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Player Profile

Name: Josiah AKA Jose
{Birthday} 8 December 1994
{Hotmail} liverpool_diehardfan@hotmail.com
{hatez} Arrogance/action shits/posers/bandung/teachers that piss the hell out of me
{others...}CCA: Soccer, NCC(land)Part C Staff sergeant/PTI instructor
Quote(s) of the week:"nothing"

Dream Signings

For Liverpool to win the Premiership
To sprint faster
run 2.4 in 10 mins
be able to do at least 15 pull ups by end of the year
Not to be scared of challenges
Improve my overall technical skills
learn new dribbling tricks(i've been stuck at the same stage for half a year!)
play in first team more often
To not be recognized only by my shooting
get 38 pts for final year exam
get into inter class semi final
grow in God

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Free Counter

Player Loves

Sports! (soccer esp!) Facebook
Listening to music
Chilling with friends
anything gun related
Playing Examples

Steven Gerrard
Jamie Carragher
Fernanado Torres
Dwight Howard
Dwyane Wade
Andres d'alessandro


Daryl Chen-BCC Future NCC Air USM | Issac Neo | Jem Ong-Future NCC RSM/ASM | Yen Hang-weightlifting addict | Jian Jie-tracker | Rishi-Make everybody kenna pumping | Dave | Jon-Waterpolo keep | Nikhel-Niks | Alex | Shadi-real long legs | My Church's Blog | Sheng Yuan-band turned canoeist | Noel | Rohan Shah-Shah of Blah | 2.12 Naphtali Class blog | Nick Soh-Founder of Sohism | Brandon-Muscular Canoer | Shahdan-real long legs | Gokul migrated to Qatar...and back | Wee Shuen-ex tution buddy | Geng Jie-Another muscular canoer | Tyrone-guai lo | Eduardo da silva...my ass | Rui Jun | Ryan Ong-C div star striker lol | Grace-loudhailer | Abigail-Another loudhailer | Jon Wong-ANOTHER muscular canoer...haha | Asyraf the Mat | Constance | Lionel-thbuffedboy | Jon Goh-Soccer teamate! | Daryl Er best keeper and striker! | Deon | Joseph-retarded scholar :P | William-KAKA |

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Designed by shinigami_ojou
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

finally got time to post, but cant b so detailed i guess....

went for the friendly, started! second start only! played centre mid wif colin. played ok, 6.5/7 out of 10. lost 7-0. very big la acjc. dint really screw up seriously, jus one or two misplaced passes and traps. highlight was definitely when their keeper pump then i let the ball bounce cos too far from me. saw my marker chionging at me from the side so flicked the ball over him :D trapped it in front so he couldn't get at it then passed with outside foot to anand on the right:D there was one counter attack i passed a nice left foot pass to jon ong. but need to beef up and be more fierce. was too weak in challenges tho i shielded the ball rather well a few times. let them run past me too easily. tackled a few times jus as they were gonna shoot too. only had one shot, i tink it was our only shot on target. lol thts how bad it was. quite pleased but lots of improvement needed. esp challenges.

after friendly went bak sch wif jon ong, saileesh, terry, suren, dwee and william and intae to bathe. played soccer a while with methodist walk ppl but stopped since in tae pissed them off. there was this sec 1 who was throwing his bottle in the air but couldnt catch it. lmao. first time terry started clapping. second time he threw it up and dropped it again, terry stood up and walk towards him clapping at the same time. dam funny. then he pai sey alr run away.

went holland v to eat then went back home and changed b4 meeting jon sheen and some ruggers at marina sq to watch movie but no slots so went bowling. bowling was dam fun, saw mat and joel and their gang, hasif etc. i got second sians. lost to jon by 5 pts. grrr. andre was third and yisheen 4th. combined ruggers were 5th. they all take turns to bowl lol. then went to eat and walk to esplanade. jon smart went to put the polo tee he was lending me with his trunks so hv to wear my tshirt to the concert. faiz wore berms wtp. lol. taking advantage of his relations with the guards :P the concert was ok, but had a hard time sleeping 4 some reason. after tht went to eat supper at marina sq with jem dc and ivan. bumped into jon ong and his 3.13 gang so went home with them. jon ong was telling them all the retarded things in tae did tht day and the malay guy next to him was smirking also lol.

slept the whole day after church. dam tired sia.

