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Player Profile

Name: Josiah AKA Jose
{Birthday} 8 December 1994
{Hotmail} liverpool_diehardfan@hotmail.com
{hatez} Arrogance/action shits/posers/bandung/teachers that piss the hell out of me
{others...}CCA: Soccer, NCC(land)Part C Staff sergeant/PTI instructor
Quote(s) of the week:"nothing"

Dream Signings

For Liverpool to win the Premiership
To sprint faster
run 2.4 in 10 mins
be able to do at least 15 pull ups by end of the year
Not to be scared of challenges
Improve my overall technical skills
learn new dribbling tricks(i've been stuck at the same stage for half a year!)
play in first team more often
To not be recognized only by my shooting
get 38 pts for final year exam
get into inter class semi final
grow in God

Free Counter
Free Counter

Player Loves

Sports! (soccer esp!) Facebook
Listening to music
Chilling with friends
anything gun related
Playing Examples

Steven Gerrard
Jamie Carragher
Fernanado Torres
Dwight Howard
Dwyane Wade
Andres d'alessandro


Daryl Chen-BCC Future NCC Air USM | Issac Neo | Jem Ong-Future NCC RSM/ASM | Yen Hang-weightlifting addict | Jian Jie-tracker | Rishi-Make everybody kenna pumping | Dave | Jon-Waterpolo keep | Nikhel-Niks | Alex | Shadi-real long legs | My Church's Blog | Sheng Yuan-band turned canoeist | Noel | Rohan Shah-Shah of Blah | 2.12 Naphtali Class blog | Nick Soh-Founder of Sohism | Brandon-Muscular Canoer | Shahdan-real long legs | Gokul migrated to Qatar...and back | Wee Shuen-ex tution buddy | Geng Jie-Another muscular canoer | Tyrone-guai lo | Eduardo da silva...my ass | Rui Jun | Ryan Ong-C div star striker lol | Grace-loudhailer | Abigail-Another loudhailer | Jon Wong-ANOTHER muscular canoer...haha | Asyraf the Mat | Constance | Lionel-thbuffedboy | Jon Goh-Soccer teamate! | Daryl Er best keeper and striker! | Deon | Joseph-retarded scholar :P | William-KAKA |

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Designed by shinigami_ojou
Monday, October 27, 2008

WHAT DID I TELL YOU? LIVERPOOL WON! just as i had predicted. hahaha. watched the match at SK's house and i must say, LIVERPOOL OWNED. carragher was such a rock in defence. such a good player and england just let him go. keane was largely disappointing tho. riera had a good first half doing many dribbles but seemed tired b4 being subbed off. aurelio and arbeloa did a great job of neutralising malouda and kalou while riera and kuyt worked their socks off to keep cole and bosingwa the ugly monobrow at bay. after the match went to zhenghua cc at 12 to play soccer but the court was locked so jus went back and bought drinks. on the way back stumbled upon a big void deck space the size of a street soccer court and played a retarded game of soccer for half an hour. then went back for a shower and DUEL MASTERS. sk's decks are retarded. they are the only late game decks i have ever seen. impossible to play with my early game deck. he has 15 destroying spells.wtp man. then played halo and winning eleven til sk's father slept then watched alvin and the chipmunks. it was dam boring. eventually slept at 5.

woke up at 8 and since the rest were still out cold, played psp on my own til they awakened. koo's mother made us go fetch her part time maid from the mrt station midway thru our halo game which was pissing cos we had to walk. after waiting for the stupid maid for 15 mins, me and joash decided to go to the cc to book the court first while the other 2 stayed and waited. in the end there was no one in the office cos of the public holiday so we went back and couldnt find them. we searched for 1/2 an hour b4 i managed joash to go back cos we dint want to face sk's naggy mother. in the end they were alr at home and even at breakfast liao. wtp. the maid made her way there on her own and was NOT wearing what she described to us. wtp. spent the rest of the morning duelling and playing xbox. went to the cc at 1 to play soccer a while then ate lunch and went to bpp cos SK claimed that there was bowling and lan shops there. in the end, NO LAN SHOPS. and the bowling alley had been converted to a harvey norman outlet. so had to take bus to bukit timah shopping centre. when we reached there, we found the place too gloomy so we walked to bukit timah plaza and played lan for 2 hours. mwahahahaha. today is the last episode of the 9 o'clock show! need to watch now!

