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Player Profile

Name: Josiah AKA Jose
{Birthday} 8 December 1994
{Hotmail} liverpool_diehardfan@hotmail.com
{hatez} Arrogance/action shits/posers/bandung/teachers that piss the hell out of me
{others...}CCA: Soccer, NCC(land)Part C Staff sergeant/PTI instructor
Quote(s) of the week:"nothing"

Dream Signings

For Liverpool to win the Premiership
To sprint faster
run 2.4 in 10 mins
be able to do at least 15 pull ups by end of the year
Not to be scared of challenges
Improve my overall technical skills
learn new dribbling tricks(i've been stuck at the same stage for half a year!)
play in first team more often
To not be recognized only by my shooting
get 38 pts for final year exam
get into inter class semi final
grow in God

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Player Loves

Sports! (soccer esp!) Facebook
Listening to music
Chilling with friends
anything gun related
Playing Examples

Steven Gerrard
Jamie Carragher
Fernanado Torres
Dwight Howard
Dwyane Wade
Andres d'alessandro


Daryl Chen-BCC Future NCC Air USM | Issac Neo | Jem Ong-Future NCC RSM/ASM | Yen Hang-weightlifting addict | Jian Jie-tracker | Rishi-Make everybody kenna pumping | Dave | Jon-Waterpolo keep | Nikhel-Niks | Alex | Shadi-real long legs | My Church's Blog | Sheng Yuan-band turned canoeist | Noel | Rohan Shah-Shah of Blah | 2.12 Naphtali Class blog | Nick Soh-Founder of Sohism | Brandon-Muscular Canoer | Shahdan-real long legs | Gokul migrated to Qatar...and back | Wee Shuen-ex tution buddy | Geng Jie-Another muscular canoer | Tyrone-guai lo | Eduardo da silva...my ass | Rui Jun | Ryan Ong-C div star striker lol | Grace-loudhailer | Abigail-Another loudhailer | Jon Wong-ANOTHER muscular canoer...haha | Asyraf the Mat | Constance | Lionel-thbuffedboy | Jon Goh-Soccer teamate! | Daryl Er best keeper and striker! | Deon | Joseph-retarded scholar :P | William-KAKA |

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Sunday, September 28, 2008

massa unlucky man....but hamilton dint win!=D alonso won and rosberg got 2nd! considering that alonso's engine is less powerful than that of the bmws, mclarens and ferraris and that he started at 15th, its quite a fantastic result. still hope massa will pip hamilton to the world championship tho. 

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 9:10 AM

shit lah....of all times not to feel the kick to study, i feel it 4 days away from the damn exam! (hey, tht sort of rhymes....random, back to topic!) im freaking addicted to surfing the web now, esp. facebook.=( freak lah. its not like im uber smart like yh or sumthing and i still dun feel like studying-.- im dam screwed. history luckily still got nxt weekend. yesterday i dint do anything except revise some chemical equations and do some maths for like 1 hour at BK. my geog is like semi-consciously in my mind somewhere, my lang arts is messed up, my lsci haven started much, im actually more confident for psci than other subjects. like wth man. i think i can confidently say i will pass psci this term. im hoping for 60 plus, then 2 of my subjects in my combo will be settled. but still got the damn geog......maths is fun! take A-maths! random......im quite confident for maths paper 2 but paper 1 is like dead.....mid term my paper 2 gt 24/30, paper 1 failed. dunno wad to do. dun feel like studying still. crap lah. wth is wrong with me man. 2mrw who wan to study lsci or wdv @ pool cafe? 

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 5:51 AM

Saturday, September 27, 2008

I know….i know….hiatus….but I just watched an interesting show today. Its called switching spouses or something like tht…basically, two very different families swap their mums for a week. Then each of them gets 50k. Quite cool show. Lets you see ppl’s true colours. Anyway, here’s a breakdown:


(names aren’t real, not for privacy, jus tht I cant remember themxD)


The Andersons

2 parents, 3 kids

Father-works as a supervisor and just relaxes when he reaches home. Not close to wife or kids anymore. Family is separated.


Mother (Doreen)-housewife, does everything in the house (cleaning, cooking, etc.), paranoid abt kids. Not appreciated by kids though she does everything. Shown when she went into their room to say goodbye and her daughter just says “whatever”


Eldest Daughter-22, has a part time job and besides that just lazes around at home. Mentioned that her typical wake up time is at 4pm.


Middle child(daughter)-21 has a part time job too and wakes up at the same time as her sister. Lazes around at home oso.


Youngest child (son)-15, goes to school. Besides that, nothing much else. Still better than his sisters tho.