quite ok, after physics remedial went to play soccer with teachers. dun lik playing with them, think they dam pro. preston all thos were ther so tht dint help.

long day, recess at 9. wtp. lucky got free period sia or die liao. slept thru physics. cant take it. training was dam tiring todae cos coach say there were "requirements set by the sch". set by peter more like. we did lots and lots of runs. then play match which was along the width of the field with two small goals cos of lack of space. played dam bad, think i actually played better on sat. couldnt dribble at all and was dam pissed off the whole time. i hate playing those type of games cos cant shoot. and i dun noe why i cant dribble in them. haiz. also found out i dint get the esip scholarship whereas ppl lik MARK YUNG AND BENJAMIN THIO got it. wasting tax payers money funding those two. mark yung is a joke hu tinks hes dam cute and a social outcast. ben thio is another joke who always wants to be alone and is dam antisocial and idiotic. jus idiotic. wads the point of giving him a scholarship just for him to end up becoming a teacher living in the boarding school alone?! i refuse to believe i am dumber than either of them.

congrats to asyraf for getting it, ur parents dun need to steal so much now:P
congrats to inaba and jon tang oso, and bryan chong and gloke and lim and jeremy yeo oso tho i cant believe lim got it......

piss off ipst, i dun need u to prove im better.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 6:53 AM

Friday, March 27, 2009

friendly against acjc 2mrw. wish me luck! after tht going out with jon jon sheen andre daryl b4 esplanade. nxt post will b on sunday! :D

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 9:06 AM

Thursday, March 26, 2009

arghhhh...12.40 alr and i haven made any progress on my iop....too ill-disciplined.
and i want to play morning street. riighht.
today's soccer training was rather fun and useful. practised a lot of ball control.
the match however, was first team vs the second team. here are the line ups:
first team:
Daryl er (keep)
bryan chong
jon ong

reserves: (starting only we had a lot)
Dilshan (keep)
jon goh
dan chan

i played centre mid for most of the match, had an average game, i have problems challenging for high balls.
sians. need to be more aggressive i guess.
our defence were making a lot of mistakes and basically, we were very jittery. everyone was scared of holding on to the ball.
we scored twice, chim scored from an asyraf cross and my penalty which wasnt even a penalty lol.
zorke anyhow give hahahaha.
rammed it in :P missed two free kicks.
terry had a nice free kick tht hit the top corner BAR. lol so suay.

leading a team is real hard. have to shout here shout ther, encourage teammates, say man on all these things cos the reserves nt used to saying tht and instruct them at times.
somehow, jon ong dosent shout so much in a match.
well, he has colin to help him hahahaha.
all tht shouting and running made my mouth dam dry and dehydrated me dam bad.
at least i was the only one in the reserves to have played the whole match :D
tht was definitely the highlight tho coach had to move me to last man to accommodate other players.
but at least there were no goals conceded during my tenure as centre back :D
tht was good. spoilt quite a few potential attacks :D
colin was having an average game by his standards, he got tackled more than usual and mis pass a few times oso.
thank goodness, he was marking me:P

still need to improve!!
and im going for the acjc friendly on sat! wan to go out after tht but no time to arrange sia, 2mrw nite gt tution. sians.
my juggling deprove alr sia, todae best only 30. and my all time best is 100 =.=
apparently thers going to be a test. those who can juggle at least 20 times and can do long ball will be the "impt" ones.
the rest put one side.
shit lah, wei chong, suren, mat, please practise. i dun wan to go to games without my gang;D
lol even colin in trouble cos he cant juggle:P


You'll Never Walk Alone~** 9:19 AM

250th post! a special number! today's post shall be dedicated to lester thio the "superstar"

if ur dint noe, poor lester got owned by peter todae and got kicked out of the team but at least he faced off to him like a man! so go lester! we will support u! change cca dun be scared of him! i only regret that soccer trainings will b less lively without a joker lik u. all ur superstar nonsense and retardedness. it was such a shock seriously. to think that tues was our last training together. no one could foretell what happened todae. it was so sudden. peter was also blowing things out of proportion but never mind that. in a blink of an eye, we shall never train with lester again. so treasure all ur training sessions! cos u never know whens ur last....

thanks for all the fun memories, jokes and retarded comments and boasts lester! u were a truly fun person to have around! :DD

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 6:44 AM

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

whew! finished pod but is a very skimmed essay. here it is.

