s the last movie you saw?
A. The Dark knight(gokul). Why so serious?

Q: Do you smile often?
A: Duh.

Q: Are you a friendly person?
A: Rather.

Facebook Friends update: 136
I believe what dosent kill you,only makes u stranger

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 5:55 AM

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Im dam sian now man...i slept through the whole night from 6-10. now hv to do LAB. Dun feel like doing. Today the stupid exercise waste time only, only gd thing is can pon class. XD. Anyways satiyam tot it was real. joke. queued up for 20 mins at pool cafe then got my food. the other poor retards who went SAC were worse off. haha, jokes. The went back to class and played baseball with a bottle and some rubber ball. haha. dam fun. then we had some lessons, which as usual, i was either sleeping or facebooking. lols. then went for the debriefing of this lame exercise. first 20 mins i fell asleep like 10 times, jamin and shaun tan keep waking me up becos of audrey tay. andre contributed a bit too by giving me solid punches on my shoulder. thank you andre. after the ordeal was finally over, went to the assisted chin up machine with yh and did 20 at level 8(keith says its -80lbs) then abt 10 at level 5(-50lbs, u get th idea now) then went SAC while yh went for cross which he ended off not going in the end cos sean dint want to go. then went back to the machine with keith, theodore, jian and ben tay. Found a ball on the way. haha. its now ours. amazing how ACSi dudes dun take care of their balls well. whoops. that sounded wrong. haha. ben tay crashed the thing too. XD. this time did 15 at level 6 and 10 at level 5. then had blister, cannot do liao. then went to play soccer with ryan chang and his pals. half court. ryan chang kept saying f*** you when i had the ball cos i kept making him run around with my tricks. muhuahuahua. lols. then went home to do history project and fell asleep at 6. still got lots of scenes. dam.

How bout a magic trick?
Facebook friends update: 135

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 8:32 AM

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Sup people. today was a monotonous day. dint get to play soccer during recess cos it was late recess and EVERYONE went to eat from prata stall which had the longest queues. DV called me the proudest person she ever saw because i dint ask her for extension. some people have issues. first bizworld in a long time and slacked around pretending to buy stuff for the products. The stupid Sean refuse to admit that i tie with him in arm wrestling, some more the tard body weighted. humph. Working on the 'mother' song for jon. haha. those in the class should know. Slept a lot in class today. like before recess the three subjects I all sleep. chinese slept 45 mins. maths 30+ and life science like 20 mins. after recess slept in LAB and psci. Lang arts A after bizworld also slept. jon tang tried to wake me up for 5 mins and i dint even hear him. shld sleep early tonight but i've got to do the LAB. after school 1.3 did not allow keith and I to play citing skill reasons. always like that. basket. then we went to the track to try and catch yh in action but they went up to the gym and we were denied access. me and keith then slacked around and watched the ruggers lousy push ups whie guarding hasif, daniel and some sec 1s bags while they went for their 5 km run. then slacked and chatted with them then at 5 went to astro to play soccer against some sec 3s. im not really against playing against sec 3s alr cos i think i can match them. last yr no hope. then me, keith and hasif went to do assisted pull ups after the match at the machine. i crashed it once. whoops. dam loud. anyway then played contact rugby with the band guys and heard cannan is in hospital. idiot whacked his head against hockey goalpost. zzz.

Why so serious?
Facebook friends update: 118 (keep in mind its only been 2 weeks)

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 5:49 AM

Monday, July 28, 2008

Well, today was an interesting day. I shall use pictures to artistically reenact today's events.

Well, it was pretty boring up til life sci prac, where mr terrence ng used a pig heart to show us the veins and stuff.

Here's Terrence poking his finger through some artery and reemerging through the atrium or something. Dun expect me to know!

Here's Rages not being able to stand the smell of the pig's heart which smelt like rotting fish. He was the only one covering his nose.

Here's sir abusing porky's heart again. U can still see Rages covering his nose in the background. That guy/girl is going to die in NS.

You must be wondering, dear reader, why is there a metal forceps standing upright in el porko's heart. That is because a CERTAIN SOMEONE stabbed it in. haha.

