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Player Profile

Name: Josiah AKA Jose
{Birthday} 8 December 1994
{Hotmail} liverpool_diehardfan@hotmail.com
{hatez} Arrogance/action shits/posers/bandung/teachers that piss the hell out of me
{others...}CCA: Soccer, NCC(land)Part C Staff sergeant/PTI instructor
Quote(s) of the week:"nothing"

Dream Signings

For Liverpool to win the Premiership
To sprint faster
run 2.4 in 10 mins
be able to do at least 15 pull ups by end of the year
Not to be scared of challenges
Improve my overall technical skills
learn new dribbling tricks(i've been stuck at the same stage for half a year!)
play in first team more often
To not be recognized only by my shooting
get 38 pts for final year exam
get into inter class semi final
grow in God

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Player Loves

Sports! (soccer esp!) Facebook
Listening to music
Chilling with friends
anything gun related
Playing Examples

Steven Gerrard
Jamie Carragher
Fernanado Torres
Dwight Howard
Dwyane Wade
Andres d'alessandro


Daryl Chen-BCC Future NCC Air USM | Issac Neo | Jem Ong-Future NCC RSM/ASM | Yen Hang-weightlifting addict | Jian Jie-tracker | Rishi-Make everybody kenna pumping | Dave | Jon-Waterpolo keep | Nikhel-Niks | Alex | Shadi-real long legs | My Church's Blog | Sheng Yuan-band turned canoeist | Noel | Rohan Shah-Shah of Blah | 2.12 Naphtali Class blog | Nick Soh-Founder of Sohism | Brandon-Muscular Canoer | Shahdan-real long legs | Gokul migrated to Qatar...and back | Wee Shuen-ex tution buddy | Geng Jie-Another muscular canoer | Tyrone-guai lo | Eduardo da silva...my ass | Rui Jun | Ryan Ong-C div star striker lol | Grace-loudhailer | Abigail-Another loudhailer | Jon Wong-ANOTHER muscular canoer...haha | Asyraf the Mat | Constance | Lionel-thbuffedboy | Jon Goh-Soccer teamate! | Daryl Er best keeper and striker! | Deon | Joseph-retarded scholar :P | William-KAKA |

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Saturday, February 28, 2009

the other day we were messing about during pc sticking stuff on each other's backs because we were taping stuff to the notice boards. after tht was history and there was still some tape on my back. we were doing research in our groups and my history teacher came up behind me and helped me peel it off. i turned round and he said in a very soft voice, "you've got something on your back." i guess it was the way he said it, that unusual softness, the look in his eyes. maybe that tape on my back brought back bad memories like how he got bullied and stuff. he dosent really seem very outgoing and ive never ever seen him even talking in a social manner to another human being. he also seems unusually uptight. somemore he educated in britain so any bullying he suffered was probably ten times worse then in singapore. made me ponder, was he one of those who got their heads flushed down the toilet, stuffed in lockers or wedgied every day? or was he an okay, normal guy? what is he really like outside of class? i might never know. 

he helped me throw it away.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 5:15 AM