POD Modular Reflection

Josiah Tham(28)

3.18 Nathan

The idea of reason and reasoning has been around for countless centuries, even since the most ancient of civilizations. It has been a constant in a plethora of civilizations and cultures and is an important foundation of our everyday lives. Without reasoning, how would we know that we actually exist? How would we know how to differentiate between different items such as fishes and whales? This shall be discussed later in the essay.

What exactly is logic? Logic is the study of human reasoning or argumentation. Aristotle was the founder of formal logic and is widely regarded as an important founding father of logic. They key philosophy behind Aristotle’s logic is depicted in a type of reasoning we know as syllogism. The most famous example of syllogism is as follows.

All men are mortals.

Socrates is a man.

Therefore Socrates is a mortal.

The first two sentences are the premises of this example of syllogism. Simply put, assumptions made. The last sentence however, is the conclusion. The two can be differentiated through the structure of the sentences. Firstly, the conclusion is always last and has the word ‘therefore’ in front of it. However, how do we know that the argument is valid or correct? Validity is used. For an argument to be deemed valid, the conclusion must follow from the premises. Thus no matter how silly an argument may sound or even if its premises are false, it may still be valid. However, even if an argument’s premises are true, it is still possible for that argument to be invalid as the conclusion may not follow from the premises. An example is this:

Vegans do not eat pork chops.

Dave does not eat pork chops.

Therefore Dave is a vegan.

This argument is invalid as while Dave might not eat pork chops, it does not mean that he does not eat other meats such as chicken or mutton as he might be a Muslim or allergic to pork. Therefore the argument is deemed invalid. However, if an argument’s premises are true and it is also valid, then such arguments are sound.

A close relative of syllogism is fallacies. A fallacy is a loophole or error in a piece of reasoning or an argument. However, these errors are not easy to spot and it is important to be able to. This is as they are very common and are deceivingly persuasive. An example of a type of fallacy is a false dilemma. False dilemmas appear valid as their structure is similar to a disjunctive syllogism. Yet they are often fallacious as they offer a statement with no true choices, an example of which is below.

Dad: Either you are stupid or you’d have attained full marks for your test!

Boy: But I only got 99 for my test!

Dad: Therefore you must be stupid!

This argument is obviously false as although the boy did not get full marks, he still attained an extremely high score however his father still deems him to be stupid as he did not achieve a perfect score.

In conclusion, logic is an extremely important part of our daily lives that allows us to differentiate between what is true and what is false. However, logic can be used against us, an example of which is propaganda. Propaganda uses flawed logic and fallacies to twist the views and thinking of people which causes us to do something which the propaganda intended to make them do. Thus it is important to know how to spot the errors in such flawed logics and fallacies. Logic. What will we do without it?

well its 3am. better sleep. soccer 2mrw! and iso. =((

wanted to play morning street but lets see whether i can wake up. 99% chance no.

omg when exactly is the street tournament???

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 11:46 AM

oh my gosh. i am the biggest procrastinator i have ever seen. jus finish tht dam pod essay alr! iop still beckons! when will this week end......

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 8:37 AM

is the street comp this friday or next friday? im confused.

doing pod, blah blah blah. need to do some advertisement crap on frida for POD cos i was a epod boy.

my four epod boys shall do this presentation!

seriously. wtf.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 8:12 AM

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

i supposed to b doing iop now but taking a break :D ive decided to start a 16 wk lifting programme starting nxt wk so i shall b updating weekly on tht;) today's soccer training went late so all we did was play match. had an average overall performance, like 7/10. only got tackled a few times but my passes kept getting blocked. sians. need to improve on that. also i find it hard to get space to shoot. another area i need to practise on. fri street comp daryl and josh cannt come. sians. so only left me faiz shaun and i recruited chester su! need one more guy if nt jus play lik tht lor. geliang's taken. shit lah. lik tht no chance to win alr. colin playin for siriwat and intae team somemore. sians. well im going back to iop now, cya!

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 8:22 AM

Monday, March 23, 2009

nid to do finish iop by tonite and print in library 2mrw....zzzz. and revise for cmaths oso. haiz. i tink 2mrw cannot play soccer during recess liao. shit la, 2mrw gt dam a lot of 40 min period so there's practically every lesson. sians. anyway i wasnt going to play long cos nid to eat b4 soccer. i hope i dun hv such a big scar on my face. dunno how it wil look lik. 132 words down, 668 to go!