Next was CIP which wasn't all fun and games. First they tel us to tear the wrapping off the donation cans then to paste and identical label of different colour onto it. After we had finsihed well over a 100 cans, the supervisor comes and tell us to peel it off again cos THEY FIND IT HARD TO WRITE ON THE LABELS WHEN IT IS ON THE CAN. wth? waste so many paper jus to make ur job easier. well done. I am never donating to them. then when they ask us to clean up the garden we were dancing around and kena scolded. haha.

On the bus back:

Keith doing the retarded eye thing i taught the class. haha. everyone looks retarded when doing that.

Beautiful sunset after 2 hours of playing soccer.

I attempted to cam-whore with jon but.....half the time he was being retarded and the other half the time i look retarded. Thus far, my days of cam-whoring are over after 30 mins.

Rages was being retarded when playing soccer. he was sliding ppl WHO DINT HAVE THE BALL. and the best thing is, when i had the ball and he tried to slide me, he was 1 ball width away from the ball. retard.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 5:42 AM

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Was about to head for the mrt when yh called me an told me that he and sean were trapped at his house cos sean mum dun allow him go watch movie so he say he doing geog project at yh house. then when they going out sean thought he saw his mother car so they tot that his mum was camping outside their house. then seen finally realised it wasnt his mum. lols. so i walked to commonwealth mrt with jong and went down to cine. i tot i was going to be late cos yh the tard told me the movie was a t 2.30 but that time sold out so we had to go for the 3.10 time slot. i ran to cine from somerset mrt in 5 mins because of him. humph. went to pastamania to meet up with them. keith styled his hair until look like rooster. now he is chicken and beef. haha. frederick came and we went up for the movie. lots of excitement. lets see why....
Because yh was very smart in buying our seats separated from each other so me, keith and jon decided to find some random empty seats and jus sit togther. then this 40 yr old woman came with her daughter and wanted to sit but then we were there. so we jus stayed there. then 5 mins later she came back with the ticket guy demaning for her seats. wth. jus find other seats lah. wont kill u right? so nvm, we moved to the front row. then there were 2 empty seats. keith and jon sat there so i had to seat alone. i went the other side and found a seat next to sean and his gf. then these 4 extra girls came and demanded their seats. so we separated. i found an empty single seat nxt to freerick and sat down. then keith came over and said he and jon were sittting in sean and his gf's seats and i was sitting in his. having left my ticket at my first seat, i dint know where to sit. so i went to where the four girls were sitting before that and those retards had 5 nice seats and wanted to seat front row. which retard wants to sit front row? so keith came over too and we made those our permanent resting spots for the next 2 1/2 hrs. yea! i loved the joker. dam cool. harvey dent is a joke. some ppl might sympathize with him but i think he is a tard. haha. then we cabbed to KAP and met up with jian, daryl chen and chui where we tormented yh about his PINK obsessions. went to sch for drama night and we were ferried by a spanish cabby. like how rare man! then slacked around at the astro turf then went to reserve seats for sean and his gf. the first play was dam boring at first but after that quite funny. the procrastination guy is dam gay. then recess, me yh, jian and chui went to stalk sean and his gf. they went up to the 6th story to DRINK COKE. we tried to charge up the flight of steps and were interrupted by sean's arsenal of spitting coke down at us. he wet my whole shirt and pants! then he threw the can down. i was pissed so i went back up and threw the can back. almost hit his gf. woops. sorry, thts why im not in softball. the second play with inaba was really crappy. but the last play owned. the guy's Chinese accent is like how pro lah. everyone laugh like retards. after tht played soccer against 2.1 and we owned. then went home at 10.30, played some halo 3 and went to sleep.

church in the morning, i slept the whole afternoon. i really need to stop taking these catnaps.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 5:35 AM

Friday, July 25, 2008

Its a fresh Saturday morning, 9 am and i have a LONG day ahead. first at arnd 12, jem, ah liang and edward are coming for history then next i have to chiong to cine to watch dark knight at 2.30 following which is dinner at KAP and off to drama night. After drama have to go home on my own cos my mum busy with cell group where i will get the chance to pwn in halo 3! muhuahuahua! feel a bit xian now. haiz. Yesterday fought with jin sun, now my left thumb injured.=( Maybe i will post about today in a politically correct manner. yea. this blog is getting dry. haha. Jus putting a random vid below. haha. Jashaun agosto again, but this time, its track. 1500m.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 6:06 PM