whoops. been lazy to post recently. so be prepared for a mega post guysX) soccer training on thursday was fun albeit extremely tiring. did a lot of running. a lot as in five sets of 3 lengths of the astro turf distance. AFTER A OVER HOUR LONG MATCH. like total burn man. im really quite pissed with the amount of retarded year fives joining frisbee. like wth man. there's like a hundred of them now and they keep fighting with us for the turf. i can tell u one thing-get the hell out cos we have it til 6. bloody idiots noe, we jus attacking for quite some time so keep staying in one half immediately spam the empty half with their stupid plastic plates. why do so many of them join anyway. despo meet girls ah. friday's ceremony was screwed up. so damn long. in the end i snuck off to the CPA to sit with lim and moghan das. sir dam nice, let me sit there. imagine LOL. "you stop that." LOL. then we were talking about all kinds of stuff like the failure scholar and it drifted to sir telling us about his ns days becos of the army ppl taking prize and how they beat up one idiot for saboing the whole squad lol. hes a millionare now apparently haha. then when beth khng come on stage i said "oh darth vader!" then lim AND sir started laughing like siao. sir said he heard that name since he came to the school. LOL. moghan das is dam cool, i really wish he was my history teacher. my history teacher is okay, but he can be a bit boring and his accent quite pissing. then he was complaining he was hungry and was reading some magazine instead of listening oso lol. he say becos mr peh ask him to read so must listen to teacher. HAHA. after that was ncc again alamak. at least they dismiss us early so went to play street with dc and we played against the acjc ppl tht we played with on my bday! but they dint recognise us of course. "berbatov" was there lol. then went to eat and go basketball court see who there. i was stuck in sch till 6.30 becos i got tution after tht so lazy go home wait in sch for my mumXD saw the vietnamese there so played with them. i really suck at basketball soccer man. tll was dam funny todae, me and elroy were teaching mat fashion to the rest of the class and telling them about the caps and skinny jeans and the mat bags. lol. the teacher really jus started laughing non-stop. anyways i have decided to be a kind soul so i shall stop here and continue tomorrow. byeee

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 4:46 AM

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

well i was feeling bored so i decided to take an iq test since the eesip test is on sat. familarise myself a bit. anyways i got a score of 132. which is above average but just below genius level at 140. boo hoo. weird. i got 132 for this one but another one got 145 with similar questions. hmmmm. the average is....138 =.= stil not genius. hahhaha. thts why i dint get into gep mah. and statistically, that score shld put me into the top 2% of the cohort, if i have been studyingXD dunno whether true, some sch counsellor said so on yahoo answers=P i think the 145 one more accurate lah since it was longerXD lol. came across how to calculate my mental age. here's the formula:

IQ = mental age ÷ physical age x 100
132 ÷ 100 = mental age ÷ 14
1.32 = mental age ÷ 14
1.32 x 14 = mental age
18.48= mental age

thus, i am mentally 18.48 years old. try this out for urself! if ur iq is not too low, ur mental age shld always be higher than ur real one. somehow i have the feeling tht some ppl like yh and daryl are going to laugh at me for getting such a low score lol. 

matthias has an iq of 162 tht idiot. professional one somemore. when he was ELEVEN. hmph.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 7:12 AM

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

i failed physics again. damn lah. 14/35=40/100 shit la why i always fail. i got study leh. proven by my 8/10 mcq score. but i only got 6 marks from the other 2 sections=.= must be my prac skills. and she mark dam strict. but at least i got 87 for IHS! 13/15! moghan das rocks. thts my highest score so far putting my current average at 64. i hope to get another grade 7 in A maths. :D tht will be a record for me, 3 grade 7s! and i hope i did well for the black boy commentary(no racism intended) expecting at least an 18/25 to pull up my 15 for laa. 2mrw is cross and frankly, im nt looking forward to it. im a road marshall so no need to run lah, but its going to be a waste of time. and after tht no one wants to go gym=( looks like i hv to do like 400 pushups alone then. been cracking racist malay jokes recently in chinese to pass the time. too racist so i scared if i post my blog get deleted lol. anyways today's training was slack, just did some agility drills where we owned colins team then play match. two touch only. like wth right. i scored and had two good shots(one hit the bar) but the goal was quite ok lah, jus from dam far out. dipped just under the cross bar. the keeper was sec 2 if not save alr. played ok but dam pissing cos my team a lot of sec 1s so dam sian lah even tho we had both sec 4s. sec 1s cant play to save their lives. they seriously suck. cant kick, cant dribble, cant even pass. me and faraaz were quite pissed but moods were lifted when terry purposely let them score lol. he jus lift up his leg and let the ball roll past. lol. then zorke dam funny, cos he play for us so he anyhow refree lol. we take 3 touch nvm, they jus touch one extra time got free kick got penalty lol. then he anyhow say in tae all handball give us three penalties. haha. after tht was more agility training where we owned colin's team the fake legends=P. after tht a few of us stay back to practise crossing and heading with zorke. dam fun. then zorke was dam pissed with the squash teacher( gilda seah!) cos she confiscate the balls when hit the squash glass. he was like ,"stupid, not like hit you right" he had a dam pissed face lol.  after tht toh and mat had to hide the balls somewhere cos shaun had the key and left without keeping the stuff. =.= lol, cdiv got thrashed 5-0 by queensway

