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Player Profile

Name: Josiah AKA Jose
{Birthday} 8 December 1994
{Hotmail} liverpool_diehardfan@hotmail.com
{hatez} Arrogance/action shits/posers/bandung/teachers that piss the hell out of me
{others...}CCA: Soccer, NCC(land)Part C Staff sergeant/PTI instructor
Quote(s) of the week:"nothing"

Dream Signings

For Liverpool to win the Premiership
To sprint faster
run 2.4 in 10 mins
be able to do at least 15 pull ups by end of the year
Not to be scared of challenges
Improve my overall technical skills
learn new dribbling tricks(i've been stuck at the same stage for half a year!)
play in first team more often
To not be recognized only by my shooting
get 38 pts for final year exam
get into inter class semi final
grow in God

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Player Loves

Sports! (soccer esp!) Facebook
Listening to music
Chilling with friends
anything gun related
Playing Examples

Steven Gerrard
Jamie Carragher
Fernanado Torres
Dwight Howard
Dwyane Wade
Andres d'alessandro


Daryl Chen-BCC Future NCC Air USM | Issac Neo | Jem Ong-Future NCC RSM/ASM | Yen Hang-weightlifting addict | Jian Jie-tracker | Rishi-Make everybody kenna pumping | Dave | Jon-Waterpolo keep | Nikhel-Niks | Alex | Shadi-real long legs | My Church's Blog | Sheng Yuan-band turned canoeist | Noel | Rohan Shah-Shah of Blah | 2.12 Naphtali Class blog | Nick Soh-Founder of Sohism | Brandon-Muscular Canoer | Shahdan-real long legs | Gokul migrated to Qatar...and back | Wee Shuen-ex tution buddy | Geng Jie-Another muscular canoer | Tyrone-guai lo | Eduardo da silva...my ass | Rui Jun | Ryan Ong-C div star striker lol | Grace-loudhailer | Abigail-Another loudhailer | Jon Wong-ANOTHER muscular canoer...haha | Asyraf the Mat | Constance | Lionel-thbuffedboy | Jon Goh-Soccer teamate! | Daryl Er best keeper and striker! | Deon | Joseph-retarded scholar :P | William-KAKA |

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Designed by shinigami_ojou
Friday, August 29, 2008

yesterday was FUN! the aces day thing was stupid, but gokul and nic soh gt caught by the rugby coach cutting across the hill so they were pumped. and the whole 2.11 were clapping and everyone was laughing. dam funny. then played soccer at street soccer court where i fell down and tore a bit of the scab from my knee off. so its a scab and a circle of fresh red meat in the centre. cool. haha. wasnt tht pain til when i gt home and my dad took an alcohol swab and pressed it into the wound till the alcohol seeped in and started swiping at it. ow ow ow. anyway back to my day. we had psci which was ok cos she was in a gd mood then the teacher's day celebration. it was dam fun cos all the teacher's had to sit at the front so no one to control us. MASSIVE MAYHEM!!! lol. there were balloons all around and josh used his knife or scissors to burst a few. dam funny. then we folded paper planes and threw them around. immature but FUN. LOL. then the video was freaking funny and the assistant canoeing teacher is dam buff!!!! dam sick when he flexed lah. he never even flex you can see his triceps popping out and when he flexed you can see all the veins. uber ownage. dam sick. but the rest of the performances were boring and retarded. i survived thru smsing. yh was sleeping on jian's shoulder and when he woke up its like rooster lik tht. dam funny. he grew an extra few inches. LOL.

after tht met up with lionel, shaun tan and nic chan to go NUS and play soccer with the pri sch peeps b4 going to fairfield. lionel and nic stayed to wait 4 yuan teck so me and shaun tan went first. nic told us to walk up the road towards new town. so we did. we reached sing ply and wong called me. he said they at nus the UNI. we walked back and we met with nic chan, lionel and yuan teck. turns out nic chan tot they meant nus HIGH. wong told me he would send some dude to pick us up from dover market so we had to go back. on the bus back the rest pang seyed me and decided to drop off at heritage and go home. humph. so i went to nus on my own with the guide wong sent. he only agreed cos wong payed him. haha.

so i get to nus street soccer court and we play for like 1/2 an hour and then we go eat at dover market. on the way we pang seyed the 2 love birds, aaron and michelle. unfortunately, they found us at dover market. then we made fun of them. wong tell them go hotel 81 very cheap only 15 bucks. then i say no need, go toilet, 10 cents only. Lmao. then joash and sk came so we went back pri sch to play soccer. did pull ups at the goal. haha. then we went to meet the teachers but they were still having their celebratory lunch so we went back down to play again! LOL. then the teachers finally finished so we went up and said hi then played badminton in the hall with some little kids. wong made one cry when he accidentally whacked his hand with the racket. LOL. then we went down to play soccer again. i started ramming like a retard so they put a no ramming rule. haha. then after tht most of them went to play basketball with the girls but i continued ramming for a while. then guessed wad happened. we were using a portion of the fence as a goal, u know those tal, mesh fences. we were using this rectangular section of it. and there was a poster tied to it. i rammed the ball at it so hard half of it became unattached and it came off! haha. im such a vandal XD. then went to play basketball and they put me on the girls team so i had to do ALL the defending. seriously. cos they all camped up front. anyway aaron came back from his refilling water with michelle which took them like 1/2 an hour. lol. so he joined my team and my job was less difficult. haha. after a while i joined the boys cos some left. i was extraing, doing the between the legs lay up and sky hook. haha. after tht took bus home. they might be coming my hse nxt wk, nt sure tho cos hv to study. yes thts right. me studying. ROFL.

later gt cellgroup, can play xbox..oh yea.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 11:00 PM