Mentality-man brings home the bacon and wife EXPECTED to clean the house and pretty much everything else. Remember this as it will cause conflict later. Very unfair thinking and extremely old fashioned. Attitude which children treats mother is also disgusting. Even I was appalled.


The Dawsons

2 parents, 1 daughter

Father- plays in a punk rock band. Performs at nightspots and stuff like that. I know he is dam old but he dosent care. Described as ‘worse than a teenager’ by Doreen. Smokes, heavy drinker, uncouth and cusses a lot. Hardcore rocker. Loves daughter and wife a lot. Very close with family. Good or bad? Read on to find out more.


Mother (lily)- housewife and sings in the same band as her husband. Nice woman and does not swear throughout the whole episode despite her rocker appearance. Loves family a lot and does not care that she and her husband have never had a lot of money and often lived in caravans. Feels happy with her family.


Daughter- Good ballet dancer and wishes to be a professional dancer in the future. Home schooled as ballet takes up too much of her time and parents don’t want her to be stressed out. Has hardly any social life as she is home schooled and only goes out of the house for ballet. Has a boyfriend tho. Very disciplined and does all her work before ballet class.


Mentality-rockers, daughter deserves the best and very close-knitted family. Daughter treats parents well and no form of any abuse. Father shares duties with his wife and does not scold her at all.


In the end, the Andersons attitude shocks lily and she refuses to clean the house. She argues with Mr Anderson and quips, “poor Doreen”.


 Doreen is disgusted by Mr Dawson’s lifestyle and habits (drinking, smoking) and questions his daughter’s lack of social life.


I have to say, I find the Andersons complete jackasses and the dawsons really nice ppl. Even though their background may not be very good, at least they don’t break the law and are close to each other. However, I question their daughter’s social life as she seems to lead a rather quiet, boring lifestyle. The Andersons are very old fashioned and apart and there is no love in the family. The daughters are both fat due to just lazing around all day.  They are also very presumptuous and refused to give lily and her husband a chance and just assumed they were scum. If I had had to make a choice I would rather  live with the Dawsons than the Andersons. I rather be living on the streets with a happy family than being a billionaire but an unhappy family. This show has taught me never to look down on people which are not as “classy” or not at your “level”. Who knows. They may be an even better person at heart than you even if they smoke or do drugs. Which family would you choose?


I will never dump a friend just to be more popular or be in the “in” crowd. Remember that.  You can make me a dean or something but I will still not relent. I know many of you would too. 

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 3:44 AM

Friday, September 26, 2008

typed on a friday.....

I know im supposed to be on a hiatus…though today had its downs, It was definitely made great cos….BEEF CAME BACK FOR HOLIDAY!!!!!!!! LOL buay song cos we left her class to go talk to beef. Tell us go back in. no one gave a crap so she just left. lol. Wad a joke. Not happy cos she no frens=P oh, I forgot her best friend, flexible curve. Beth khng was quite happy with the return of keith. After sch played soccer with sec 1s and keith is just as good as before. He whack one shot wan mai punched but it still went into the roof of the net. That’s quite sick cos wan mai can block my ram (with much pain of course=P) haha. Then went to library study and keith came along to slack. Watched youtube first=P then slacked a while. Studying now.

after tht jus played with the boarders a while then went for tll. keith's coming back on 18th october again. woots. he has 3 hrs of pe a day because he takes it as an elective or sumthing. lucky guy. life in HK sounds so relaxing. 

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 9:12 PM

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

going on a hiatus to focus on exams....yes. i want to focu on exams. suffer a heart attack if you wish, but yes, josiah tham is going to focus on exams and not blog!

P.S i dint say i was going on a hiatus on anything else....

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 6:30 AM

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Tagged by ryan ong the retard to do 2 quizzes but lazy so just do one lah=P
1. The person who tagged me
Ryan Ong

2.Your relationship with him/hererr.
friends/aquaintance/soccer pals wdv.

3. Your five impressions of him/her
retarded, retarded, retarded, retarded, gay, gay

4. The most memorable thing he/she has done for you
tagged me with this quiz-=.= lols

5. The most memorable thing he/she has said to you

6. If he/she becomes your lover, you will
migrate to zimbawe

7. If he/she becomes your lover, one thing he/she will have to improve on will be:
everything! lol

8. If he/she becomes your enemy, you will
beat him up for all the rugby tackles he has done to me...lol

9. If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be
him acting more retarded than usual

10. You want to tell for he/she now is
a retard=P

11. Your overall impression of him/her is
Biggest retard on earth

12. How do you think people around you feel about you?

13. The character about yourself you love

14. On the contrary, what you hate about yourself is

15. The most ideal person you want to be

16. For people who care and like you, say something to them.

17. Pass this quiz on to 10 people to see how they feel about you.
1) rishi
2) yh
3) jian
4) shadi
5) Asyraf
6) eduardo
7) jon
8) jon wong
9) Jem
10) Daryl

And anyone else who wants to do it i guess....