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 4:07 AM

Sunday, February 22, 2009

went for the acs past vs present mini tournament todae. jon ong dam smart, choose all his gang ppl so they hv no defenders. in the end we finished above them and owned them 4-1 tho in their defence, most of them were screwing around. we played 6 matches and won 2, drew 2 and lost 2. first match we lost to barker 2-1 and then nxt we won acjc 1-0! i assisted the goal. after that was OBA red which we lost 3-1 because of a gay ref but at least i scored. there was a foul on me lor. then we drew with oba yellow 1-1 and i scored again=P then nxt match ended goaless against oba orange. oba is old boy's association btw. after tht was the 4-1 thrashing of the first team lol. i scored one which deflected of jon ong but it was still on targer before and the 2nd one i just whacked it from the right flank just under the bar and jon ong who was playing keep(thts what i mean by them screwing around) blocked it but it still went in=D yay! my team was made up of mostly scholars but it was still fun. very hard to play with barker all cos they dam rough dam hard to pass. only play against jon ong's team then can dribble and pass. =PP shld have had another goal tho but dint kick the ball hard enuff=( oh well. 4 goals in 6 matches is not bad for a centre mid^^ :))

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 3:34 AM

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

i got 15/25 for lang arts a! why all my 'pro' subjects screw up one. third last in class. damn la. screwed IHS todae oso. at least will pass cos its impossible to fail as long as follow the format. but i wrote wrong. crap. anyways had a gd day at the gym todae=D more shiok than last week. todae the bicep curl machine was open so that was good. last week dint do much biceps. and i tested my max rep on the leg extension machine which mainly trains the quadriceps and i could do the whole thing! abt 195-200 pounds. yea! somemore i managed 5 reps! so technically its not my max=Phere's a pic of it:

u cant see the weights in this pic but thts basically the machine. cool eh! 200 pounds! yipee! burned out my chest and arms todae but it felt good=D but my hamstrings is really shit. isaac could do heavier than me. retarded right? his max for the leg extension i can do like over 10 times and he owns me in hamstring. lol. jevon jus congratulated me for getting full marks for history lol. i FAILED! LOL. training 2mrw! but gt iso. =((( here's a confucious say to round off the day! see shld have passed lang arts!

Confucious say Man who take sleeping pill and laxative on the same night will wake up in deep shit.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 4:16 AM

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

IM dam pissed with the history teacher!!! he fcking failed me! 9/20! wtf!!!! HISTORY SOMEMORE. HISTORY. HISTORY. JOSIAH THAM FAILED FCKING HISTORY. ironically the rest of my results were rather good. i got 70 for both chinese AND chem! chinese and chem!!!! my c maths was only 82. ah liang is like a hidden talent in maths lah, he got 94! but he got 30 for chem lol.without the stupid history my average so far was 74 but with it, haiz, back in the 60s region. damn lah. fail one subject wun get diploma leh. damn. pissing lah. im going to ask moghan das if he would have failed me. tomorrow is IHS and i dun noe wat to do. crap la, i tot my history essay was quite good. cb history teacher. fake ang moh fuck. im dam pissed. arghhhhh. dint go soccer todae cos dam scared for IHS. dun noe how to do the essay AT ALL. zzzzz. stupid history teacher. screw up my average.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 2:42 AM