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 5:15 AM

Sunday, October 26, 2008

i bet liverpool will own chelsea tonight! cos i jus thrashed chelsea 5-2 in football manager! tho the only current liverpool players who scored where babel and torres, it is a good omen all the same! todae was interesting. i gt to church early so played some DM. today was prayer station so dint hv DG. after that helped with AV for service! please do not be mistaken. i was just controlling slides. haha the slides were dam suck today lol. its harder than it looks okay. somemore the worship team skipped songs and repeated stuff that werent supposed to be repeated. luckily the pastor was more meticulous and provided me with a printed version of his slides with numbers and his sermon grouped by the slides. still, i made mistakes. maybe after they train me for sound control i can join MR! hahaha. no way hose.

on to my student dedications:

Jevon AKA dickhead
constantly showing off his abs in class despite having the same arm strength as a p6 rugger. the retard in our class and always available whenever a pubic joke surfaces. eg:

why is jevon's hair curly?
because pubic hair curly mah!

ok that was sick. hahaha. lot's more but let's not dirty my blog shall we? tho pissing at times/all the time, hes a reliable friend when needed and always entertains with his retarded antics. had fun chasing him when i was dam pissed off to catching him and having cooled down to beating him up in class with inaba cheering me on. too bad ah liang's with me next year, sucker!

always asleep in class, whether its interesting or not. free periods are not spared. one might believe he is the real drug addict and not sheener. always has his phone on the ready and uses it repeatedly in school for questionable functions. tho always forgetful and unreliable, a good friend to talk to.

Yi sheen AKA drug addict AKA Sheener AKA sheen AKA the weakest rugger AKA the friendliest rugger
As his nicknames suggest, the friendly rugger! a prolific DM player who never fails to piss ppl off with his deadly fighter braid claws. despite his hunchback, a speedy runner who always makes sure i know it. quite most of the time but cracks us up when he speaks. cute and retarded, he is famous for his shuffling feet walk.

Joshua Foo AKA Josh AKA Joshy wa wa
Despite having violent fits at times, a good friend who called me up when i was sick. crazy about soccer despite his rugger background, works relentlessly to learn new tricks. hard work has clearly been rewarded thru improved recess turnouts. detests swarming and rightfully so.

Ah Liang
cute and quiet. not much to say for this little waterpolo avid creature who enjoys the occasional poke at porky's well covered exterior. me and him are going to be gay buddies next year!

cute and squishy, a good friend except when i paedo himXD fun to duel against and posesses great strength for his size and remarkable fighting skills despite not learning any form of martial arts. "plays" soccer regularly with us during recess and never fails to provide laughter when he makes digs at anyone who calls him cute. witty and adorable despite being a little too matured physically. in the next class from me next year and hope to maintain good relations!

Jon AKA jon jon AKA Jon Mon AKA indian
A great friend who is fun to talk to. has bent the rules recently by communicating secretly with his other half despite being a law enforcer in our educational premises. tsk tsk. incredibly tanned and thus his racial nickname. almost up to his level in arm wrestling and hope to beat him nxt year! haha. had fun rating ppl during class time and chatting about random stuff. despite him going to a far far away class for next year, hope we can remain ownage friends! (im really going to own u next year!=P)

Jeremy Ong AKA Jem AKA Jem ONK AKA the stinko AKA smelly
A great friend who has affectionate feelings for terrence ng. tho one may not always be able to stand his "aura" a reliable friend who loves god deeply and a strict rule enforcer unlike jon who had recently succumbed to the dark side. Commands a high post in MR and good at most of his studies. Drills addict which i find wierd yet.....interesting. Always at loggerheads with mr dave tay over sensitive issues. all the best in year 3!

daryl chen AKA chen AKA barrel chen AKA BUTTON
soccer teammate who sometimes tackles too hard for his own good. imba soccer pro. a clear lover of pets since a dog named theo regularly follows him around. toepoke master and a lover of chair beds. i myself am a avid fan of table ones. computer program whiz and smart but slack. remarkably slack. like myself. always seems to be tired and should take better care of himself.