18. Who is no. 6 having a relationship with right now? (eduardo)
a girl? lol. i might know who she is.....=P
20. If no. 7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing? (Jon wong and daryl)
if u find gays good.
21. What is no. 2 studying about? (yh)
whatever we learn in sch?
22. When was the last time you had a chat with no.3? (jian)
on the phone, never. in real life, today@church
23. What kind of music band does no.8 like? (Jon Wong)
err....normal rock bands i guess...
24. Does no. 1 have any siblings? (rishi)
i think he has and older sis and bro
25. Will you woo no. 3? (jian)
no thanks, im straight.
26. How about no.7?(jon)
27. Is no. 4 single? (Shadi)
I guess
28. Surname of no. 5? (Asyraf)

Muhummad i tink. dunno whether spell right.
29. Hobby of no. 10? (daryl)
umm...hacking, using com, soccer......
30. Do 5 and 9 get along well? (Asyraf and jem)
fairly well, til 9 opens his mouthXD
31. Where is no.2 studying? (YH)
32. Talk about no. 1 (Rishi)
Anti-racist, swimmer, hates ncc.....
33. Have you tried developing feelings for no.8? (jon wong)
Never tried, never will. dunno whether friendship counts. if so then yes=D
34. Where does no. 9 live? (Jem)
in a house=P
35. What colour does no. 4 like? (shadi)
lol...nt sure...black?
36. Are 5 and 1 best friends? (Asyraf and Rishi)
nope..jus friends i guess
37. Does no.1 have any pets? (Rishi)
dun tink so......lionel?=P
38. Is no 7 the sexiest person in the world? (jon)
Probably to his gf
39. What is no 10 doing right now?(daryl)
trying to study lsci but gt headache so taking panadol (lol...we're talking online)

woke up late again......crap lah. but stil went to church and continued DUNKING! haha. but jian and daryl chui dint want to. it may be a little childish but its dam fun=D anyway tried some new dunks beside the old ones. like windmill dunk and all. took some vids, going to edit and post after exam, jus for comedic sake=P played some soccer. got hit in the face by a little dude swinging his badminton racket. luckily he was little if not i would be in hospital. thank god. after service went to dunk again. haha. but cant do pull ups for a wk cos now got blisters on my hand and some rope burn type of abrasion from the hot, metal rim. =( dunk too much. haha. exams coming, must start mugging more and more. elroyder dosent know a lot of stuff man. he dosent know whats mugging and he dosent know whats DKNY. lol.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 7:16 AM

Friday, September 19, 2008

woots! yest finally had a non-swimming PE! which means...soccer in MPH!!! fun! some dint enjoy it cos very small area but i did=D finally got my street dribbling style back after playing so much field soccer=P scored twice, mwahaha. josh and rages were arguing cos rages sucked, josh gt pissed, insulted rages, rages answered back and hence forth. lol. MPH soccer is dam fun. then classes were okay, LOL showed signs of being senile in class. she started going thru the questions from b). then i said, madam, what abt a)? then she went thru a) then went to d). then i said, madam how bout c)> really senile. stupid LOL. music gt some new teacher come, nice dude. showed us lots of interesting stuff. after sch played soccer a while with sec 1s, i said i dribble past the whole field and score then i go library study. so the stupid ryan ong purposely go rugby tackle me in front of goal. and he was my team! retarded sec 1s. went t0 print LAB and eat then studied for an hour with the usual study ppl. inaba was dam retarded. hao bai oso. retards! lol. 

then went to fetch my bro from fmps then decided to stay and slack since it was games day=P so played basketball with some p6s cos the other class dun let me play soccer. after tht they let TWO teachers play=.= suck ups. i still cant dunk on the pri sch rim!! argh. i can only lay up right at the rim there. without the ball i can grab the rim and hang for a while then i lose my grip=P haha. then they wanted to play soccer so just played with them. im siao alr, one day play soccer three times=P jus extraed around, did rambo and rabona. haha. i rabona across the court then everyone was like woah! how u do one? haha, im so ego=P dinner at jack's place was filling, my t-bone steak was 350g. dam big. i dint think it would be so big cos 350g only wad. but it was HUGE. but delicious. dam retarded place oso. only two employees could speak english=.= dun noe how they hire one. and the manager jus stand there look around, dun help at all.=.= retarded management. must work hard today, got dam lot of crap to do.....