Thursday, August 28, 2008

This week has been tiring man. been staying up for the past 2 days till 3 plus to do iso and chinese. today gt chinese and laa. sianz. hv to chiong later. 2mrw going back pri sch to play soccer. lol. ponning ncc. haha. i tink no one wil go ncc cos all going back pri sch. haha. except losers like lup ean. luppy. LOL. speaking of lols, THE lol was being a ()*&^%#@^&*()__)(*&^%$#@$%^&*()_ today at ptm. she really pissed me off. throughout the whole thing i kept quiet and she asked me why. i dint tell her nothin of course. i was jus daydreaming on different ways to beat her up and escaping. LOL. pissing. today had fun in sch with the teacher day cards the loser jon tang went to print. haha. drew a darth vader on BK/DV's card. lol. complete with a red lightsaber! LOL. now goin to watch 1 episode of 2 and a 1/2 men then off to chiong homework. nitez all.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 6:09 AM

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Quiz time! muhuahuahuahua!!!

1. What's your name spelt backwards?
haisoj. hai-soj. sounds lik something u eat in bangladesh. chapati!!!

2. Favorite cities to visit:

3. Famous people you've met:
erm...Dr. ong! he has a wikipedia page okay!!

4. Secret indulgence:

5. When you are all alone, you like to:

6. You are famous for:

7. Two words your friends would describe you with:
Retarded and.....retarded!

8. Favorite book:
9. Favorite restaurant(s):
Hawker centres!

10. Famous people you'd like to meet:
Steven Gerrard

11. Alcoholic beverage:
I'm a 13 yr old livin in Singapore. if only i was in Britain...

12. Non-alcoholic beverage:

13. Dream vacation:

14. Bad habit:
Sleeping in class, talking in class, criticizing teachers in class.....bad habit from WHOSE point of view?

15. Family member you get along the best with:
Little bro.

16. Do you believe you have a guardian angel?
Is jesus an angel? if he is yes!

17. What did you do last night?

18. The last thing you downloaded onto your computer?
Post it notes. haha.

20. Have you ever licked a 9 volt battery?
im dun eat metal. check with leon though.

21. Last time you swam in a pool?
few wk ago, at cousin's house. 2mrw supposed to but i dun lik sch swimming. so im jus goin to slack around the track! tht rhymes too!

22. What are you wearing?
Some random shirt and slacks.

23. How many cars have you owned?
loads, comes in different sizes too! fav brand is hot wheels! LOL

24. Type of music you dislike most?
Too much shouting.

25. Are you registered to vote?
I would choose WP but PAP owns my area.

26. Do you have cable?
duh. who dosent have cables in their house. need cables for everthin man! oh. THT cable. yep. but dun hv football channel=(

27. What kind of computer do you use?
Fujitsu Laptop. my battery spoilt=(. i use half an hour half bar liao

28. Ever made a prank phone call?
YES!!!! haha. my hobby during IMT! haha!

29. Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving?
Im freakin scared of heights. for me, standing on a table is a height. i cant even play catcher for captain's ball.

30. Furthest place you ever traveled?
US in p1!! disney world, lego land, all the funny places oso got go lah!

31. Do you know/remember all the words to the national anthem?
Some way or another.

32. Shower- morning or night?
neither! haha. afternoon or when i get home.

33. Best movie you've seen in the past month?
The dark knight. why so serious?

34. Favorite pizza toppings?
i prefer it plain.

35. Chips or popcorn?
chippitty chips.

36. What cell phone provider do you have?
sing for singtel!

37. Have you ever smoked peanut shells?
DUH! who hasent?! lol jk. how do u even do tht man.

38. Have you ever been in a beauty pageant?
No, but i've been in a baby contest. hey i was a cute chubby kid!

39. Orange Juice or apple?
Orange! i love sour stuff!

40. Who were the last people you sat at lunch with?
sean. we were ponnin EP today. inaba came to call us back. so inaba too.

42. Favorite chocolate bar?
hershey's cookie's and cream. ownage.

43. Last time you ate a homegrown tomato?
singapore has home grown crops?!

45. Have you ever won a trophy?

46. Favorite arcade game?
the table hockey thingy.

47. Ever ordered from an infomercial?
no. tried to but no.

48. Sprite or 7-UP?
neither. they suck.

49. Have you ever had to wear a uniform to school/work?
singapore lah. think wad US ah.

50. Last thing you bought at Walgreens?
Us creator.

51. Ever thrown up in public?
yes. when i see jon ong.

52. Would you prefer being a millionaire or finding true love?
up it to BILLIONARE first.

53. Do you believe in love at first sight?
u think u some animal arh, gt mating calls.

Spongebob Squarepants!

55. Did you have long hair as a young kid?

56. What message is on your voicemail machine?
Who uses a voicemail machine in singapore?

57. Where would you like to go right now?
Somewhere...over the rainbow.....Actually 3 days ahead so i can skip all the hw i hv to do.=( which reminds me....

58. Whats the name of your pet?
Humans included? gokul cannan! no lah, why would i want a panther?

59. What kind of back pack do you have, and what's in it?

60.What do you think about most?


Stayed up all night long?
err...yea. in p6. had to finish all 3 books of the psle revision thing. did it byt the nightlight. oso a few times had to chiong hw so stayed up til 5.

Slept all day?
No. where gt so free. check with kam.

Played a trick on someone?

Told a joke that NO ONE thought was funny?

Hurt someone's feelings?
yes. they deserved it.

Been in love?
yea. family lah. ang moh retards

Told someone that you love them?

Told someone that you miss them?

Been told that someone loves/misses you?:

Broken someone's heart?

Had someone break your heart?
yes. inter class.....

Broken up with someone for no reason?
go ask sean. being 'bored' should be a suitable answer.