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 7:39 AM

wa todae dam suay. after sch play street with andre, ask him pass to me, he clear into my face instead. i gt hit in the face b4 but never was the injury so bad. it wasnt all tht pain, but it gave me like 2 bruises and a 4 inch cut. broke my specs. zzzzz. the screw cut my face as it broke. then eating dinner tht time i eating fish then i bit down onto one part with a vertical bone, and it lodged in my upper gum. had to pull it out. wasnt excruciating pain but still lik how suay rite. i dunno how to start on iop at all. zzzzz. at least 2mrw gt soccer but i going late cos of cmaths extra test. =.=

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 5:25 AM

Sunday, March 22, 2009

todae dint get to play street so played basketball instead. haven played tht in a while so tht was fun:D anyway back to cdt captain fahmy aka captain jack. even his blog is called jack pearl lol. he looked dam emo after the prize presentation. brekfast still quite cheery telling us jokes. but after tht dam emo liao. maybe cos the pcs never ask us clap for him or mayb seeing us he feels old. felt dam sad for him cos he truly made this spec course a memorable one for me and for many others. thank you captain fahmy.

im dead. i jus found out tht there is a lms assignment due 2mrw from koh tee hock and knowing him, he wun accept anything i say unless my grandmother dies. even then he mite still say im nt interested for not doing work at her wake.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 7:39 AM

Saturday, March 21, 2009

i jus found the west district ncc blog man. it seems tht my pc clt tracy was from the 54th clt course. since las yr ken and zhi wei went for the 56th course and ther are abt 2 courses a yr, she is in neil's cohort! tht means shes 18! cdt lt wei hao was 55th, wow he went in march. funny guy but gt dam funny mood swings. post later. sam cheong's pc rio was same as ken and zw, 56th and clts hazwin and hashim were 54th oso. and woah. cadet cpt fahmy is 52nd graduant. tht means hes alr 20! jus finish ns mus be. he was undoubtedly my favourite cdt offr in the whole course. tho he was jus an advisor(prolly since hes too old alr) he always kept us entertained with his natural humour and funny ghost stories(he makes ghost stories funny lmao) he told us to call him captain jack cos hes a cdt cpt and he was seriously dam funny.
CJ is cpt jack btw

cdt: sir, can i go toilet sir?
CJ: can, but mus do sumthing first
cdt:wat sir?
CJ:address me as ur highness
cdt:hah? but sir...
CJ: u wan go toilet?
cdt: uhh..yes sir...
CJ: then?
cdt: err...can i go to the toilet errrr..... ur highness?
CJ:dun errrr b4 ur highness! why u dun like me is it?
cdt:*panics* no sir...
CJ:wat sir? i say ur highness alr rite?
cdt: can i go to the toilet ur highness?
CJ: *laughs* ok go *slaps cdt on the back friendlily*
*another cdt attempts to follow*
CJ:*stops him* wher u going?
cdt: er sir i following him sir
CJ: i alr say rite dun call me sir.
cdt: oh ok, can i go to the toilet sire?
CJ: wat sire? sire is lower than ur highness!
Cdt:oh sry sir...
CJ: ah sir again!
cdt:sry your highness.
CJ: ok go. remember to drink red bull.

tht was his trademark-drink red bull. he will ask us, when u thirsty? DRINK RED BULL. the whole company will shout bak. hahaha. i continue 2mrw bah, i wan to play street properly 2mw and gt lots of hw.

btw i forgot to post this earlier but i got...........*drumroll*.....................................



PS. Winfred is sore cos he dint get. he failed the pt test and some practical tests and got 5 for peer apprasial. upon 20. lmao. he only gt third cos he was ic for 2 days. go for all the thursday training oso lik tht. aiyo.....

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 7:22 AM

Friday, March 20, 2009


-Second highest amount of second sergeants despite having only 34 cadets compared to others with over 40
-Most amount of individual awards (4 including best in trainfire, best in IFC and COURSE BEST)
-No Senior Corporals(actually like 5 out of 6 platoons dint hv any senior corporals)
-Home to Kilo company IC
-Part of Kilo company which attained more second sergeants than Juliet company