Jian Jie AKA jian AKA flowers AKA Leon AKA JJ Let
church brother who always loves to dramatise his true feelings. field burner and his main reason why the astro turf needs frequent maintainance. great curler of the ball and good friend, when hes not lying.

thats all i believe, maybe a few more when inspiration surrounds me. im a slow typer see. going to SK's hse for sleepover. and watch liverpool game. woo hoo!

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 2:19 AM

Saturday, October 25, 2008

today went back to sch for psci remedial. reached sch at 8.30 cos i tot it started at 9 but it started at 10. -.- anyways spent half an hour taking off my bandage and sticking on a new one to my latest astro burn. wondering why i took so long? cos my astro burn is made up of 2 parts, one is raw flesh, the other not so bad so alr formed a scab. unfortunately a very thin scab. because when i tried to take off the bandage, i realised the pus from the raw part leaked down to the scab part causing it to STICK to the gauze. thus if i wanted to remove the thing i would have to TEAR the scab out. pissing. now it hurts more since there are 2 parts to hurt. anway elroyder soon came and we ate breakfast and talked cock together. decided to go retrieve my phone from keith tan at 9 but due to the pissing new fingerprint lock system the extra senior admin have installed to ALL the staffrooms, i was unable to get to him. he wasnt even in sch anyways. went back down and met terrence at the drink stall. unfortunately/fortunately for 3.8, he will not be their CT nxt yr and is now 3.11's CT. he laughed at me when i said i had to go for psci remedial. lol. and he was wearing a new cologne. interesting. to impress keith tan i guess. he volunteered to help me get my phone from keith tan's table. in the end he made me chase him across 3 levels to get my phone back from him. he runs dam funny. lol. terrence is so retarded.

next went for psci remedial where mr liang was dam retarded in a gd way. he dint even use worksheets but just tested us. he made us do a 'play' to balance a chemical equations. lol. jun han my future classmate was there too. mr liang is cool. haha. ironic. after tht met jon wong in the SAC and ate with him. he informed me that jem was flirting with undesirable RGS girls during MR camp. thus we went over to disturb him over his alleged affairs with those creatures. then 'helped' jem with his MR games b4 going to play a short game of soccer with the band ppl. been playing loads of FM recently. hahaha. now for my dedications to teachers that hv made an impact in my/2.12's lives during the year of 2008.

tho she might give a hilarious amount of HW(which i never fail to NOT do) and constantly threatens us with minusing exam marks and meeting dr ong, even a blind person could see that she is extremely dedicated to her job. she never fails to keep track of our hw and makes sure most ppl finish what they owe. (except me cos too much liao) she rewards our dilligence with sweets and makes lessons interesting by poking fun at cow. thank you for the hard work u hv put in.

gavin ang
a comical and hilarious teacher who never fails to get a smile on our faces and gets us scrambling to complete hw assignments. (my trick is to get kenneth to email me and change the background and font) we always eagerly look forward to his lessons where we can debate and express our views openly. a fun and exciting teacher who always has an interesting lesson prepared for us. thank you for ur fun lessons and we hope to see u nxt year!

Dave tay
A eccentric yet fun and imba teacher who always cracks us up with his eccentric mannerisms. a great lang arts teacher who went the extra mile to help us with our lang arts B. also provided many tips and effectively taught us how to assemble our commentaries. a fantastic teacher who is a joy to be taught by. unfortunately he will not be teaching year 3 but will be with us all the same!