Sunday, February 15, 2009

had to go or the ncc war commemoration ceremony today, all becos of inaba's wrongdoings lol. it was quite stupid, jus stand there listen to them talk cock and give wreaths around. went of with sheener to slack at the toilet. had fun playing with the portable toilet flush. quite cool. u press on a button on the floor then detergent comes out. after the cermony went to change at raffles place where i glimpsed for the first time, jem's 'ah beng' clothes. after tht went to eat at burger king and slacked around there and talked cock for abt an hour plus then went to plaza sing, bought tix for red cliff then wandered around the huge place. went macs and sheener suddenly produced a tennis ball lol. played 'pingis' on the table, lol. sheener got ownedXD went up and watched red cliff2 which was okay, but not as much fighting as i would have preffered. no exams 2mrw, mwahahaha. ran into a couple of church ppl at plaza sing=P took mrt home with sheener and i took the wrong train TWICE. i confused my train line with north south line lol. dint study at all todae, zzzzzzz. IHS on wed, wat to do...

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 6:04 AM

Saturday, February 14, 2009

yest ncc was really zzzzz. jus drills and lessons. nt pissing but not exactly fun. a few moves i found stupid like staff said when under fire crouch-run for 4 sec b4 going prone and firing back, but he said always aim in front. wth? what if hes shooting at u from behind or the side? and isnt it common sense to fire back and run instead of jus running? if u fire back he will duck which will give u space and time instead of exposing urself for 4 secs. anyway im bored since jem was too busy to go out todae but hopefully 2mrw can go out after the ncc shit. anyway i would like to wish a very happy birthday to joshua foo tht jokeface retard. lol. tho i only gave u 35 cents, its the thought tht countsXD 

my rabona is getting lousier, need to practice...

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 12:40 AM

Thursday, February 12, 2009

omg zorke is so damn cool! he make fun of peter together with us(peter is codename for u noe who) DAM FUNNY! lol he was dam cool man. today's training was fun. i like how zorke combines fitness and ball skills together in a single drill instead of pure fitness like peter's. first he make us do shuffling then after shuffling mus take the ball and dribble quickly to the end of the field and back. i was one of the fastest with the ball i tink=) then he changed the shuffling and dribbling style for the other drills. it was quite fun tho extremely tiring due to many rapid sprints. after tht we did shooting practice which i dint fair very well in=( only scored a couple. need to season the new boots. my shot lacked power and accuracy. but i scored against zorke when he was keeper lol. then he say, "lucky shot josiah!" lol. then now to the part where he made fun of peter. dam funny. he trying to distract jon ong so he wun shoot properly so when jon ong going to shot he shout,"eh peter calling you!" LOL! tht was dam funny. he succeeded too lol. then after tht we were waiting to change team so we were practicing the "peter call" ur supposed to say something then shout out the last part, peter style. eg:
"I did take a bus down here to LOSE!"

"u guys think u r good with ur kampung soccer. u are fucking WRONG!"

"i only want to train a champion team. we will be CHAMPIONS!" 
then after we said one dam loudly then zorke was at the wing then he look at us and gave us a damn cheeky grin. dam funny. they said he also imitated peter at yest's match lol. zorke is dam cool. physics test was nt tht hard but i screwed up a few questions. zzzzzzz. 2mrw gt chinese sians. since im taking normal now i only hv 15 phrases to learn! ha!

today pc we tried to trick lawrence yong tht there was pc talk:

Me: sir! why u take so long to come! we waiting for u to go pc talk leh! sure kenna scold by gabriel phee alr"
Ly: what pc talk? dun talk rubbish
Jun han: sir u never listen announcement meh? they say every week gt pc talk!"
Me:ya sir!
LY:whatever. where is mr moghan?
Me: he at pc talk waiting for us alr sir! he must be wondering where we are now!"
LY: rubbish!