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 9:07 PM

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

been busy with art so haven been posting=P cant be bothered to type so...pics!

wallpaper for jem? XD

Hao Bai hard at work!

edward and moses...tsk tsk.....edward act cute lol=P

Nick the little ang moh trying to beat hao bai at arm wrestling...lol

Snuck off to do pull ups...tee hee

Class with mr Dave Tay!


Quaresma was dam sick lah. sweetest outward curl goal ive ever seen from him. heres the vid if ur are too lazy to go to the link

Sweet! comment pls=D

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 3:03 AM

Monday, September 15, 2008

Ricardo Quaresma debut goal for inter!!!! dam sweet outward curl shot. LINK:

Watch!! quaresma owns!

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 5:47 AM

Whoops, having been posting cos i lost my password to my com=P but i gt fred to hack so im back! Recap...

Left early for ncc and we were having dam lot of fun on the bus, making lame jokes.

"bangla truck no bangla!"

J: whats keith tan's son name?
jj: what?
J: Chick!
J: whats his wife name?
J: hen!


*pass by big patch of land* "and singapore complain no land!"

other jokes on jians blog go see urself.

IMT screwed up. i got 15. 16 is marksman. wa lao. last year gun screw up this year miss by 3/4 of the bullet. dam lah. missed by 1cm. shit lah. at least i topped the unit=D and gt into shooting comp. nice. i mus get marksman then. reach back went to play soccer till 6 plus then went for TLL. went for supper at newton. dam shiok. gt bbq stingray, satay, beef noodles, fried rice, veg, sambal sotong. dam nice.

woke up late so pon tution again.=P jus slacked the whole day and read to kill a mockingbird at night.

fun fun. DG ended earlier than usual. then we went to play soccer but jian and daryl dint play. dam fun. i oled chan wei dun noe how many times. all different style=D then jian and daryl joined in and was dam fun too. then adults came to chase us out so we went to play pool. chan wei dam funny. he try to act pro shoot very fast then he missed. LOL jian kept stopping the balls b4 they roll finish with a little poke of his finger. lol. matt and some dude were busy flaunting their I phones. whats so gd abt it. its so hard to use. can go youtube, so wad. every 3G phone oso can. u wait for ur phone bill see wad happen. after service jian left then chan wei wanted to go do pull ups at the playground monkey bars so we followed him and i took the ball along. then i realised the monkey bar was designed with circles as rungs so we started dunking on the bars. slam dunking. dam fun. we did alley oop dunks and all. then kwok cheng dunk so hard that when he let go the whole bar vibrate. lol. it was dam fun=D

Kicked 1.14 out of the field today to play with 2.11 ownage. finally gt revenge against those idiots 1.14 noobs. 2.11 totally swarmed us. it was almost their whole class vs, me, jian, josh, sheener, andre, ben tay, inaba, richard and nick soh. i tink we drew. lol. today no barrel chen so cannot 4 vs 16 sec 1s like thursday=P he nd yh went camp feast. sad case. rain so heavily in the morning. i dun think they will get to do much so it will suck. sad cases. terrence was retarded during lsci then lol showed how inflexible she was during PC. we were making jokes abt her during lsci:
(Caution: sick jokes below)
*Some blind, spastic guy decides to do SOMETHING to LOL*
"you stop that! you stop that!"

LOL hires a gigolo to service her. she starts ticking her checklist...

"condoms, check. vampire blood, check. flexible curve. check."

a lot of others but forgot liao. then we were playing around with urban dictionary and all the names come out dam funny.

Sebastian-blowjob under the table
sarah gave me a sebastian when we met her parents at a restaurant

Dean-a big dick LOL! how ironic is tht. urban dictionary is dam retarded!

after sch went to play soccer a while with some ruggers then went to eat and "study" at pool cafe. went out to slack with ben tay lots of times, to do pull ups and stuff. then went to play basketball with some sec 4s. fun=D haven played basketball 4 dam long. gt some pics but lazy to upload=P another time maybe0.o

I think lol is a hermaphrodite....

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 3:58 AM

Thursday, September 11, 2008

150th post!!
some ppl have found my "gokul is black" group on facebook 'racist'. jus how is that racist? i dint put bangla or any racial slurs, i dint say indians suck or anything. loosen up dudes. take it so seriously for wad. it jus for fun. but if u want a real debate, here's this:
in the first place the only reason everyone and esp myself is always saying racist stuff to gokul and the rest of u guys is because gokul keeps saying racist shit to US. He calls us n*****, black chinese and lots of other crap. and u guys feel THAT is funny. im jus doing the same thing jus that because im a CHINESE u guys think im racist. like wtp man. what is a racist? a racist is a person that discriminates against other races. do i do tht? i jus playfully poke fun at u guys or call ur names. u call me tumour too. but do i not talk to u or act buay song in front of u? i still hang out with u guys right? im nt being racist, its just for laughs. i hv nothing against indians. i dun insult anand or suren or anything lik tht cos they dun say nothing racist. so b4 u go around calling me f***** or and ass, think abt it. its totally LOL loosen up man. im not pissed with ur, i jus find it a bit....off....relax lah.