Jacqueline Yeow
though her lessons may sometimes be dry, she allows us to debate about world issues and geography related topics making lessons interesting for the talkative me. always has a smile on her face and a pleasant teacher. very nice and caring to her students. even came by to wish us goodbye on the last day of sch and mentioned we were a joy to teach, making LOL feel inadequate. unfortunately sometimes taken advantage of by our rowdy class.

terrence ng
gay and retarded violent teacher who enjoys swiping at ppl within his reach. i tot ostriches were cowards! retarded at times but also goes into violent fits where he flings our books across class. had fun enquiring abt his mum and questioning his relationship with keith tan throughout the year. since im not taking bio, BYE LARRRR

ok, thts all for today, students another time! time to own sevilla in FM. still having an injury crisis.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 1:58 AM

Friday, October 24, 2008

wa, last night slept at 2, today woke up at 2. 12 hours of sleep sweet. hey, that makes 2.12! hahaha. its a fullstop btw guys. 2mrw got psci remedial hv to go soccer late. argh. on the bright side, that means i miss all the quick feet drills=) i always screw those up=[ forgot to mention in my post yesterday since i typed it on wednesday, keith came back for another visit! he gave me a green eyeball gummy sweet. haha. life in HK sounds so relaxed, he claims he has never had a full wk of sch because of typhoons. lol. and he has loads of retarded racist and confucious jokes. too bad hes goin back on sunday since i dint spend much time with him thanks to the stupid challenge quest. i rather holidays dint begin so fast tho, then hv more time to spend with friends slacking in class. also dun need to rush so much for the results and stuff. haiz, having an injury crisis on football manager now. crouch, torres, arshavin, gerrard, finnan and rocchi injured. somemore its champions league so mathieu, zapater, meira, aurelio and arshavin are cup tied leaving me having to select youth players for subs. away from the computer though, my latest astro burn is worse than the last because its right at the base of my knee cap so it will take dam long to recover as it is at a moving joint. my previous one was higher up to the side so not so bad. and this one is dam pain, yesterday i use alcohol swab and lightly swipe the not so bad part, SEARING PAIN. i threw the swab across the room. speaking of my injury, i have to clean it now, its oozing pus again. tata!

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 8:10 AM

Thursday, October 23, 2008

sorry for not posting regularly recently, been slacking on com playing football manager and watching beach ball babes on youtube. hahaha. so today was the last day we spent as a class. to think the year passed so quickly, feels like we started sch a week ago. im in 3.18 nxt yr! too bad andre, sean and jon wonk are in 3.17. only me and ah liang in 3.18 from 2.12. at least lim is my class. everyone is split up, its dam sad. but i hv a dam ownage class, 3.18 sounds so cool eh. lol. going to taiwan for OEP! hahaha. ownage. everyone wanted to go taiwan. hope i have a good class tho no one from IP seems to be in it. lol. tagged by asyraf to do a quiz so here goes!

1) The person who tagged you is?

Asyraf the mutt

2) Your relationship with him/her is?

friend and soccer teammate. retarded most of the timeXD

3) Your 5 impressions of him/her?

retarded, mutt, spastic, autistic and funny. lol.

4) The most memorable thing he/she has done for you?

passed me the ball during a match. lol jk, nt sure.

5) The most memorable thing he/she has said to you?

"I'm not rough, im Asyraf."

6) If he/she becomes your lover, you will?

destroy the world!

7) If he/she becomes your lover, the thing he/she has to improve on will be?


8. If he/she becomes your enemy, you will?

dunno. tao him? wont happen anyways.

9)There is no spoon question.

10) What you want to tell him/her now is?

Sup mutt!

11) Your overall impression of him/her is?

gd fren.

12) How do you think people around you feel about you?

ask them lah.

13) The characteristics you love of yourself are?

funny and retarded.

14) On the contrary, characteristics you hate of yourself are?

hot tempered, sometimes too insulting.

15) The most ideal person you want to be is?

steven gerrard! haha, nah, im fine this way.

16) For people that care and like you, say something to them.