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Haven posted for a few days. Lazy. haha. 2day filmed history project at my hse. fun fun fun! jems french accent is dam funny and retarded. anyway,frederick helped me hack the admin account so i dun need to go it support to get m admin back, yay! Sat going to watch dark night with the "defusal kids" then off to drama night. defusal kids, lol.
And lsk was dam pissed wif us today cos only 6 ppl pass ting xie. haha. i got 0. she gave us another one today and since the last ting xie i only wrote my name, class, date and questionn no., i jus correction tape off the 0/100 and hand up the blank paper again. proded right? conserve the environment man!

Mother never die before is it?

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 3:32 AM

Monday, July 21, 2008

Yesterday dint play that well in the match, cos the adults were dam rough, even the pastor knock me down like 5 times. And hes the skinny one. Jian try to bur them also cannot, they jus whack him down. lol. i almost scored one, open goal but went jus next to the corner. need to work on my shooting accuracy.=( then my other shot i forgot to lean forward, jus whacked it from the lay off. it went over the fence, about 3 stories high. almost hit a window too but it dipped and hit the hdb wall instead. haha. me and jian played around the same time, daryl chui and tyrus played the most. we were playing pump the ball up and let striker collect and it is dam boring. _____ was right. that is seriously not soccer. get the ball immediately pump. even when ur at half line. tomorrow last match for nationals, means no more ponning biz world and art anymore.=( anyway, hopewe end the season on a good note. After the match went home to wash up then off to great world for dinner and to take my ez link photo. me and my bro persuaded my parents to let us watch a movie and hellboy was the earliest so we chiong to buy. it was a good movie. watch it after the dark knight if u wish. it had an even mix of mild horror, romance, comedy and lots and lots of action! I love the right hand of doom....

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 3:27 AM

Saturday, July 19, 2008

haven posted in two days, lets go!
Ncc pt was a killer. First we did circuits, topping after every 100 metres to do either 20 push ups or 25 sit ups(alternating). 2 laps of that. then we did 2 laps without stopping followed by 50 sit ups. Next came another lap of circuits, this time we sprinted the straight lane but we only did 10 0f each core exercise. Then another 2 laps of circuits, this time added was ranger jumps, which was killer. then last lap was a 400m sprint. i won of course XD (jian wasnt there). Then we had a pull ups comp with the part cs and we won. The stupid neil scolded an pumped them becos of tht. hellooooo! they are only 1 year older than us! lose thhen lose lah! wads ur problem? nt their fault their not so strong right? its their genes wad! and if they dun want to do weights or anything not ur problem right? u also very short wad. ITS UR GENES. stupid neil. anyway, i could have done like 7 pull ups but then i slacked and did 5.=) lionel slacked too and did 10. diao.

Had soccer in the morning and did ten rounds for the first time in dam long and i started walking a bit at the 8th=(. need to shape up. then did 30 push ups and crunches cos colin dint wear black. not tht bad, could do 50. haha. then we jus played team play again and the first team dint have keeper. i scored 1 and made some gd traps. hope ____ noticed my right wing potential. everytime let in goal have to do 20 push ups. so...burn! at 4 went for the connect echo and it was fun. met many friends. however, my ears are still hurting from Grace's screaming. ouch. tomorrow got the church adult youth match at queensway sec. im in the first team too. hope we win. i heard the last time we were thrashed.=( hope i play well. tata!

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 6:57 AM

Thursday, July 17, 2008

haiz...forgot to post abt the funny parts of today. zzz. still rem to read the bottom post guys. anyways, today during maths, lol was scolding the class cos like 95% forgot to bring the cip form. the she ask us to speak our mind and GUESS WHAT CUTE LITTLE ANDRE SAID. Here it comes:
Andre: Teachers are too quick too blame us.
lol. we were laughing like siao. next to the drama in LAB...
Me, keith, yh and jian came in late from recess, reason obvious. DV told us to stand in front of the class next to her. while she was scolding us and looking at the class, i put bunny ears behind her head and everyone laugh like retards. but seriously, tht is nothing compared to me in p6. i would pretend to wipe the white board then i would shake my butt st the teacher. and every teacher i see i bunny ears them. haha. thts not the most funny thing. this.