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 4:03 AM

Saturday, February 7, 2009

well it was good to go to church todae:) haven gone for a few wks courtesy of my brother. anyway there's a chem test 2mrw and im really scared ill fail and get kicked out of IP. physics on thurs oso. argh.....my 2 worst, sry 3 worst subjects cos chinese is on fri!! gimme a break man. zzzz. i oso think my soccer has deproved. i jus cant get past my man as well as before. last time i can dribble past like 4 or 5 b4 getting tackled on average, now less than 3. or i kick the ball too far and cant reach in time. its pissing me off. in training its still ok but during recess all i suck balls. i jus dun noe wad to do alr when i get the ball in front of a defender. my mind goes blank. all my tricks i forget all at once. dun noe wads wrong with me. esp after pe, i cant do any shit. 3 times alr. so far i have nt had a good game after pe. jamin oso can tackle me. i keep hitting the ball too far and getting tackled when trying to dribble. argh......my juggling oso deprove liao. zzzz........pissing me offff. maybe cos i haven been playing regularly in groups. zzzzzz. dunno la. nid to study for the damn test. bbbbbb

im going to be damn random and post how i rate myself according to fm08:P (its upon 20 bt)
 btw u can tag abt those tht u dun agree with to help me improve:)))






First touch-14

Free kicks-17


Long shots-19

Long throws-14

Marking- 12

















Off the ball-15


Teamwork-11 during recess 16 during training

Work rate-12 during recess 16 during training







Natural fitness-14

Pace-16 I know it seems a little high but I do hv some speed, I was in track for a few years(I tink) jian would be 19 and daryl 17 or 18 so I think its fair




You'll Never Walk Alone~** 11:16 PM

Friday, February 6, 2009

haven had a proper post in days due to exams. zzzzz. thurs history hv to write essay then memorise and write 4 exam. i think i did ok, wrote down all my pts. i think its becos i only did it lik 8 hrs ago lol. cmaths was quite easy even tho i reached class at 8.08. managed to finish by 8.40. hahaha. tues soccer was fun=) at first we were playing 3 v 3 across the width of the pitch to practise defense. had to stop the ball on the line to score. scored a wonder goal=) then again it was against easy to dribble past scholars. dribbled past all of them like twice each=P thank you thank you. played match after tht and assisted all the goals=D but besides assists dint play so well cos no space and only 3 touch=( after tht match played against the c div and owned them even if we only scored 2 goals. i assisted one but again dint play very well on the whole thx to lame kai who made me strain my calf. grrrrrr. anyway my boots is finally here! predator powerswerve red and gold! here are some pics:

sexy boots eh

thurs extra ncc trainin was nt bad, quite slack and for once xuan kai was nice. lol. usually hes like world record shouter or sumthin. fri's was nt bad, for the first time in yrs josh and sheener and lionel came in uniform! lol. inaba oso. quite fun lah, dam long never tok to all of  them, esp inaba. its like some 2.12 class reunion lol. usually jus see them in the corridor, for joshua pretend to vomit, for sheener call him weakest rugger lol. i hardly see inaba. hmmm. quite ok, but would hv been better with pt. at least nxt wk got. it was good to mess about with all of them again. too bad jian was sick tho. glynn  tan is quite a gd teacher, or is it becos i dun dare to nt pay attention haha.let us try the face paint and mess about with it. talking with them they still play soccer a lot. my class only me and colin bother.  my class rox, esp the teachers jus tht its dam sian no one to play with. haven played with ge liang at all this yr. my recess only got sec 1s and the sec 3s come late. cant kick sec 1s out oso cos only me and colin. zzzzzz. oh well.   anyway the new rifles are quite nice, jus that a bit heavier.  i feel like going out but jus cos i wan to wear my new hoodies lol. anyway had my first good rest in a few days and i feel great.  and now have to study for nxt weeks test. zzzzzzzzzz. and a post is never a post without a few wise quotes from lawrence yong:

LY:mark, why are u sitting on the floor? got table dun wan to use u wan to sit on the floor? this is not like a vietnam school where they dun have chairs have to sit on the floor! *jokingly*
scholars: boooo!!! *jokingly oso*


congrats to the soccer ppl for the 2-1 win agaist kuo chuan. apparently suria was ther0.o best coach ever.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 9:33 PM

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

quaresma went to chelsea....arghhh. now they might actually be a threat. anyway lets continue celebrating the first double over chelsea in the league in years! go liverpool! going to die for history 2mrw. zzzzzz

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 3:47 AM