17) Pass this quiz to 10 people that you wish to know how they feel about you (some might hv been tagged by asyraf alr)
1. Jem ong
2. Jon wonk
3. daryl
4. jian
5. yh
6. ryan ong
7. edward
8. jon
9. rishi
10. Isaac Neo

18) Who is No. 6 having a relationship with? (ryan ong)

how would i noe. he said he jus broke up with his gf anyways.

19) Is No. 9 a male or female? (rishi)

Ummm.........haha male of course!

20) If No. 7 and No. 10 are together, will it be a good thing? (ed and isaac)

unless u find gays a gd thing.

21) What is No. 2 studying? (jon wonk)

acs lah. in 3.17 nxt yr.

22) When was the last time you had a chat with No. 3? (daryl)

today at sch

23) What kind of music band does No. 8 like? (jon)


24) Does No. 1 have any siblings? (jem ong)

1 younger bro who is dam retarded.

25) Will you woo No. 3? (daryl)


26) How about No. 7? (edward)


27) Is No. 4 single? (Jian)

I think so.

28) What is the surname of No. 5? (yh)

goh yen hang, go!

29) What is the hobby of No. 10? (Isaac)

soccer and dota

30) Do No. 5 and No. 9 get along well? (rishi and yh)


31) Where is No. 2 studying at? (jon wonk)

Anglo-Chinese School (Independent)

32) Say something about No. 1 (jem)

drills fanatic.

33) Have you tried developing feelings for No. 8? (jon)

Hell no.

34) Where does No. 9 live? (rishi)

Sri Lanka! s'pore lah....

35) What colour does No. 4 like? (jian)


36) Are No. 1 and No. 5 best friends? (Jem and yh)

hell no.

37) Does No. 1 have any pets? (jem)

does his piano count?

38) Is No. 7 the sexiest person in the world? (edward)


39) What is No. 10 doing now? (isaac)

how would i noe?

today stupid challenge quest waste my whole day, dint get to see my new class and hang out with the current one. but the most ownage thing is colin is my class=D lol. jian class gt saileesh, jon ong and anand. maybe they will be the imba class nxt yr. still hope he succeds in his appeal tho. i got another astro burn on my left knee again. irritating. anyway holidays hv started! hv fun! =D

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 7:19 AM

Sunday, October 19, 2008

tagged by jem for a quiz....so here it is. cant change the font. crap.
RULE #1 People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.
RULE #2 Tag 5 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by continue this game by sending it to other people.

1. Do you have secrets?
duh, i like eating at SECRET recipe. geddit? 
3rd darkest secret - Only some ppl know.

2nd darkest secret - only 2 ppl know.

Darkest secret - Nobody knows and nobody ought to know. (same as jem)

2. Favourite sports?
soccer, captain's ball, basketball

3. Do you enjoy going to school?
yep. not for the learning of course.

4. What would you do with a billion dollars?
invest 1/4, donate 1/8 to various charities, give 1/8 to my parents, spend 1/16 to tour anfield and watch a few home games for champions league and epl LIVE FRONT ROW TICKETS and then im off to get autographs from every single one of them including jack hobbs and nabi el zhar. spend 3/16 on my uni degrees. the last 1/4 to keep for a rainy day. (a rainy day includes a raining day when i need a car to get around right?)

5. Will you fall in love with your best friend?
No thanks, im straight. the best to him and richard chan tho.

6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
depends. ones sided love? nah.

7. List out your 5 favourite bands/singers:
RJA, yellowcard, Jason Mraz, rihanna, jonas  brothers. how bout, FTP!!!!!!

8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
SHOOT THE MAN, R*** MY..........
lol, not her fault she dun noe wad. its SECRET love. thts why i eat at SECRET recipe.

9. Is there anything that has made you extremely happy?
umm......i guess if im in a class i like for nxt yr. hopefully with eric bea cos its getting  boring with dean. hey eric! BEAt it!

10. What makes you angry?

11. How would you see yourself in 10 years time?
14 + 10 = 24.
the same slacker i am now. 

12. Do you hate people that bully your friends or loved ones?

13. What is the most important thing in life?

14. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
married but poor. the more the merrier. single and rich only got jeeves.