Cadet Lieutenants Ma'am Tracy and Aznita

firdaus aka no.1(the tall one)
firdaus aka no.2 (the short one hu laughed when i told him abt winfred:P)
Jun kiat
Jian Zhi(horny)
Zulfadly aka Zul(likes to disturb satiyam and touch his tits)
Boey Jun Wei(further post)
An Jia Sheng(further post)
Zhang Kai Xin(further post)
Billy Chia
Endy(further post)
Some fat ass jurong bastard
Zhen Hong
Yong Kwang(short post)
Jing Kang(company ic lol)
Crescent girl(IFC best-supposed to b viknes but he dint get second sergeant)
Crescent girl
Crescent girl(i noe their names but no pt to write la)
Ian Nailau(retard will post abt him later)
Marzwan(another postworthy guy)
Razi(platoon best)
Sean Ho(retard lol, he wipe the floor with the pillowcase)
Justin Lee(nice guy)
A 1/4 Jap Malay(quiet)
Raveen(almost failed along with satiyam and marzwan-called thambi by lt spencer)
Leon Xin Bo(funny retard)
2 more i forgot:P

This is the best platoon i have ever had for an ncc camp. they were all friendly and no cocky idiots, just dogs(nailau) and real horny bastards. the malays dint group together all the time and hung out with the chinese also. however bunks were still seperated;) (as in malay sleep one side chinese sleep other side) everyone was great and all helped each other. i had a great time and im kinda sad im probably never going to see most of them again. i tink becos the camp was longer not like camp feast and pti course so we got to know each other better. thx for a great course guys!

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 6:19 AM

finally back from spec course....i dun noe whether shld post everything nw since i gt time but i lazy and tired. a lot of funny shit sia. the clts dam funny and also the biggest joke of them all, winfred. i too lazy nw, maybe post later ;)

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 5:07 AM

Monday, March 16, 2009


You'll Never Walk Alone~** 7:13 AM

im so screwed, i dint noe tht need to bring a learning aid as in a vanguard sheet etc. wtp. if dun then no second sergent = no MSG. fuck. just kill me lah. 

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 6:58 AM

damn lah, i still dun noe my mutual well and somemore somebody dun let us bring the manual to the camp....what is so bad abt bringing it to the camp? u of all ppl shld noe tht our unit especially needs the help the manual can offer. what does the unit gain from nt bringing the manual? pride? accomplishment? boasting rights? =.= all these will be wiped out when we do our mutuals. in fact, more shame to our unit than if we bring our manuals. some ppl mite nt bother but 2 those tht want to do well for the mutual, we are seriously screwed up. i have to learn a cheer in case i become timer.....dun noe any.......zzzzzz. i jus noe tht i hv to get a second sergent because i cannot accept wankfred or luppy becoming MSG. i tink i can bring the unit to new heights and regain the respect we deserve. imagine if wankfred becomes MSG. "wow, ncc land master sergent cant even do 20 proper pushups!" drilling will still be important and i will make sure time wasting shit and stupid traditions will be wiped out. say goodbye to 1.30 reporting times and welcome to 2pm reporting time. however, anyone who arrives late without valid reason can run 2.4 in long 4 and do 100 pushups 2 sets of 50 since im nice. :P of course the teachers wun select based on fitness as seen from previous appointments and also because they cant do 20 pushups themselves :P and they wonder why ncc has lost so much respect in the school. let me tell u why-the air programme owns ours! we dint even have a camp last yr while air was complaining their camp was only 2 days 1 night. hellooo, tht was how long our sec 1 camp was. its the sportsmen lah i tell u. under me those sportsmen can cry to their mothers i oso dun care man. but i wun be such an asshole of course since im such a nice guy. and if i dun get msg, well let me jus say tht the unit will be owned. 

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 3:40 AM

Sunday, March 15, 2009

i have changed my mind. i tink i will just slack today before facing 4 days of hell and then chiong out all the homework in two days. i jus think i shld treat myself b4 the stupid spec course. shit la i still hv to mug for my mutuals, i dun noe shit abt it=( jus shoot me dead now

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 11:47 PM

argh i still haven started on POD......still slacking on fb and youtube and msn.........i am so ill-disciplined......better work doubly hard 2mrw! 