todae pe was retarded, recess played soccer, 4 vs 16 sec ones and we still won. they played dam rough lah. and gt some rugger idiots think they dam big when they SUCK. on eguy tried to charge me down then in the end he gt knocked down and was lik," ow...ow....pain!" lmao. joke. so fat somemore. then we gt pumped 50 by audrey tay for coming to class late. dunno why i cramped at 40. i did 50 b4 so...weird. art was fun cos gt to use paint and rollers so i went around painting retarded crap like the cumming of the dark sun, dean sux and some other crap. LOL. dint need to do history debates today=) nxt wk. haha. more time to prepare. from the other debate gt a lot of possible rebuttals but thanks to my sheer prowess, they should be handled easilyXD rest of the day was a bore, played cyberac with the 2.10 gang and isaac, theo and ben tay(2.11) haha, gt my revenge against joel for killing me so much the last time=P some soccer which was.....then home.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 4:14 AM

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

today was dam retarded, haha. recess was 5 of us + theo vs the rest of 2.11. insane. only survived cos got daryl defending and i was playingXD lol. dint really keep score cos we were having lots of fun. i only remember scoring one, but i was meaning to cross and it tyco went in=P great match, haven had such a good one for a long time so i was quite happy=) EP fair was total ownage. dam fun. yh and frederick paid me 10 bizbucks to be the human target for the rubber band gun. LOL. leon's group paid lik 60 over bizbucks jus to shoot me point blank like 20 times...ow. at first not pain then after kenna shot a lot of time freaking pain cos its 1 shot after the other. longest was 13 shots at one time. LOL my chest was all red lah. then went to slack and played hand ping pong with 2.11. dam retarded. me and kannan were unbeaten=P haha. dam retarded. he kept stealing my shots. but still fun=) zzh was dam retarded, he play dam funny.

ponned 20 mins of maths, amazingly inaba oso ponned. he say he dun feel like doing maths. lol. LOL is dam stupid. waste so much time on pythagoras when its how easy. A^ + B^ = C^ she shld hv started on trigo first since its the harder topic to give us more time to revise b4 exams. she mus follow the syllabus so zhun. retard. if u ask her to do chapter 7, shes the type of person that will go thru 123456 first. unflexible crap. piss me off with everything she do. i was jus doing my own maths tution stuff throughout her lesson. im so nerd=P then show some waste time 20 mins video on trigo. they said sumthing bout the greeks then i fell asleep alr. even kenneth slept. after sch wanted to eat but couldnt find anyone to eat with so jus went to the field to try my luck. got lucky and played with 1.3 match. dam fun soloing thru all of them. i know i bullyXD no one else to play with mah. i had to reward myself for being a nerd=P then play finish then 2.11 came. played with them a while then went home. i injured my wrist and hands doing pullups in class. jus a minor sprain but cant do pull ups for a few days=( gotta do iso poster now and study.....

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 3:41 AM

Monday, September 8, 2008

2day was normal day, dint get scolded by any teachers=D dint really listen in class tho=( not keeping up to a nerd standard. i have to start sleeping earlier. talked to beef last night when he jus landed in HK. he was watching cable and they have adult channels over there 0.o but beef is a good boy so he dint go and watch. haha. i can do 9 pull ups at the door so i guess i can do 10 on the bar(hopefully maybe even 11) haha ppl mus think i no life, go do pull ups in classXD lol. fun wad=D recess played a retarded 4 vs 4 with 2.1. we had 5 if u counted richard but, please. who does? 1.14 is a class full of )(*&$#@!@#%$^&*()__)(*&^%$#@!#@%$^&*()_! first they dun let us play-thts okay. they are sec 1s after all. but they were dam ass in doing it. i said, "umm, excuse me, can we play?" they say no, get lost. go away. go play there. so i jus left. then there was a spare ball they werent using in the net. so i went back to ask them. i ask then the bloody short fart who owns the ball say. NO. CANNOT. no cannot.idiot. borrow ball only oso cannot. basket. if their teacher not there i might have beaten him up and take their ball and pump into the roof. freaking pissing. borrow spare ball. but anyways i was no shaun khoo so i jus walked away. i dint even shout at them or anything. im so niceXD then after sch gt to go get scolded by keith tan cos only 4 ppl went for safra last last friday. lol. then john tan was sitting with his legs open cos hes so fat then we could see a dam big bulge in between his legs. dam sick!! we were all laughing like siao. it wasnt a crease we could see a curved bulge! lol dam funny. took bus home with sheen. came home quite early. gotta study. hv to do iso report too=(

Quiz time!!!
Ripped off jon wong=P
(i did it yesterday)

01. What have you been doing recently?
ummm....lazy to type. jus read the last few posts lah. skip friday's cos it has nothing to do with wad i did recently. only look there if u are interested in the research of idiots.