15. What is your favourite colour?
black i guess. 

16. Would you give all in a relationship?

17. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
monday, wed, fri one. tues, thurs, sat one. sunday rest day. no lah. just choose which one i can get along with more lah. like choosing mana for duel masters lik tht wad. haha wad a geek eh.

18. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing the someone has done?
unless george bush kisses osama, probably not.

19. What do you want to tell the someone you like?
hey! i love ur mum. ur mum owns stacy's mum. 

20. Tag people (im only tagging those tht bother to do)
1. daryl
2. edward
3. jon WONK.
4. rishi if he sees this.
5. ryan ong retarded sec 1

today church stupid san fracis guy go chase us out. must complain to lenie cho. they got some new indian security guard come extra and call him. last time the chinese slacker also never. now u noe why ppl are racist. haha. playing fm 08 like mad. and DM too. gonna own sheener tomorrow or die trying! (im probably gonna die)

finally hit sweet 300 on facebook. mwhahahaha

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 7:00 AM

Saturday, October 18, 2008

haven posted in a week.....too busy slacking and playing com xD anyway we gt our results back and stuff. i only took 4 exams and 2 gt grade 7 and 2  failed. imba. im still pursuing physics chem even tho i failed physical science. stupid paper so tricky. dint go for soccer training today cos woke up late. damn. somemore i missed training on tues and nxt wk hv to pon cos of stupid challenge quest. ____ has been really bias against me recently. or maybe im jus too sensitive to whatever he does. thurs training we were having passing and trapping practice, then i made a bad trap. he jus said trap better and walked off. then suren makes a bad trap too. he takes suren one side and demonstrates for him for 5 mins. suren was next to me. dam nice. and bryan chong, can u seriously f**** off.. not like u are the best kicker in the world right, whole day only know how to ram. 1m from goal oso ram. score nice goal start boasting about it like u scored against petr cech. retard. we werent even playing match, just taking shots only. act like u are some free kick specialist. can kick then can kick lah. must make sure the whole world knows is it. get the ball only know how to ram. asshole.  

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 12:18 AM

Saturday, October 11, 2008

so i didn't play soccer until i dropped. still played for dam long. so there. lols. anyway went to eat breakfast with my parents on friday morning then my dad dropped me off at school to take ball. (btw, its titus's ball=P) then went to the field to kick around and they were swarms of p6 kids playing soccer and frisbee cos acs pri and junior students came to tour the sch. and i spotted a future ge liang! (and me xD)lol. there was this indian dude play soccer dam fancy. he did a rabona. lol. not bad for his age, even tho it dint leave the ground, quite fast. then some jealous ppl say he act and all. haha. went for a drink at the sac and saw jem trying to herd his little retards together. lol. and at the drink stall there was this retard, take dam long to order. scene was as follows (B for boy, A for auntie):
B: err....i think i want....this *points at EMPTY bandung container*
A: *looks at container* boy, this one no more. only got fruit punch.
B: err....i think i want....(5 sec later)...i think i want this *takes a ice lemon tea can out of the styrofoam box* tea. no....i think i want.......err i think i want.....i think i want......
A:boy, hurry up and order, ppl waiting!
Me: Auntie, fruit punch.

retard. anyway then went to hang out with jem. wanted to go with them on the tour since i had time to spare but then my fairfield frens called so i walked to fairfield. met up with them and gave them the ball first cos i had to wait for vanzino. he came 20 mins later and i walked with him and another guy to NUS. reach there liao then make team, play match. then stop for break, make new team, play match again. then rest again, go refill water and buy drinks all again, then played 6B against the rest and obviously ownedxD my class leh. lols. then we went to eat at some jap restaurant at 2, came back at 3 and played somemore. haha. then went to field play penalties and free kick with the few that wanted to play. left at 3.30 with petros. took 198 home. woots. what a fun day=D had fun playing with the pri sch dudes again. also very funny cos SK and another guy kept insulting this Indian guy. since there are very few indians in fairfield, they insulted him lik siao. they called him nigger and it was dam funny. seriously. he was laughing at their insults. lols. some excerpts:

SK to vanzino: Vannigger! pass leh! 