I was standing next to DV innocently and staring into space around her com. suddenly:
DV: u are trying to llok at my password right?
me: huh? madam...
Dv:u see! i knew it. thts why...i forgot that part. i was still stoning.
me:oh yes madam. i want to hack ur com and put a virus inside.
she sent me out.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 7:55 AM

I am pissed off and happy at the same time. Pissed cos i dint play. I dont mind ardarsh playing cos hes a gd player but i hv and issue with the sub b4 him. Ok, why did____ play ryan chang as right wing?! thts my position! and the best thingis, hes a defender and he sucked as right wing. ____ was complaining tht ryan lousy then lester say my name and he say i no ball control and tht the left back very big size. so I cannot push the big guy is it? I can beat 20/25 on the soccer team at arm wrestling, including the entire first team besides Daryl er. In tae use 2 hands then can tie with me. I am bigger than 50Z% of them. I can do more pull ups then anyone and i can do 40 correct push ups at one go. i can cross, i can dribble, i can shoot, take set pieces. im faster then ryan chang, in tae, ardarsh, johanan, jon ong, toh, gabriel, jasni and others. my stamina is not bad. my juggling has improved. i jus did 50 and 43 today. my trapping isnt perfect but neither is anand's (no offense pal)so if trapping is my only problem, i dont see why he couldnt play me! My 2 sub appearances are both not my positions. i play right wing in training, in school. why cant ____ give me a chance to prove myself? playing ryan chang there, is it favoritism? cos b4 the match he said he would let ryan go and play. i jus dont get it.

Unfortunately, there was no cb monks 2day.

anyway, in school played right wing. played well. only got tackled once, but tackled the ball back. william slide too fast so i drag the ball back, he finished. i layed off to bryan chong dun know how many times and he only scored one, i cross to him in front of goal. diao. hopefully my performance would have turned ____'s head.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 7:29 AM

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Haven posted since monday. hmm. lets recap...
We lost 4-0 to tanglin sec, our biggest defeat ever. the previous record was 3-0. dint play cos we werent winning. Cant be bothered to talk abt the game, jus tht me and lester were making fun of their botak keeper and calling him a cb monk. lols. we were laughing like crap when he went to play striker. after tht played soccer in school as usual and was not selected to play on sir's team but instead left with the badminton guys, along with suren and dave. and we still won, so in ur face. after tht played with the band guys like 15 vs 6. quite a waste of time. anyways, still manages to score a goal in the first minute.

An average day. had lots of free periods due to the teachers being on course. Was caught by chm bashing up gokul but she dint care cos gokul say dun want to report and she wanted to go back to scolding shaun ou and brandon. after school wantd to play cyber wif keith but NO ONE went so we couldnt play. went to eat then played soccer with 2.11. went home cos it was dam boring. reached back home and saw FAIRFIELD guys playing in the street soccer court. of course they were my primary school mates so went to play with them till 6 then went home and bathed then went tuition which i jus arrived back from.

tomorrow playing pasir ris,the bottom of the table. Hope we win cos then i have chace to play. or maybe sir will play subs since we alr cannot qualify. fingers crossed.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 5:47 AM

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Haha. posting in class now. Saileesh is being retarded. lol, he jus got chased out by beth khng. haha. Yesterday's church soccer training was fun. most of it was playing match. The captain actually wanted to play me as striker but in the match i owned at right wing so he changed my position. haha. and es, i am in the first team. jian would have been too, but he dint come. haiz. had to go buy running tights. Im dam worried for iso and exams are coming up as well.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 8:43 PM

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Today's soccer training was dam short, jus run 8 rounds,ab strengthening was killer, juggling for like 5 mins then 1 hour of possession game and we ended at 12. The sun was dam hot lah, practically burning. Even I so tanned oso cannot take it. after warm up almost collapsed. dam hot lah. Dint get to play soccer in yesterday pt, played handball with a STRESS BALL. stupid joshuo woo games. if play with big ball is ok but a STRESS BALL?! wth?`Anyway, for the first time in like 2 months, there's going to be cell group so im going to be owning in halo again. haha. Stupid acs international got some funfair or wad, keep playing songs, from 12 stories up oso can hear. the singer sucks man. Shucks...I cant find any quizzes to rip off...