Told someone that you hated them?
yea. yun en. *vomits uncontrollably*

Ate everything in the house?
ang moh lang....

Stayed in bed all day because you didnt wanna get up?
ang moh lang....

Lost a friend over something stupid?

Gone shopping in the middle of the night?
i dun even wan to go in the day!

congrats to 2.11 for doin well in inter class. too bad 2.6 tyco gt in instead. today stayed back to watch inter class. looking at the standards, we could have won sumthing. haiz. the IP classes did quite well. go guys! haha. played soccer at the sidelines too. XD. hv to chiong iso and chinese til lik 3 now. tata.

P.S I've figured out the mystery of sixxjames on asyraf's blog. i suspected they were using the same tagboard from DIFFERENT websites so i went to the dude's friend's link then clicked on the dude's link from that blog and found another blog! cool!

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 8:08 AM

Sunday, August 24, 2008

I shall no longer post abt the inter class and ncc crap becos i dun wan my blog to degenerate into an emo one, one post or not. today woke up late so went late for church. duh! then after tht we were playing soccer in the TTC lobby. some retard must have went to complain cos the security guard came and told us to stop playing. then we waited for him to leave then we continued. duh! so this was the scene, we were playing match with the good, cushioned ball, some dude was bouncing a basketball around and jian and daryl were passing around on the area next to the stairs. after like 15 mins the stupid guard came back down through THE STAIRS. so first he took away the futsal ball jian and daryl were playing with then headed towards the basketball dude. seeing this, i quickly called for the ball and picked it up and RAN AWAY! LOL. by the time the guy reached where i was i alr ran 20 meters away. HAHA. dam funny. so we went back and kept the ball and played pool for the rest of the time. lol. during service i was making fun of chan wei's weakness throughout his whole body, arms, legs.......dam funny. he tried to pull my left arm to his side and failed. weakling. lol.then he tryh to 'crush' my hand with a handshake. i crushed his left and right. haha.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 12:17 AM

Friday, August 22, 2008

To the passerby: i hate anons, and the fact tht u dun put ur name down only tells me tht u r a coward. its nt like i will get pissed if u put ur name. i said feel free to tag jus dun be anon alr rite? i hate anons and u r the first on my blog so get lost.

To jian and sheener and lionel: sorry for putting ur names down without ur permission

to all types of critics: i was put down without MY opinion either and there was a selection

to ppl saying i shouldnt hv put them down without asking them:

the ncc ppl asked me who are the best. i gave the names. they chose them. i only supplied candidates. dheeraj i oso suggested. i jus chose them because they were the best. at tht point it wasnt the selection, just nominees. they dun care whether they wanted to cos they dint come for the selection. its keith tan choose one. he dint choose dheeraj and viknes last yr for shooting even though they were better than some of the team like ryan yue. hes racist. do u see mukhil as a staff? no. jus a first sergent. even though hes nt bad.

anyway i dun care alr. these were my reasons. if u dun forgive me and still want to believe that i was being unreasonable. im sorry. nothing else.

inter class is nxt wk and u guys dint even hand up the form. no one told me. i asked anything happened and no one told me. even if u guys dun want to join dun need to treat the thing like a joke right? dun need to anyhow fill up and throw aside right? i've been waiting the whole yr for it and this is what u do to it. wad is u guys problem seriously. if i were there i would hv gotten ppl to sign up but i wasnt. so cant u guys jus help. u know it means a lot to me and u jus screw the whole thing up. why? does it give u a lot of satisfaction? tht is definitely dam ass thing to do. jus becos i wasnt there. if u think tht u were right in doing it, leave a comment. dun be an anon.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 12:55 AM

Thursday, August 21, 2008


Okay...how do i start this off....i couldn't go for ncc orienteering. they went without me. so sheener and jian hate me for putting them in. so they feel that i was being an idiot for selecting them. so they think that there is something wrong with me just because i chose them. they believed there wasn't a selection. that's understandable considering they weren't there. sheener had rugby match, jian did not pon. he merely did not turn up because of an appointment. not ponning. (this is nt sarcasm. i am just trying to maintain a fair stand point) so i've clarified that there was a selection. and i beat chester su in it. dheeraj won me at the end but that was the end of 8 laps. also, i beat him the rest of the time though his stamina was better than mine. i chose u guys because u had the better stamina and speed. its nt my fault that ur from my class right? u think i was advocating favoritism towards u? its obvious that u 2, lionel and joshua are the best athletes in ncc. r u going to deny that? i put joshua down too but they dint select him cos they chose me and jem! we were chosen and they ask us who else to put in. we chose u. is that such a big deal? they already knew u guys were good at running. they knew. we dint have to tell them. when they ask us the first thing they asked was about jian jie. okay? there's the reason i chose u. u can choose to view things from ur standpoint and choose to see things as i was being unreasonable in choosing u. but let's say u were me. and ken miura came up to u and asked: "who do you think can make then orienteering team?" and jus so happened a member of the gold winning 4 x 100m relay school track team was sitting in your class along with two first team ruggers who run for the class in the inter class relay as well, who would u pick? u r alr permanently in. there are fine choices in front of you. and i did suggest dheeraj. they chose u instead. im sorry if u think its my fault and all but i just chose u guys because of ur sporting superiority. if u find its hindering u, think about why u dun mind when u hv to use it in ur own ccas but hate it when u hv to do it in ncc. just because ur in full uniform? lik jian posted: track and field finals.. miss tht so much. since its obvious you've lost ur liking for ncc, i shant say anymore. but must u really get so pissed off because i chose u? must you really? if thts wad u feel, so be it. feel free to tag, jus dun be anons, i get really pissed with them.

and jus because u hate ncc, did u really hv to go and slack? i know u r accomplished sportsmen in ACSi and im jus a noob reserve soccer player whose team couldnt even get into south zone semi finals but must u really destroy the hopes of a medal. did u really have to slack jus because u were forced to go there? why couldnt u jus get it over and done with? if i were forced to do something, sure i'll be pissed. knowing me i would be f***** up! but cant u jus calm urself down and jus get the thing done? cant u really? is it that hard or is it jus a sense of desire to rebel in you that u refuse to cooperate? is it? u might say that i dun know how tough it is since i wasnt there. say all u want. at the end of the day, ur the champion and im the loser. happy now? CHAMPIONS?

i understand its my fault i dint ask u first. i dint get asked either. they just put my name down. i accept that this was my fault. but hv u no shortcomings? u hv this talent and u dun want to use it. it is my fault too but couldnt u jus hv gotten on with life?