D: eh can lend me tissue
V: sry dun hv.
I: go buy from kenneth (the indian) lah, he selling $1 for 3 packets wad.

SK: i dun wan play keeper, ask kenneth play lah, then no one will score cos they cant see him. 

Sk (after kenneth does some good tackles): wah, the nigger dam pro at soccer leh!


saw edward at united sq with his parents but dint bother to say hi, cos after tht hv to say hi to his parents oso, then he oso have to tell his parents who i am blah blah blah. so i saved him and most importantly me the trouble of explaining stuff. thank you, thank you.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 5:12 AM

Thursday, October 9, 2008

today took the liberty of sleeping in....slept til 12.40 then woke up for lunch. after tht read a while then went to mustafa at 2 with my dad cos he had to make visa go india. bought some stuff. bought an adidas street soccer shoe +F5.6 its white and red so can wear to sch. yay! its the same model as my other one but the other one is totally blue. cos 70 bucks. dint want to buy tiempo cos so many ppl in class hv liao. oso bought an adidas shirt and shorts from reebok. wanted to buy a gerrard liverpool shirt but 40 bucks so my dad dint want. =( it was a nice shirt. 2mrw playing soccer at nus with the fairfield peeps. gonna be fun!=) anyway a lot of ppl are sick so get well soon! unlucky get sick after exam. mugging too much arh.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 4:56 AM

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

exams are over!!!! time for my finalc  paper report! lol, i pon the first 4 exams jon tang pon the last 5. haha. he must be working on his 5 year plan. studying for the year 6 paper. rofl. anyway, without further ado, the FINAL paper report!

Test name: Higher Chinese paper 1
studied status: 0%-no one studied. impossible to study. maybe jon tang would have if he came. lol
difficulty: 7/10- this paper was actually quite easy to understand just take very long to write. easy but tedious=)
screwed level: 7/10- i was writing up to the last second, so no time to check. also left one blank and answers were a bit screwed up.
additional comments: okay lah, at least the paper made the time fly by very fast. chinese papers are good cos its perfect timing. not like maths or history. too short and too long. lol.
Previous paper: listening comphre
Next paper: NONE!!!!!!! no more exams!!!!! mwahhhahhaa!

Actually wanted to play soccer for hours after the paper but it was dam hot so no one wanted to. had a good match and my team obviously won. lol, not to be ego, but when im captain (as in choose team) my team usually wins. its not that we are very skilled, its jus that i choose based on what i need for my team to function well. the other team dint choose any defenders but richard and sheen so they suffered. my team had sean and hasif on the wings, two crossers can run up and down which kept jian and josh at bay while me and jevon defended centre. quite even. they damn sad, only got sheen and joel and yh trying to defend. had a fun game and my dribbling nt quite back but its returning slowly. yay. played more playmaker today, playing long balls to sean, hasiff and asyraf. josh made a good cross for jian to header in unmarked (i was supposed to mark him=P) and scored a cross cum shot, asyraf's specialty. lol. playing soccer, we shld relax. why so serious scold each other and shout so much? i used to be lik tht until i realised its more fun when u relax and play for fun. we all make mistakes what. we're human. richard jus makes more than others.=P its nt his fault he wasnt born to play right? dun so bad to him lah. he screw up then jus laugh at its comedic side and play on. dun need to shout or anything. chill, and you'll have more fun. when ur angry, u play well also dun feel gd. thts why i've been so relaxed recently, jus say nice try, gd try, instead of wah lao and wtf and you'll feel more relaxed. you'll have a better game to cos u play best when ur relaxed. jus play for fun. no need to be so competitive. its nt inter sch or anything. jus play for fun. that's what the beautiful game was created for. 