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 6:08 AM

what a week for the best club in english football-Liverpool. it was such a joy to witness the thrashings of real madrid and man united. as quoted from coach: "if u get owned means u get owned, need not say u at the 'top' or 'trophy at the end'. why go to such length?" hahaa. its gloating time against jon ong and intae and most importantly JEVON AND LAWRENCE! mwahahaha. im suprised daryl and jian even dared to come to church todae XD i dint see the other man u fan tyrus tho 0.o hahaa. like no liverpool fans at earthwired yest sia, even my group all man u lol. but it wasnt to be, mwahahaha. yest at earthwired i realised i had a talent for frisbee 0.o since i used to play captains ball in pri sch 4 house i was rather good at intercepting but the problem was catching. i cant intercept and catch a captain's ball very well. i usually just smack it away and half the time it ends up with and opponent. but with frisbee, u just need to get the plate on the ground can alr, so i smacked away! intercepted like 10 passes. my group called me the 'interceptor' hahahah ego xD but of course i will not abandon my team unless peter really tells me im not needed. btw tht was the only game we won lol. 

our second best result was a draw in ice hockey. as in not playing on ice but playing WITH ice. we used floorball sticks to whack a huge iceblock. no one scored hahaha. tyrus played like soccer lik tht "center!' 'support!' 'with you!' LOL then i try to tackle him tht time he shield the 'ball' haha. then after tht going next station tht time my group was talking about how rough he was lol. there was one game called 'earthball'. supposed to push this huge ball like 3 times leon sim size. each team has to try and push the ball across the other team goal line. the other group had like 8 guys and we had 4. got owned haha. one of their members was said to be very strong by a girl in our group but i doubted it at first cos his arm dint seem very big. but boy did he push like a retard. he was growling and pushing so hard his face went red. 0.o scary lol. after stuffing myself at dinner there was a very concert like worship then sharings then we went home. shared cab with tyrus jian and daryl. got off at sengkang mrt with jian and daryl. 

wa there was a condo there and dam pro leh. it was right next to an lrt, mrt and shopping center. damn convenient. oh also hv bus interchange. dam a lot of space in sengkang man. the mrt and shopping center like airport lik tht. and the train was empty at first so we were being retarded lying down on the seats and rolling on the floor. lol. after 2 stops this staff came in. i tink he was a staff cos he had a nametag and also becos he shouted at us to get up. lol. what an idiot. from then the train started filling up. got off at dhoby gaut to meet my parents and went to swensens to celebrate their anniversary. im nt going to wish them here cos i dun see the pt when 1) ive already wished them in person and 2) they arent going to see it. wa, todae church i lazy wear shoe so wore slippers. bad mistake. im never playing soccer bare foot again. i have to finish my pod essay by todae and mug for tht darn spec course 2mrw.  zzzzz.

it was nice to see other cac camp ppl tho those nt from my group took some time to recognise me hahhaha.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 1:15 AM

Thursday, March 12, 2009

pissing la. todae played dam shit in training. why do i always do not bad on tues and screw up on thurs. todae the match miskick twice, pass wrong thrice, took 2 gay shots and dint dribble much. at first training started well with shooting practice where i scored 4 goals. one was especially nice, half volley from coach's flick and dipped jus under the bar at top speed. but the rest were nt tht fantastic. played for the non-sch team as usual. why does deon always get to play for the first team. is it because we really have a non-sch team tournament and coach wants us to gel? but damn hard la, the scholars dun noe what is lay off which is essential to my game. one guy even stole the ball from me. tht put me in a damn bad mood. and i got hit by the ball in the face so i have a split lip. zzzzzzzz. what a horrible training for me. im too inconsistent lah, maybe thts wat makes peter think i suck. =.= and i dun noe why i cant play with other classes when im alone. always get tackled then after tht damn pai seh cos they will be looking at you with tht 'shld have passed u idiot' look. no freedom to dribble. shit lar. i want my class to play but the scholars only play after pe and we always dun get the field cos 3.15 all damn on for pe cos of soccer but my class dun care take 20 mins to 'change'. sians

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 6:11 AM

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

today was my first time gyming in two weeks. damn shack now but feeling good too:D buff boy dint come todae so only me isaac and shadi. thankfully todae the complex wasnt packed out with pai kias as usual. went to extra and did the leg extension max lots of times for fun:P its quite funny when u see ppl having to lean all the way down to take the pin out and slot it all the way at the top :P my pull ups damn shit now, only can do 5. nid to start doing everyday. whacked until i do 6 reps then cannot lift alr. lol. pe was dam retarded todae. me and ah liang slacked and just walked and ran to sweat a bit to fake. we cut across the art rooms still finish in 17 mins lol. then went to the new mph and played a retarded game of captains ball with tht huge blue ball. lol me and douglas play defender jus intercept all the balls and whack away. i was like the star defender man, whack away all the balls XD after tht play against saileesh class. their class damn pissing style of play. its like soccer player combined with ruggers and trackers. so they have the roughness of ruggers, intelligence of soccer players and speed of trackers. the ruggers piss me off damn bad. yash is quite pissing. they seem good but really, they're not. 