02. Do you ever turn you cell phone off?
no. i use it until it turns off on its own. THEN i charge it.

03. What happened at 10.00am today?
DG@church. Discipleship group.

04. When did you last cry?
ok....someone/many guys is/are going to call me retarded for this but it is true and there's nothing wrong with it. when someone told me online they screwed the inter class form when i wasnt at sch. fine call me whatever u want. i dun really care. it was just as impt to me as ur running or swimming or wdv.

05. Believe in fate/destiny?
u choose ur destiny. god gives u the choice.

06. What do you want in your life right now?
er....i want to be able to focus on EOYs and other stuff.

07. Do you carry an umbrella when it rains, or just put up your hood?
hood? umbrella.

08. What's your favourite thing to have on your bed?
(feel free to input ideas and suggestions)

09. What bottom are you wearing now?
im not really sure......haha, jk, some pants=P

10. What's the nicest text in your inbox say?
i dun really sms, its really jus filled with stuff like:
'When u want to meet for history?'
'Can u research on the pros and cons of Mao ze dong?'
'What time u finish?'
'This is my new number.'
'You played in sch?'
'CallerAlert. 9******* tried to call you 2 times when you were not reachable. This service is brought....'
stuff like tht. choose which one u think is 'nice'.

11. Do you tend to make a relationship complicated?

12. Are you wearing anything you borrowed from someone?

13. What was the last movie you caught?
cant remember.

14. What are you proud of?
what is there to be proud of? im an average kid and happy tht way=)

15. What does the oldest text message in your inbox say?
one of my ex-fmps pals asking me what we did at fmps during teacher's day.

16. What was the last song you sang out loud?
uhh....i dun like to embarass myself....oh in church of course got sing but dunno the song(s) name(s).

17.Do you have any nicknames?
Okay...jose, josie, tham, oyster(dun ask why, fairfield ancestry), noob, etc......

18. What does your last received text message say?
message from my DG leader. prayers and stuff.

19. What time did you go to bed last night?
i went into my room at 11, slept at 1.

20. Are you currently happy?
yea, quite, considering i've finally got over a lot of stuff and all.

21. Who gives you best advice?
God i guess...i dun really seek advice from others.

22. Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can?
if u let me i would scrap the can=P

23. Who did you talk on phone last night?
No one. same as jon=)

24. Is anything bugging you right now?

25. What/who was the last thing/person to make you laugh?
charlie sheen on two and a half men.

26. Do you wear toe socks?
for what?

27. Who was the last person you missed a call from?
some house number i dun hv.

28. Have you ever had your heartbroken?
how can u break muscle?

29. What annoys you most in a person?
a lot of stuff...but on first impression....posers. i shant point any names but....EDWARD!!!! lol, jk, dun so seriousXD

30. Do you have a crush on anyone?
57kg only, crush who?

31. Have you ever done cocaine?
haven even seen it.

32. What is the colour of your room?
White. soccer posters on the wall.

33. Would you kill someone you hate for a billion dollars?
as i always say, TWO billion THEN we talk.

34. Do you believe in the saying of : "talk is cheap?"
no. talk can do a lot of things.

35. Who was the last person to lie in your bed?

36. Who was the last person to hug you?
dad b4 flying off.

37. Did anyone see the last person you kissed?
ummm...stupid question right? walk on the road of course got ppl see right?

38. Do you have a life?
some say no, i beg to differ. i play soccer and talk in sch, i use the com, read(yes i do read!) and train at home. rather balanced out. i dun touch a ball at home. real or man-made.

39. Have you ever think someone died, when they really didn't die?
the coyote on roadrunner. hey....this question sounds familiar, as do some parts of this quiz...have i done this b4?

40. What is the reason behind your profile song?
don't have one and never will. i find it irritating when im trying to read ppls blog and this uncalled for music tht totally sucks jus comes blasting into my earpiece as im trying to read AND watch two and a half men or 8 simple rules or even south park and family guy.