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 9:17 AM

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Wednesday: 2am
I awake with a freaking weird feeling in my stomach. I sit up in my bed and 10 secs later....*vomits on the floor for quite some time*. i see the bits and pieces of the gum i ate before sleeping lying on the floor in a puddle of other remnants of my supper. i awake my granddad to help me clean it up(he sleeps in my room) at this point, i had no idea it was food poisoning so i dint want to wake my mum up lest she got pissed off. while mopping up my crap, a sudden, piercing pain penetrates my belly and i immediately maneuver myself to the toilet without running(or it will, u know...jus drop out). i plant myself onto the toilet seat but after 15 mins of ab exercises, i give up and go back out. however, as soon as i walk into the living room, the pissing pain returns to haunt me. i rush back and constipate for another 30 mins. still, nothing emerges. so i go back out and just rest on the sofa. then i am in pain but i try to make it go away with medicine oil and by keeping my stomach warm. my grand dad wakes my mum up and she gives me medcine to stop the pain and the diarrhea. she decides to bring me to the hospital since there is no open clinic near my house at 3 am. however, jus as i am abt to leave:

I have to go to the toilet AGAIN. i spent 1 hr in the toilet. sequence as follows:

Ab exercise
Ab exercise
Ab exercise
ab exercise
so on and so forth for over 1 grueling hour.

oh no, that is not the end of my pain. midway in my quest of being the number one big shit, i needed to vomit again. thankfully i brought a plastic bag into the toilet with me. guess what. i vomited out the medicine that my mum gave me. how do i know? i tasted it going up! okay so after i finish, its 4 and my mum tells me to change to go to the hospital. i get up and.....

i have to go to the toilet AGAIN!!!!!

okay, this time i only spent 15 mins in there. sequence of events remains the same. before we leave the house, my mum gives me some WARM WATER to drink. you'll see the importance of this WARM WATER soon. so my mum drives me to gleanagles hospital A & E 24hrs medical clinic. its 4.30 when we reach there. on the way while im walking out of the carpark, i vomit out the warm water and regurgitate till there's nothing left. thank goodness it was the carpark. went into the clinic, waited for the doctor til 5.15. then he came and man, he made kam look small! then he decided to give me injection to stop vomiting and stomach pain. so yay! i was fine. but now i had a fever cos the hospital is so dam cold.

when i got home, i ran into my room and threw myself into bed. this was at 5.45. the next thing i know, i wake up and my grand mother tells me its 3.30pm. im like oh shit. then i decide to slack around on my com and watch tv. then at 5.30, i feel tired so i decide to go to sleep on my sofa, thinking i wont sleep so long on it. i was right. compared to the 9 hrs i slept on my bed, i only slept till 8 on the sofa. only 2 1/2 hrs this time. oh yea. then i eat my dinner and go into the room to shit it out. after that, i go back and eat some more and back to the toilet to shit again. thankfully, there was no constipation. jus diarrhea. i cant sleep cause i slept the whole day so i watch tv til 12.30 including usain bolt's owning of shawn crawford who i was supporting. i tot tyson gay did the 200m too. or this time only the 100m or he crashed out lik the 100m. weird. 2 ppl gt disqualified. sad guys. they were so happy until they were told of the disqualification. i tot the wallace spearmon was going to take the flag and throw it on the floor but at least he still treated it with respect and folded it in half instead. if i were him i wouldnt care abt the flag. sad guys. usain bolt is too sick. lol.

i had fever so ponned sch today too. woke up at 10.45am. been watching 2 1/2 men online since then. lol. addictive. now going to play x box. and tomorrow hol oso. thx sheener and josh. now supposed to be at orienteering but im sick. gd luck guys. (esp sheener hus pissed cos i suggested him)

On the bright side of this food poisoning, i lost weight! haha. yh should get it too, help him lower his body fat to get abs. lol. just jk XD.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 11:52 PM

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

last night stayed up late to do IRS report so slept during first period the NSW waste time computer skills test. actually wanted to sleep lik 10 mins but woke up when teacher was collecting the papers back so im going to get 0. heck la. nt even a proper subject anyways. today recess played soccer for once and was off form. played again in the second recess which jian managed to swindle out of DV and was still off form. rest of the day was boring. EP jus kept shooting the rubber bands and stoning. maths. urgh. nap time. after sch= testimonial match for soccer. played teachers and score was 3-3. played right wing at first and played pretty well, cut the left back and crossed quite a few times. after 5 mins anand came back in so i went to play CAM. played well. 3 shots, 1 was miskick, caused me to strain my back muscle, now aching a bit. the second was decent and the last almost score, tackled ____ and shot outside the box. hit the bar.=( almost. crap. played rather okay, passed decently, only 1 major screw up but besides that quite a decent performance from me. yay! lolz. did 8 pull ups today b4 da match. so there sean lim. tomorrow gt orienteering training again, prob only me, jem, lionel and perhaps sheen turning up. jian wont. i guarantee tht fact. if he does.....yea right. stil hv to do LAA commentary by thurs and hand up chinese crap. damn.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 6:22 AM