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 6:17 AM

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

walao...today recess was at 9 so couldnt play soccer plus since its so early in the day, the day drags on like siao. somemore so many 40 min periods. can die sia. i wanted to pay attention in physics but i slept through the whole thing. then training as usual was fun. since today c div train so couldnt play whole field had to split into 4 teams. i was quite pleased with my performance despite the short length of the games. i only got lost the ball once and tht was to colin so nt counted lah :P but my two shots were quite shitty. but today free touch so i dribbled quite a lot. oled suren and got the ball backXD i hope peter was keeping his word about the non sch team tournament. and i hope im captain:D 

man im dead. loads of hols hw. at least i started early for cmaths so not so bad for tht.
i got spec course from mon to thurs next week. and this sat i got some CAC event. so i only have this sunday and next friday sat and sunday to complete:

POD essay-500 words
lang arts IOP essay-800 words
cmaths level ws, done half of the over 40 questions
physics ws
chinese tian ping (at least normal chinese dun have the outrageous amnts of ws higher chinese ppl get :P)
IHS file


btw im 25th in the level for normal chinese:D and 27th for IHS

only 35 points due to my screw ups. damn. im the only chem prac failure.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 4:19 AM

Monday, March 9, 2009

im going to be ranting on stuff that peeves me off in future posts but firstly, lets start with those idiots that flag the bus down, then get on, AND THEN  they take out their wallet or their purse. why do they do always do that? if EVERYONE took out their money BEFORE the bus came then imagine how much time the bus driver will save. 

less time to complete route=bus comes faster =less traffic jams =less petrol usage = less money spent =decrease in global warming= better enviroment = longer lifespans =better economy = BETTER LIVES

isnt it great how all things link together? so i beeseech u, take out ur damn money before boarding the bus please. Is it all that hard?

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 6:07 AM

i suddenly have this craving to play street soccer so i guess i will try to wake up early 2mrw to play morning street. but the best news today folks:


At first i forgot he came back on sat when i entered the court at 7.15 todae. i just found the black guy sitting on the wall familiar, hmmmm. then he suddenly turn around and said, "Josiah." and i recognised him immediately despite the dim light! haha jk jk. i almost oled him after tht lol. he went 3.14 with mat faiz toh and daryl. fun class lol. but got some fuckface there lah. moghan das was cool about letting me sit at the far end of our class. imagine LOL. *shivers* anyway when i was in the toilet some retard came in singing random songs. then he spent the whole ten minutes tht i was there trying to hit a high note. (he dint manage to) then when i came out this IB girl who was standing at the staircase when i went in was still there emoing. seriously weird ppl in our sch....

watched the hockey train for fun after sch since no one was playing soccer. did play a while after tht. i love tuesdays! more than thursdays cos thurs got iso. zzzz. my points decrease yet again to 35. zomg. my chem prac made my 70 to a 60  :O at least its still my best points ever and my average increased and i dint fail history! project saved my ass. 71.6! still have to live with douglas making fun of me tho. lol.

quotes of the day
*moghan das reading out scores*
Josiah Lim......(pauses for very long)....hundred. *squints at screen* sure or not? LOL. lim got full marks for a maths btw.

Douglas......91.6. cannot be! ang moh biasness! 
(my history teacher was from cambridge and douglas is half white LOL)

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 5:53 AM

Friday, March 6, 2009

yest had pt for ncc for the first time but we still dint get to play soccer:( apparently me and jem are only in charge of warm up and push ups and shit. games the staffs control. cb. anyway i tried to get them to do the dynamic warm ups they taught us at the course but those idiots dint know how. if had jem would have been easier. so jus did normal stretching and timed for push ups and shit. the staffs controlled the number of reps too. sians. so im jus like down or up. then they said run 700m 1 round of the school in 3 mins. so i jus burned from the field all the way to the art rooms there, like 600m? then they managed to catch up ask me to jog slowly the rest of the way. then at the ice cream there the sec 1 rugger bernard burn the staff so i followedXD i damn bully lah. he whack me when i overtake him lol. was damn tired during tll so lesosn was quite quiet ;) tonite is the last cellgroup we havin cos my brother psle this yr. aiyo.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 8:43 PM