41. Who was the last person you saw in your dream?
u know that dream where u are in the toilet and start peeing? then u wake to find ur bed wet? nah...cant rememberXD

42. Last time you smiled?
few mins ago

43. Have you changed this year?
yea. everyday. who dosent? vagabonds? poor dudes. on a more serious note, yes. everyone has. some in a bad way, some in a good way

44. What are you listening right now?
helicopter-bloc party

45. Are you talking to someone when you doing this?
no...msn is on but no one to talk to. wanted to tok to matt but hes watching king kong-.-

46. Do you walk with your eyes open or closed?
wad do you think? open lah!

47. Is there a quote you live by?
If homework is work, when do I get paid?

48. Do you want someone you cannot have?
okay. i HAVE done this quiz before. i previous answer was keely hazellXD

49. Have you ever played an instrument?
failed grade 2 piano=P

50. What was the worst idea you've had in this week?

51. What were you doing last night at 11.00pm?
trying to sleep

52. Are you happy with your love life right now?
i have done this quiz.......what a waste of the last 15 or so mins of my life. heck, jus continue. new answers anyway.

53. What song best describe your love life?
Lonely-Akon. haha not that i mind=)

54. Does the person know that you like him/her?
same as jon wong. Hmm.

55. Who always make you laugh?
everyone at some pt in time has made me laugh. even kam. but usually, joshua, keith, meXD

56. Do you speak any other language other than English?
Chinese, french, jap. only two words tho, F*** Y** haha

57. Favourite website(s)?
facebook? youtube? really i dun know

58. What's your middle name?
dun hv one.

59. What are you doing tomorrow?
school and mugging=(

60. What do you think you are like?

61. Who will you choose to die with?
See first. Im still young.

62. Where have you been today?
Church, airport, rail mall, home

63. What game do you play often?

64. Who are you missing right now?
No one in particular.

65. If you have to choose between friend and love, who will you choose?
How would I noe. When it happens then see lor.

66. What are you doing right now?
typing answers for this quiz.

67. Which primary school are you from?

68. Name 3 colours that you like?
Black, white, blue

69. What emotion you like to show?

70. What is your life to you?
Fun=D. But God is more important=)

71. If you have something troubling you, what will you do?
Post it here and feel better=D

72. Who did you last chat in msn today?
Beef ching when he jus signed in at 11 plus

73. Who do you admire most?

74. Which month are you born in?
December baby

75. How are you feeling right now?
Quite cheerful.

76. What is the time now?

77. What kind of person do u think the one who tagged you is?
I ripped this=P

78.What colour did you use to dye hair?
I like black as it is.

79. Why are you doing this test?
For fun. I ripped it!

80. What do you do when you're moody?
Watch two and half men:D

81. At which age you wish to get married?
Mid 20s

82. Who is more important to you? Girlfriend/Boyfriends or friends?
Friends since I dun hv a girlfriend now.

83. If today is the last day of your life, what will YOU DO?
Umm…..go out with friends, play lan, watch movie, arcade, slack arund.

84. Who is the person you trust the most?

85. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after a rain?
86. If you have a dream come true, what would it be?
To play in anfield with gerrard, torres and carragher.

87. What is your goal for this year?
To, uh, not procrastinate in setting goals to not procrastinate?

88. Do you believe in eternal love?
Duh. Not everyone divorces like Britney spears.

89. What feeling do you love most?

90. Do you really think its Global Warming now?
Global warming is a myth! Further study is needed!

91.What feeling you hate the most?

92. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
Depends on the person.

93. Do you believe in God?

94. Who cares for you most?

95. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?

96. What will you bring when you fight?
Depends on who im fighting.

97. What have you done regretted doing in your whole life?
Joining track in primary school.

98. What would you feel if no one no longer cares for you?
Depends on the person. I dun care if its an idiot.

99. What if your stead two-timed you?
Shes dead. Nah….ill jus break up with her. Sad of course.

100. How do you feel now?

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 2:03 AM

Sunday, September 7, 2008

some retard dosent understand so im nt going to say anything. its retarded to argue over the internet. every sentence i could counter, wads the point of arguing? too easy=P one sentence really made me laugh dam bad. it was really.....haiz. nvm. on to brighter things and brighter ppl=)

its the end of the holidays and i haven seen or touched a soccer ball in over a week. only played today. the days jus flew by and none of this stuff came into my mind. gd. then can focus on exams.=P i've become such a nerd.

today church was fun. Discussed a lot of stuff in DG abt god's existence and creating the world and stuff. matt was giving all his cheem RI analogies and stuff. so yea...had a good talk=) then went to get some stuff to eat then played soccer for like 1/2 hour. i've realised i have had to change my dribbling style a lot for the cdiv. cos _____ dosent like fancy tricks and prefers cutting=( thts why haven been playing well at street soccer court cos u cant cut there. hv to trick arnd. but did lots of tricks today so basically jus had a good time relaxing and laughing at chan wei's retardedness. jus like richard chan lah that guy. dad jus flew off to myanmar with the iphone=( haha actually its quite hard to use, hv to use the buttons on the screen. but there's a direct link to facebook and loads of apps. pros and cons. then in service something dam funny happened. the pastor was praying then suddenly, matthias's brother came in through the middle door and said dam loud, 'where's my brother?' dam funny. i think if matt raised his head his bro would hv come charging towards our seats and continue shouting. luckily some dude got him to go out=P had to leave early to go for lunch b4 my dad's flight.

asafa powell just lost to usain bolt. dam. 9.83 to 9.77. so close. Powell was leading too=( i like both runners, and powell has dam gd sportsmanship. he lost but he still went to celebrate with bolt and hugged him. the Jamaicans have such gd spirit.