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 12:54 AM

Thursday, July 10, 2008

105th post! haha, dun know why im putting tht, jus like the number.=) Today we accomplished our first win of the national tournament. woots! 3-0 was the score and i played 10 minutes! yay! sir wanted to try me as striker. dint do tht well tho cos i dint push back enough=(. Almost scored a curling free kick but it jus went over the bar....2mrw marks the end of the boring ip symposium where we hardly got to play soccer. and ncc. hope we have pt again.=) Not posting tht much recently cos my dad's back from viet but ill try my best! haha. keith, faster send me the pics leh...

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 5:05 AM

Monday, July 7, 2008

Ripped off Cannan's blog=)

When is the last time a boy gave you a hug?
zzh was trying to crush me

Who was the last person who looked at you and smiled?
dunno. dun take note

Have you ever touched an elephant?

Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 months from now?
3 yrs also no.

Are you loving life at the moment?

Has anybody ever told you you have pretty eyes?
Emm...no, but for some retarded reason, lips, yes.

What do you want to be when you grow up?
Dunno, still considering my options

Name something you did yesterday?
Blog! haha

If you are being extremely quiet what does that mean?
Im sleeping

What is the weather like today?
Pretty gd

Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?

Do you have curly hair?
siao ah? look like retard

If someone were to tell you they like you right now, would you care?
if ugly, no, if hot.....

Last place you took a plane to?

Do you talk about your feelings or hide them?

If someone looked ON your bed, what would they find?
use ur imagination!

What is the last movie you watched?

Are you happy at the moment?

What are you listening to right now?
msn sound

What did you dream about last night?
black, black and more black

Do you like to read?
Those tht i feel like reading, yea.

You're in the hospital, who on your TOP friends comes to visit you?
Yh, my pri sch friends?

Do people underestimate you?

What's your favorite color?
BLACK like gokul!

Is there a difference between the word 'best friend' and 'friend'?
Best friend is 2 words.

Do you miss anyone?
not really

Are you anything like you were at this point last year?
Cant remember, which idiot does?

What's the 8th text in your inbox say?
Rishi telling me his new no.

What are you most looking forward to tomorrow?
School and the match

Do you think you like anyone?

Are you falling for someone?

Do you like your first name?

What are you looking forward to in the next month?

Do you like pancakes?
Yes, indian, taiwanese and malay versions

Do you have a facebook?
Yep! 90 friends in 1 week. haha

Sometimes, do you wish you were someone else?
Kam wishes he could be thin, but it dosent happen. wads the point?

Have you ever told anyone you were OK when you really weren't
yea. sometimes when im ok i tell them im not ok....lols

this is the second vid tht dint load. lols.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 7:27 AM

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Played captain's ball with the sec 4 girls during dg today. owned them 20 something-1 til 4 1.8 metre tall guys came PLUS another dg. gg. we had like 30 shots only 5 went in. the blocker is some year 6 rugger who can jump dam high.

after church went bedok mrt to meet up with jem, andre and ah liang. We walked from there to east coast park and jus crap arnd on the way there. then we filmed the soccer videos which are below. it was dam fun. then we attempted to walk to Macdonald's and failed miserably.

after 15 minutes of non-stop walking with the giant yellow M nowhere in sight, we decided to inform our colleague Edward about our undesirable situation. following which he arrived in his means of transport and swiftly whisked us to the destination on our itinerary. after we had bought several cups filled with black, carbonated sweet refreshments, we then proceeded to open Jeremy's metal cased machine and transfered the moving pictures which we had recorded diligently on Andre's little state of the art ambidextrous gadget which was capable of storing, displaying and recording visual information onto his digital wall. Next, we used a legal and handy virtual program to redesign the motion picture so as to obliterate the areas we did not wish to have. This was followed by myself edging closer to achieving diabetes nirvana by buying two more sugar filled liquids. We then returned to Jeremy's portable computer where we explored the wonderful virtual world known to some as "you tube". We soon left, the other 3 taking a lift from Edward to the station where large, metal tubes stop to pick up homo sapiens in an area named 'Newton'. I hailed down a yellow vehicle to take me home. After a refreshing, enjoyable sleep in its cushion laden interior, the chauffeur politely awakened me from my deep slumber. An exchange of strips of paper and several round metallic pieces then ensued. I made my way up through a cage of technology produced by an establishment declared by its founders to be 'LG'. I fished out a chain of grooved steel sticks from my pocket and inserted them into an identical grooved hole where i hear a gratifying click. I rotated the non-living thing clockwise and stepped into my home, sweet home.