Monday, August 18, 2008

Today orienteering training was actually quite fun and slack. at first we dint hv the key so the sec 4s broke into the air room and climbed over through a hole. lol. then we jus slacked around and played "soccer" and slacked abt in the admin room waiting for the part cs. seniors gave us some army rations which were actually quite good. went to play soccer with 2.15. for once they let me. whoo hoo! part cs came, then we did the orienteering exercise, hv to run arnd the whole sch, tennis court, IB chem lab.....daryl came with us cos he had to wait for jem to do their ivp. we lost the part Cs twice...lol. purposely burn when they tired already, haha. went back admin room and the seniors entrusted the place to the part cs cos they had to go so we jus slacked around and played the guitar in the room with an ncc badge as a pick. lols. went street soccer court to play with chesty then went to class to get my bag to go back admin room. when i gt back, massive mayhem! the part Cs were playing handball and jumping around the room and jong and dc were doing......(wait for it)......DRILLS. -.- as usual. joined the part cs in their quest for destruction until li wen came. the clearing up act:

Li Wen setting things straight. we were using the basketball to play golf. see the cone?

Jong extraing by writing diff. parts of a drill. de ren trying to get him to stop so he can start his "lesson"on orienteering.

Bob wearing jong and DCs earmuffs. Lol

tomorrow is the testimonial match against teachers. fingers crossed!

jian is being a bastard. all the retarded sportsmen are. join track alr become very big. cant b bothered with him. let him do what he wants. if he wants to be dragged down on thurs so be it.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 6:55 AM

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Singapore is losing.....=(. cant fight anyway. china too pro. at least gt silver medal for us. yay. wdv. phelps is the MAN. ownage. c8 olympic golds. tht guy must be pooped. world records for 7 and an olypic record for the 100m butterfly final. the best of the best. i like watching his races cos its the only time u get to see someone breaking a WR by a full body length or more. the best was the 4 x 200m freestyle relay. phelps swim alr 3 body length in front of WR. dam sick. And on to the 100m sprint. supposed to be the "sprint of the century" with asafa powell, tyson gay and usain bolt. tyson gay the clown crashed out in semis and in the final powell dun know doing wad. usain bolt too tall alr, cannot catch him. still gt time to extra and celebrate before the end and still break world record. sick. the rest all lunge forward at the finish he jus run normally past and celebrate. lol. too sick liao. i love the olympics...woo hoo.

today playing soccer at church then aaron kicked matt in the foot and mat was wearing sandals and aaron shoes so....ow. the whole top part of his big toe nail, lik 1/3 of it came off and it bled lik shit. i dint even know cos he dint say ow or scream he jus went to sit down so i went over and wa lao. his threshold of pain is dam gd lah. after tht he still continue playing. lol.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 6:05 AM

Friday, August 15, 2008

during PE we were jumping and playing with the high jump mat and pole and EVERYONE was doing it. And when it was my turn, tim ng HAD to appear. wa lao. of lik 15 plus ppl tht jump i kenna. suay lah. he make me hold the pole(3kg) in the air with my arms straight while standing on the mat. then the chinese water polo coach came over and saw me. i told him fa zhan then he say good! give me thumbs up somemore. haha. then he came back later to say come on!! lolz. dam funny. i had to hold it for lik almost 30 mins. pain pain. after psci test which sean was also busy smsing u know who the whole time, went to change for ncc with inaba and the rest. during lunch watched the table tennis match and john tan falling down the steps while talking to the bus driver. he walk out and walk back alr sweating. lmao. hardly shot at safra tho i gt one perfect score. =) the rest of the time prank calling ppl with rishi and lionel. lol....dam fun. then i said sri lankan to one of them then she sms rishi and scolded him. haha. brought lik 5 bucks of coins for the vending machine there. haha. when we went to 7-11 we say john tan eating a large bag of ruffles. the largest. LOL. had pt when we came back, did 7 chin ups. haha. then played soccer and there was this irritating guy think he dam pro. i dribble him 80% of the time and he get tackled by me 80% of the time then he still say sec 2s suck at soccer. gt problem.

today hv to chiong iso report....sianz.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 10:39 PM

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Dint post yest. cos sick...one of the rarities in my life, and i made the most of the few hours i was awake.

8.30am woke up slacked around
9.30am ate breakfast watched tv
10am watched michael phelps 200m butterfly final. ownage.
10.30am went to sleep
2.30pm woke up, ate lunch, watched tv
3.15pm went to sleep
5.30pm woke up msned
7.30pm ate dinner, watched tv
8.30pm slack on com
11.30pm watched tv
12pm sleep

today was totally retarded. first came chinese which i slept thru. next was maths. gt thru by chatting with jon. recess. went with yh to do pull ups then played soccer with 2.11, retarded as usual, lol. LAB test bla bla bla. history then the highlight of the day: LAA! where sir said the F word because joshua and keith kept saying B****. LOL. dam funny. art was wth. jus talked with sean the whole time cos we dint pass our term 3 art piece. -.-. PC topic was interesting, too bad sean dint cum. haha. no one in 2.12 plays soccer nowadays.....tomorrow hv to pon rugby match becos of ncc...dam. i wanted to watch it. gd luck to sheener and josh then....

Just because you are born in a garage dosent make u a car.
(I've decided to stop the facebook thing cos too lazy to check facebook and blog

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 5:28 AM

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

today's a timeline post. dam tiring cos hv to type the whole day.=( won't do this tht often. too lazy. haha.