EOYS are almost here!
im going to be a nerd, im going to be a nerd, im going to be a nerd, im going to be a nerd, im going to be a nerd, im going to be a nerd, im going to be a nerd!!!!!

Beef's flying off today. good luck in HK man. dun forget us=)

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 12:41 AM

Friday, September 5, 2008

*note: the below is just an expression of my feelings and NOT an attempt to compete with edward's essaysXD*

im pissed at someone.....im pissed at a lot of stuff....i jus realised someone is a real ass.....all this time i dint realise.....im still pissed at interclass...i dun know why....perhaps its because only 3 ppl dint want to play and they screwed the form.....im not flaming anyone, keep this in mind.....im just pissed....and if i dun post this i will spend my days emoing for no reason......im still pissed at inter class....why.......i keep telling myself its not important.....no....it is.....no...its not......whole yr of waiting down the drain.....why.....why........its just a competition right?....no.....its a whole year of anticipation, flushed down the drain.......i seem fine don't i? after all it was weeks ago.....but.....underneath.......im still pissed..........and sad.....i jus dun wan to create unnecessary conflicts in class....esp when we jus gt thru the orienteering crap.......but im still pissed....cant concentrate and do my work....cos im pissed.....cant sleep at night cos im thinking bout it.........thinking abt the guy which i called a gd friend.......jus thinking....jus thinking through the night......some occasional fits of anger where i bang the wall with a hardened fist.....and sometimes when i workout til im half dead just to get the anger out of me.....to prove that i can still own his ass........even when im not there...........even without what i need....i can still pwn him....that will jus.....satisfy me.....prove to him....that hes a loser....prove to him.....that he cant do it.....if tht happens.....i will be happy.....

almost end of holiday's haven played soccer in a week.....but got a good rest and managed to catch up with subjects a wee bit.=) apologies for the above emoness but not to worry, the cheerful me is back. i felt so much better after typing tat out.=)

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 10:18 PM

Thursday, September 4, 2008

my dad jus bought an i phone for.....my mum. -.- she cant even use a touchpad!!!! my phone jus nice have to go for repair but i dint get it!!!! some more only cost 49 bucks cos my dad has some discount from his phone plan......at least i got to touch it......haha nvm lah. i phone only. big deal. im using my old phone now cos my 5700 gt some retarded virus that makes it keep backspacing so i cant type anything and there's this irritating beeping sound 24/7. today studied a bit.....i finally figured out electricity! haha. dun need to study for chinese!!! ownage! im catching up with my maths and lsci is quite easy. mwahahaha. dunno whether tomorrow will have going away party for beef, no one organising....i lazy canXD. sean suggested it to me but still haven do anything-.- poor beef might jsut have to leave singapore without one....but he wun care. hes a tough one. haha. everyone blog is like dead during the hols lah...all the nerds busy muggingXD

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 3:10 AM

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

beef going to hong kong on sat. sad. when i go back to school on monday, the class will feel so empty, physically and spiritually. haha. we will miss you beef, now me and joshua will be free to rampage inaba with our jap remarks without having to face you. gone will be the days where we saw joshua screaming and sprinting away from a rolling mass. haha. and i just realised two and a half men is on every sat at 7pm!!! ownage. cos i watch finish all the season 1 and 2 and most of season 4 and 5. luckily they broadcasting season 3. mwahahaha. maybe another day i will post my movie reviews like chens. now no time. haha. my studying attempts have been intercepted by comic books and sleep. tv has also been a factor. i must persevere!!!! my grandfather jus called my bro an asshole. LOL!!!!

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 4:26 AM

Monday, September 1, 2008

haven posted in days....lazy. sunday in church slacked on my own till 12.30 cos everyone went home-.- dinner went for buffet dinner and stuffed myself so i gained 2 kg. haha. i've been tryin to study but...... anyway quaresma went to inter milan, crap. under jose mourinho. at least he went to a better club now. robinho went to man city! wah lao! man city owned chelsea man! robinho so pro go man city for wad. he siao liao alr lah. gotta study psci, gotta study psci......

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 7:59 PM