anyway we played until like 10.30 lik tht then jus kick around until 11 then went sp eat with josh, hasif, dc and asyraf. went there and talked about premier league and stuff and joked around. cos i said gt nsk next to us (they were new town ppl) then josh say, "thts not nsk. that's jus a bunch of retarded indians." lol. there was also the issue of "fast food". cos we were standing in queue for lik 10 mins then i told hasif, "i thought this was fast food." lol. lame. haha. but still funny. lol. then later we talked about the "slow fast food". haha. then when we left, i said, "i tot we were supposed to clear the plates." haha. then we talked about last nights episode of "the noose" its dam funny. alaric tay is dam retarded. when we reached the othe side bus stop cos we wanted to go back to sch and play a while, i realised i left my water bottle at sp so i had to run back to take. whoops. haha. 

back at sch the field was crowded cos the express dudes jus finish so we jus kick at the goal while josh went to play touch. then went to put the ball back after the rest went home. shit, my rabona a bit screwed up now. nvm, friday when i go nus to play with the fairfield ppl i will wear my street soccer shoes and show the might of my rabona!!! mwahahhaha. 2mrw might me going with jon wong, yh, zzh and eduardo to watch movie. friday gonna play soccer til i drop! mwahhahah. lol.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 11:03 PM

I'M BACK!!!!! After a long hiatus due to illness, im blogging again! paper reports are here. (for those that i took. tee hee.) 
Test name: Higher chinese paper 2
studied status: 10% (i jus memorised the format)
difficulty: 5/10
screwed level: 7/10 its chinese so no matter how easy, im screwed. i wrote my compo like a p4 kid and it was crappy. the best "phrase" was xing gao cai lie-.-
Additional remarks: this was my virgin exam!
Previous test: nil. virgin exam!
next test: History

test name: history
studied status: 75%-i studied smart and chose key points to study, leaving out lky and other         stuff and focusing on merger cos u can choose the question. it worked out for      me!
difficulty: 5/10- hope i can get grade 7!
screwed level: 4/10 - my sbqs werent very gd so may minus 1 or 2 marks there. mcq oso.=(
Additional remarks: after this, only psci to fear! this paper did not live up to its hard billing as mr      gavin ang gave us a lot of answers. tee hee.
Previous paper: chinese paper 2
Next paper: lang arts paper 2 (lang arts b)

test name: lang arts paper 2 (lang arts b)
studied status: 40%- i read thru the summary of important chapters the night before
difficulty: 6/10-hope i can get 20/25!
screwed level: 5/10- i did not give a very good conclusion.=( no time
Additional remarks: this was a rather enjoyable paper! i had fun writing the commentary.
Previous paper: history
Next paper: psci-doom!

test name: psci
studied status: 85%
difficulty: 9/10- i understood everything cos i studied dam hard but i left out some stuff.=( it was     dam hard. dint finish the paper. left some blanks.=(
Screwed level: 8/10- i was quite confident before the paper but now, i think i can only just    pass.=( as long as its gd enuff for me to take physics and chem nxt year.
Additional remarks: though it was hard, i had fun doing the paper! i like physics and chem! funny note: me and ah liang screwed up one chemical formula question cos we were looking for ammonia in the periodic table when its a compound. rofl.
Previous paper: lang arts
Next paper: listening comphre

test name: listening comphre
studied status: 0%- duh, listening comphre! who studies
difficulty: 2/10- listening is so easy
screwed level: 3/10- won't get full marks cos i was just lazing around. tee hee.
additional remarks: a lot of controversy over whether the marks were counted anot. lol.
previous paper: psci
Next paper: chinese paper 1-cant study so yay!!!!!!

no need to study alr! mwahahahaha! but 2mrw got chinese=( have to write a lot cos of comphre and all. haiz. today after we played soccer with the ruggers, richard tried to make me keep the ball. so when he was on the phone i took the chance to kick the ball towards him and run away! mwhahaha. then he saw me in sac so i ran from old side to new side and out to the roundabout with him hot on my tail. i ran round the round about so he gave up chasing, stopped and shouted at me. i ran to the IB block toilet and dried myself then came out and my dad fetched me home. thank u thank u, i noe im a genius. in the end daryl kept the ball, thx bro.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 12:14 AM