Tht was a rabona btw. the second video the one that screwed up had a rainbow

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 6:08 AM

Friday, July 4, 2008

Argh. I had to skip soccer training today cos my grandmother had an op. And today was supposed to be technical.....So fun. Anyway later Im going for the Fairfield funfair, yay! its going to be dam fun. there's apparently a dunking booth....

The start of IP symposium. had a good sleep during the briefing and keynote address. recess went to play touch rugby with the guys. The screening of the day after tomorrow was definitely the best part, not boring like jevon and a liang said. Speaking of jevon, he was doing his chinese hw during the movie and used his handphone as light. lols. The ncc was quite slack, we jus did some minor drills and i was ic. so fun commanding them. then Sergent henry came and started to insult my commanding. hmph. Then we did chin ups and push ups then ran back to admin room to change for pt. We had actually wanted to challenge the ncc air but they disappeared so we played the ncdcc and lost 4-2. we had 13 people and they had over 20 easily. even then, they were quite noob. i could dribble past 3-4 ppl at one shot then pass. I scored 1 by the way=) then they left so we played with the part cs and owned them. haha

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 7:24 PM

Thursday, July 3, 2008

So we lost 3-0. as usual, i dint play. Im in no mood to describe on how the goals were conceded. I jus want to say we played better. All 5 subs were used. Including ARDARSH. I just dont understand. In what way is that guy better than me or asyraf or suren?(dave not here cos he defender) We're faster, we have better stamina, we beat him in plyo, I shoot better than him, we're bigger, we have more strength....All he has is some flair and dribbling. so what? I can dribble also right. Me and asyraf and Dave and Suren train so hard and he pons training say he sick and go to play street soccer. I jus dont know why ____ thinks he is so good. call him 'magician' and all the other crap. If u think im overreacting or what, here's this-he was subbed in as a WINGER. That's the position Asyraf and I play in training. Isn't it obvious ____ thinks hes better? and he play in the match take how long then touch the ball, never see him run, never see him do anything. Just walk up and down the wing like retard. DC was pissed too cos he had to cover for him cos he too slow to run back and he was Center back. Ardarsh is left winger. If anyone truly thinks that Ardarsh is better than me or any of us sec 2 reserves, jus tag. I wont be pissed, i just want to know why.

On a lighter note, The prefect-teacher match was quite entertaining. The joshua renee guy is dam pro lah. both feet also so power. Yh was booing some blue boots prefect cos he run ike retard...lol. rages was so excited when the teacher miss the penalty,
he was like: "FAKE ONE LAH! FAKE ONE LAH!(retarded snorting and giggling)
Me: shut up lah, rages, like that also so excited, u take drug sure die immediately.

After the soccer match reach back sch like 5 plus then all the soccer team reserves went to play against the boarders except in tae, jasni & dc. In tae is pissing me off lah. first asyraf lose the ball he say asyraf suck, like ten times in the match, Jus now in the match he how shit still call asyraf suck for wad? Then he scold me never pass to him when i take shot 10m from the goal and it deflected off some boarder. Then later on the flank he keep doing his dribbling until go out. wth? Anyway, I scored two goals as striker, one corner bounce then i half volley in the other one asyraf pump into the box then i shield the ball and volley with left foot. Im trying to train my striking cos ____ say need a striker. then the boarders left so we played with the year 1s until like 6.30 then most of them left so we jus kick around with those left(me and dc) then talk cock til 7.20 then went home.

today is IP symposium opening...wee! im going to stay up dam late tonite cos can sleep in tomorrow the opening speech. And we're going to watch the Day after tomorrow! wee!

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 8:13 AM