8.10am Came back from assembly and was just subjected to one of LOLs over dramatic, 'positive', class spirit encouraging bullshit speeches. chinese now, LSK still haven come. going to insult Lol'sspeech with the rest now.

8.15am Crap, LSKs here. damn. going to have to close tablet soon. anyway going to do kou shi. mad rush for gao zhi now. LSK jus told us to keep our tablets. damn.

9.05am CHinese jus finish. kou shi and jian bao. kou shi was retarded and i gt my test back! i passed! 51! muhuahuahua. no is LOL's boring lesson. nap time.

9.10am Was surfing the net til LOL came and extra. hv to close tablet now.

10am maths is over! yes! stupiud inaba dun lend me his eraser. stupid chipanese.

10.05am Terrence is here. wanted to ask him where his mini me went(seiya who went back to japan alr) but he seems in a a bad mood. dam. terrence is dam fun when he is in a good mood.

10.07am Terrence is giving out worksheets now. facebooking.

10.10am sir taoing me. hv to go get my ws now. hes throwing pok pok's ws around. I'm back. yi sheen looks dam cute as a monk. jus lik Inaba te jap.

10:15am Going to go thru some ws now. going to find some news on the olympics.

10.20am doing some heart ws now. bleh.

10.40am jus spent the whole lesson wiking. terrence dismissing usfor recess now. prob going to do pull ups with yh then buy some sandwiches cos after this is LAb test.

11am went pool cafe to eat now come back cos hv LAB test.

11.10am stupid DV still haven come. waste our time.

11.15am arm wrestling with ben tay. tied again.

11.20am slacking arnd, DV still haven come.

11.25am finally shes here. i went out without her permission and stupid inaba told her so im being punished now.

11.30am test

11.50am wrote 238 words. slacking cos dun know any other examples.

11.55am daydreaming. jus created a star wars scene with BK as DV during da test.

(luke skywalker slashes DV to the ground)
Dv/BK: (takes off mask) luke, i am ur mother!
Luke: (vomits uncontrollably) No!!!!!!!
DV/BK: YES!! have u no fear of god or man or woman to deny ur mother this way?
Luke: I rather have Jabba the Hutt as my mum!
DV/BK: But i teach language arts!
Luke: Die, beast! (takes of lightsaber and cuts dv/BK to pieces)
Luke: I have slain the creature! muhuahuahua

12.10pm DV left after collecting the papers. CBM is in the house now. today's not the psci tst. yay! crap, we're doing some revision practice so i have to close my tablet.

12.40pm Ep now, psci was survivable cos only 40 mins. im really looking forward to today's soccer training cos haven been playing soccer recently.

12.50pm class in chaos.

1pm Ann phua is 'babysitting' us cos our EP teacher gt oral in other sch. shes showing us forbidden kingdom! yay!

1.40pm forbidden kingdom over! boo hoo! now gt LAA fre period cos sir hv to go river valley for oral. o levels i tink.

2pm me and josh busy insulting inaba. hes getting dam pissed. haha.

2.30pm had a 'fight' with inaba cos insulted him a lot. inaba is retarded. beef stil assist him. sumos

2.40pm going for soccer training now.

3pm lol, today's not even a training, its match.

3.15pm been juggling til now. now gt sec 1s and noob sec 2s vs the first team. since anand and jasni dint come, asyraf and i were included. 12 ppl oso. and colin playing their keeper.

4pm time for the sec 1s vs teachers match. did quite well against the sec 1s, sent in lots of crosses and had 2 assists. asyraf scoered twice, one with his famous cross cum shot. haha.

4.15pm insulting jon ong on the bench. hes dam pissed with me. im dam bad, haha. cos daniel chan keep pestering him to sub him in then jon ong said: let the sec 1s have a chance to play lah. i said, " jon ong, trying to win over the sec 1s cos the sec 2s dun like u alr rite?" lol.

4.30pm omg the sec 1s are getting pwned. me and terry go in for ryan phua and wei chong. playing left wing.

4.45pm playing quite well, dribbled the teacher marking me a few times, trevor chan i tink.

4.50pm GOAL!!! 5-1!!! i scored! cos i passed to some sec 1 but he gt tackled then the guy hu tackle him pass to trevor chan so i chiong, tackle him, dribble mr bongard and score!!!!

5pm first half over-water break

5.15pm shaun ou comes along and we chat abt the team cos he wants to join. then juggled with him a while.

5.35pm i go in for in tae, play 5 mins plus then match over, dint play very well now tho=(

6pm go SAC with some soccer ppl

6.20pm walk to mama shop with asyraf and dc.

6.30pm miss the bus. dam

6.45pm bus finally comes. watching olympics inside.

7pm home sweet home.

I'm not rough, I'm ASYRAF.
Facebook friends update: 160

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 5:12 AM

Monday, August 11, 2008

Ripped this quiz off my brother's blog cos no one seems to be posting quizzes nowadays. and today dint do anything but go get my new specs. i noe i shld be wearing contacts but i hv a dam high estic so have to custom make, very troublsome and ex.

Q1 : What is the feeling sitting beside someone whom you like but you can never have ?
Ans:very paiseh. sit next to junk food want to eat mother dun let. Walao eh.

Q2 : Where will you go if someone sponsors you a tour ticket?

Q3 : What's your favourite thing(s) to do?
Ans:Slack. soccer. piss teachers off. insult organisms such as...

Q4 : Do you think money can buy happiness?
Ans: depends on what kind of happiness u want. if ur a geylang regular, sure, money can get u happiness. if ur a regular guy like me, nope.

Q5 : If you can have 1 dream to come true, what would it be?
Ans: be a better person.

Q6 : Do you believe you can survive without money?
Ans: U no money u jus sit around meh? go find job lah! wash dishes cannot ah? mus be some ang moh create this quiz.