Thursday, March 5, 2009

played dam shit in training so not posting much. but peter was damn random and told me i improved a lot. ???

ripped of jem:P
this is will supposedly determine my marriage age...
[ ] You know how to make a pot of coffee (only a cup for myselfXD selfish)
[ ] You keep track of dates using a calendar(i personally find it a waste of time)
[ ] You own more than one credit card
[ ] You know how to change the oil in a car
[ ] You do your own laundry(occasionally doesn't count eh)
[ ] You vote every election(lol)
[x] You can cook for yourself(maggi mee!)
[ ] You think politics are exciting(PAP!)
[ ] You balance your own checkbook
[ ] Your parents have better things to say than your friends(MY FOOT)

Total: 0

[ ] You show up for school/college/work every day early.(never!)
[ ] You always carry a pen in your pocket/purse
[ ] You've never gotten a detention
[x] You have never smoked a cigarette
[x] You have never gotten completely trashed
[ ] You have forgotten your own birthday at least once
[ ] You like to take walks by yourself(i dun like being alone)
[ ] You've watched talk shows.
[x] You know what 'credibility' means without looking it up(but i dun stay true to itXD)
[x] You drink coffee[caffiine] at least once a week.

Total: 4 (looks like im getting married young)

[x] You know how to do the dishes.
[ ] You can count to 10 in another language.(only to 5 XD)
[ ] When you say you're going to do something you do it.
[ ] My parents trust me
[ ] You can mow the lawn
[x] You can make adults laugh without being stupid(i can make anyone laugh!)
[ ] You remember to water the plants (what plants)
[x] You study when you have to(only when i have to)
[ ] You pay attention at school/college(at some lessons)
[ ] You remember to feed your pets(all died. what do u think)

Total: 7

[x] You can spell 'experience' without looking it up.(which idiot cant?)
[x] You work out on a regular basis. XD
[x] You clean up your own mess(mess as in spill drinks type only)
[ ] The people at Starbucks know you by name
[ ] Your favorite kind of food is take out
[x] You have gained weight since middle/high school (gained muscle!)
[ ] The first thing you do when you wake up is get caffeine(addict ah)
[x] You can go shopping without buying something you don't need
[ ] You understand political jokes the first time they are said
[ ] You can type quickly(no way! does this mean that leon can actually get married?)

Total: 12

[ ] You have realized that the weather forecast changes every hour(it does?!!)
[ ] Your only friends are from your place of employment(LOL)
[ ] You have been to a Tupperware party (dean should have)
[ ] You have realized that no one will take you seriously unless you are over the age of 25 and have a job(they still wun take me seriously :P)
[ ] You have more bills than you can pay (so responsible rightXD)
[] Most of all your friends are older than you are
[x] You can say no to staying out all night.
[x] You use the internet every day
[ ] Your wardrobe hasn't changed in a while
[x] You can read a book and actually finish it

looks like im getting married this year! see you bachelors! XD

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 4:19 AM

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

shit lah. i screwed my lab paper so i only hv 36 points now. 37 sounds so much better. and had train fire which was okay, but sort of lost focus after an hour. but sar21 is really cool. the scope rocks. then went back sch play street with bryan samuel and kenneth. played with sec 2sXD  then went to buy bubble tea with the two clowns and talked cock. im dam pissed cos i keep forgetting my maths stuff so easily. damn. i hate thurs cos got iso. the teacher is damn shit! im dam scared i will fail it cos its mI3 and the teacher sux. 

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 5:09 AM

Sunday, March 1, 2009

basically last 2 days have been going to sch to do history project with the vietnamese then play soccer with them after tht:D but dunno why keep raining so have to play in mph. but at least i saw their prep rooms and stuff :D supposed to pay 30 bucks to go if not boarder lol. my dribbling has deproved like mad dog lik tht. im dam pissed. i keep not knowing what trick to use and i keep hitting the ball too far. nid to train street. i tink cos no one in my class play then i always have to play with sec 1 sec 2s too used to noob opposition liao. today church play in the bball court play like shit like tht. dam sian lah. at least yau hong played lah, dam long never see him play. :D wore my hoodie again :P 

ncc for three days straight starting from 2mrw, fck lah.

this guy is damn good singer, dunno why he never get in. american idol.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 6:38 AM