Q7 : Do you think there is such a thing call "LOVE " ? Reason .
Ans: It obviously exists since u jus typed it out. retarded ang moh.

Q8 : What's LOVE ?
Love represents a range of emotions and experiences related to the senses of affection and sexual attraction.The word love can refer to a variety of different feelings, states, and attitudes, ranging from generic pleasure to intense interpersonal attraction. This diversity of meanings, combined with the complexity of the feelings involved, makes love unusually difficult to consistently define, even compared to other emotional states.

As an abstract concept love usually refers to a strong, ineffable feeling towards another person. Even this limited conception of love, however, encompasses a wealth of different feelings, from the passionate desire and intimacy of romantic love to the nonsexual. Love in its various forms acts as a major facilitator of interpersonal relationships and, owing to its central psychological importance, is one of the most common themes in the creative arts.

Q9 : What do you dream of doing in the future ?
Ans: Something that i am good in? i tink the ang moh who created this is some no life computer geek that is 34, fatter than kam and lives on chips and pees with a bottle so he wun die on battlenet.

Q10 : List out 3 good points about the person who tagged you.
Ans: No one tagged me. there isn't even a 'tag' segment u retarded guai lo. no life AND senile.

Facebook friends update: 158

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 8:11 AM

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Wah yesterday went to cousin's house then when me and my bro reach there they alr swimming so went down to the pool and wrestled with them in the water which was fun since they're all pri sch kids. haha. then went up and ate lunch and watched youtube videos and read comics then went to play nba live 08. dam fun and one game lasted 20 mins. 5 minutes one quarter. then played wii. lol. played nba with another cousin then we went down to swim again and we decided to play water rugby in the baby pool. haha. we used a blow up ball and jus run with it. can pass anywhere so its jus running and it was 1 vs 4. i was the one lol. i lost. haha. dam tiring and one cousin scratch my back and front until like dun know wad. cos he try to hook on to my berms so he start from my back then i run so his hand drags all the way down and hooks onto my pants. dam pain. my body lik battlefield now, bathe tht time the scratches dam pain. then my parents came to fetch me and my brother home cos gt cellgroup. owned in halo and watched hancock. my dad bought fifa street 3 in vietnam for 34 bucks so we played tht too. dam fun. today woke up late so reach church at 9.40. dg was fun as usual, jian acting retarded. then played soccer. as usual. haha. later going to watch the dream team vs china in basketball. whoo hoo. kudos to Tao li for getting into the 100m butterfly final. shes my history topic : foreign talent. haha.

wo dong yi dian
Facebook friends update: 152

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 5:31 AM

Friday, August 8, 2008

Yesterday was the retarded national day celebration starting off with the retarded connect singapore. did one jian bao during this time. i fell asleep while doing last night so i only did 3. slept through the retarded service and was awakened by the community singing where me, faiz, josh and sheener were laughing like retards because there was this gay guy doing the actions on stage and he was dam gay! dam funny. after tht had the ruggers c div promotion vid starring SHEENER! lol. he was dam cute. sheener is a nice rugger. then did my jian bao and went to vivo for keiths b'day. happy b'day beef, dun eat too much! we watched red cliff then i almost couldnt cos jon forgot to buy my ticket and it was sold out. so i had to buy lim and sean tickets cos they came as a package and lim only wanted to watch with sean. !@#$%^&*(*&^%$#@$%^&*(). anyway red cliff was quite nice, zhu ge liang was cheeky and funny. the generals all fight dam pro, zhang fei play rugby for our sch dun even need coach alr. jus chiong. lol. anyway after tht went to buy keith his b'day present and went to yh's hse to play halo. thrashed him. haha. then went for tution at united square.

today's going to be fun cos im going to my cousin's hse after this then at 6 im going home for cell group. fun fun.

Wo yao leng jing
facebook friend's update: 149

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 6:55 PM

Thursday, August 7, 2008

lost 2-0 to HCII, they had A div players. no further comment. anyways ____ said i played like in tae(solo). And somemore i have speed. so. being a left footer is such a BIG DEAL. im faster. hes a left footer. -.-. wadever.

anyway tomorrow gt keith's b'day, dun know wad movie we gona watch. prob mummy. anyway, tomorrow is the darn national day crap and connect singapore bullshit. waste time and make us cannot play soccer 4 1 week. idiotic. im invited 4 the reception since im getting bronze honours but hv to wear full u. siao. jus wear my liverpool jersey, dun care. the food cant be tht gd anyway. today the little jap dint come. so sad cos i brought a 1.5 l sprite bottle and a sponge ball to school to play baseball. but hell be aroung nxt week. soya seya song! lol, i noe dam lame. seya is the japs name. speaking of school, i woke up at 7.30 2day so i told my dad, fetch me at 8, then wun get booked. and it worked! haha. Jian bao due tomorrow, sians. hv to do now. sleeping late is fun=) i jus gt this new haircut which looks like JI according to beef. zzz. go malay barber wad. gonna post some retarded essays in a few days, tune in soon. oh and my his vid is on youtube, jus type in acsi history video and it'll come up. jian bao time!

Look at this pencil
Facebook friends update: 148

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 5:49 AM

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Well, Charity cafe was a disaster. First, 2.3 stole our idea of xbox and when we complain to mr liang he say never mind its for CHARITY. BUT THEIR STEALING OUR BUSINESS!and if they do something else, we can actually earn MORE MONEY. Then no one wanted to play at our stall cos they all went the other side.zzz. cheese fries was a total failure cos the cookers broke down 2 hrs into the cafe. never buy cheap goods.(cough *mainland china* cough cough) some ppl gt screwed cos they jus stayed at the ps3 stall and played fifa without doing their duty. haha. after sch stayed back to do history.

A dam sian day. first had chinese exam,which i screwed up, then had nsw el which was chicken. i sleep 20 mins still can finish. anyway there was this little jap exchange student homestaying with kam. he mus think we're siao, one day so many tests. stayed back til 6 plus to chiong finish history and burn it to a cd. so we got our bonus mark, yay! But 3 mins is bullshit jus pm lees 2006 national rally. jus subtitles and sound. no video. other groups film so many scenes, we film so little. filming is supposed to be the most fun part. haiz. anyways ill put the vid up in a few days after i cut out the lee hsien loong bit. itl take forever to load. maybe ill upload it to youtube first.

uploading my vid minus pm lee to youtube soon. today lsci was fun even though it was a 1h20min lesson cos terrence was in a gd mood and gin sun and me were being retarded as usual. terrence's lesson is dam fun when he is in a good mood. he teaching halfway suddenly say, hey, there's a little boy there(the jap). sir dam bad lar. yes in iso he ask where is the little boy then i say sir, think u very tall is it? haha.(he is) anyway im cutting my vid in geog now. gonna upload it to youtube soon. history was fun as usual tho sir was 'in demand'. apparently there was a cheating case in express. lots of teachers camein, including DV, saying we werent in class when she came for her period at 9.30 and that we were'liars'. blaming us again. we were in class til 10 lor. siao one.during her period we played baseball with water bottle and keith's ex lsci project. (the ball he used to represent deosyribonucleotides) and the little jap joied in. he obviously was having fun but CBM came in and sheener dint see her and continued to pitch. haha. of course she confiscated it. lol. later hopefully gt health check, then can pon class and talk cock. they are NOT checking our family jewels.

Im back from health check(this is being typed on notepad in sch) Since I was the last register number(as always) I was the timer cos the nurses wanted to time how long each person took to read the eye testing thingy. i jus sit in air con room, press start, stop, reset whenever i need to, and the rest of the time I was reading seventeen. nothing else to read okay! quite interesting actually. luckily the nurse dint stop me or i would hv been dam bored, kudos to the nurse! lol. CBM was the last period and she gave me 2 mins to shit. i came back after 10. haha. now is LAA and sir can speak very good jap. they were talking normally jus now. tomorrow got friendly with Hwa Chong International; i like friendlies, confirm can play. wish me luck! Now hv to do commentary after sch maybe playing cyber later with lunchbox and pok pok. then go home have to chiong jian bao. 10 articles 10 gan xiang. si ding liao...

Good job!
Facebook friends update: 146

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 2:36 AM

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Today church lots of ppl came so can play soccer but some wusses played volleyball. humph. anyway after tht went to eat lunch with my family then went home to slack a while then went to andre's hse. i called ah liang at 3.25 and he said he was on the way there. almost. then at 4pm when i reached andre's hse(which is a dam nice hse which i will be elaborating on later) i call ah liang and he said he was 'coming'. after ed came at 4.30, ah liang called and asked where was the hse. turned out he was at east coast road when andre's hse was at UPPER east coast rd. lols. so jus slacked around and blog surfed and chatted til ah liang came then we half listened to muttons as we wrote the scripts. then we acted out the scenes which was dam fun cos i kept trying to be retarded and the rest laughed, so i couldnt do it. =(. but it was still fun and we watched two and a half men after that and played with andre's little brother who like his brother, is cute. now to andre's hse:
Its dam sick and owns leon's house and yh's house and apparently ah liang says it beats sheener's hse too. (tho sheeners' is apparently almost as gd) but it still owns.the last time i saw a hse this sick was my pri sch fren's pent hse but this still rivalsor even beats his. dam nice. me and ed said the same thing when we came in. rich kid. haha. lols. i knew andre was rich but dint know he was that rich. he dosent show off at all and he acts like a normal guy and is a slacker that plays WOW. i guess some ppl like him and sheener dun show off like 'others'. anyways after tht went eat dinner then came home and i've been doing hsitory since. its almost 1am now. still ahve two scenes....tata.

You woke up the baby!
Facebook friends update: 145

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 9:33 AM

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Today woke up at 12..missed tuition for the 3rd straight week. sians....this one hv to make up, if not wasted dam lot of money. then been slacking on the com since then, watching 2 1/2 men on yutube and listening to muttons. dam funny. haha. need to go down and get dinner soon..lazy. at night have to do geog with sheener on msn. we r so dead...

Call me crazy, one more time
Facebook Friend's update: 141

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 3:45 AM

Friday, August 1, 2008

Pics from mac lab:

me beating up jon. i was NOT acting cute.


Me and lover boy

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 9:13 PM

So today's cross country was slack....yh gt 12th, congrats bro. jian the retard burn at the start. he was first for 50 metres. lol. Zachary ryan won of course, time arnd 17 mins. sean could have been second but he cramp so he came in tenth. sad guy. anyway, mass run. retarded. the line was so long that when we were half way to the turn, ppl alr going back. daryl chen ran 13 mins for the 3.2km, 3rd apparently. me, keith and yh slacked along with brandon, geng, mark , jia and shaun. but we gt separated halfway cos they ran a bit. then niks came to join us. we wer jus walking and slacking. very fun. anyway then caught up with bran and geng and we were the last. haha. we dint even bother going round the grand lawn cos we were so late and we jus went straight to class. slacking is fun. haha. then went to west mall kfc to eat with keith, yh, jian and lim. keith mum called him to scold him cos JL called his mum so iguess im going to get it soon. then his mum force him go sch apologise to JL so we took train together. took less than half an hour for me to get home, including walking time. then i hv been slacking the whole day. lols. have to chiong history and geog project this weekend cos gavin ang forcing us to hand up next tues. zzz

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 1:49 AM