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Player Profile

Name: Josiah AKA Jose
{Birthday} 8 December 1994
{Hotmail} liverpool_diehardfan@hotmail.com
{hatez} Arrogance/action shits/posers/bandung/teachers that piss the hell out of me
{others...}CCA: Soccer, NCC(land)Part C Staff sergeant/PTI instructor
Quote(s) of the week:"nothing"

Dream Signings

For Liverpool to win the Premiership
To sprint faster
run 2.4 in 10 mins
be able to do at least 15 pull ups by end of the year
Not to be scared of challenges
Improve my overall technical skills
learn new dribbling tricks(i've been stuck at the same stage for half a year!)
play in first team more often
To not be recognized only by my shooting
get 38 pts for final year exam
get into inter class semi final
grow in God

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Player Loves

Sports! (soccer esp!) Facebook
Listening to music
Chilling with friends
anything gun related
Playing Examples

Steven Gerrard
Jamie Carragher
Fernanado Torres
Dwight Howard
Dwyane Wade
Andres d'alessandro


Daryl Chen-BCC Future NCC Air USM | Issac Neo | Jem Ong-Future NCC RSM/ASM | Yen Hang-weightlifting addict | Jian Jie-tracker | Rishi-Make everybody kenna pumping | Dave | Jon-Waterpolo keep | Nikhel-Niks | Alex | Shadi-real long legs | My Church's Blog | Sheng Yuan-band turned canoeist | Noel | Rohan Shah-Shah of Blah | 2.12 Naphtali Class blog | Nick Soh-Founder of Sohism | Brandon-Muscular Canoer | Shahdan-real long legs | Gokul migrated to Qatar...and back | Wee Shuen-ex tution buddy | Geng Jie-Another muscular canoer | Tyrone-guai lo | Eduardo da silva...my ass | Rui Jun | Ryan Ong-C div star striker lol | Grace-loudhailer | Abigail-Another loudhailer | Jon Wong-ANOTHER muscular canoer...haha | Asyraf the Mat | Constance | Lionel-thbuffedboy | Jon Goh-Soccer teamate! | Daryl Er best keeper and striker! | Deon | Joseph-retarded scholar :P | William-KAKA |

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Thursday, April 30, 2009

well todae was eventful. yest got caught by samuel sim never clear plate so had to find gabriel phee to sign up for CWO. after exams tho. played soccer for the first time in 6 days during recess. played with dc and josh class against sec 2s then after a while 3.13 came which attracted preston and gang. but still ok since they not my team i dun feel pressured to pass to them. b div swimming won. hahaha i was laughing when i read the newspaper report :" By winning 3 out of 4 of their races yesterday." lol. the 4th happens to be cumtell. to be fair to him he was swimming with sec 4s lol. gonna poke fun at him on monday. ;) ethan came into our class and made our chinese teacher so pissed she walked out of class. after sch played street with william all those then with joshua marks gang and of course kenna owned la. my team was leon tay. dint even bother to run. then some guy ask them whether they saw faraaz cos he stole a lot of their wallets and phones. took the chance to leave. i dint noe faraaz was so screwed up. anyway then went to field and played a while with lame kai all those then went home. spent the whole afternoon sleeping. sians. i better work hard. then i can go to express knowing i did my best, just as jian puts it. anyway here's my IHS essay, hope its satisfactory. handed it in late after all ;)

IHS Essay

Question: “Self-Righteousness is the most justified reason for conflict.”
How far do you agree with this statement?

Josiah Tham (28)
3.18 Nathan

I shall start this essay by defining the key terms of the question, stating my parameter of discussion, the assumptions needed to be taken from the question and finally my stand. Self-righteousness is the feeling of smug superiority obtained from a belief that one’s values; actions or associations are of a greater value or virtue than those of a normal person. Next, “most justified reason” is defined as the most suitable or more simply, the best option, while “conflict” refers to a disagreement between two or more parties resulting in friction within them. My parameter of time will be from the Second World War up to the present day while I will be using examples from many different parts of the globe. The assumption of this question is that there is no other alternative besides war and conflict and that a peaceful resolution is impossible. Regarding my stand, I agree to a lesser extent but I feel that self-preservation is actually the most justified reason for conflict. I will explain why this is so further on in my essay.

First, I will account for why I agree to the statement to a smaller extent. Firstly, we can look at the example of America’s entry into World War Two. America’s entering of this war was extremely instrumental in the ending of the war and all its bloodshed. While it is true that the date of America’s declaration of war on Germany was only 4 days after the bombing of Pearl Harbour by the Japanese, the main reason of America’s entering of the war was not to take revenge against the Japanese, but to stop the spreading of the Nazis fascist regime. The United States were democratic and strongly felt that their way of governing the country was superior to the Nazi regime thus they entered the war as they were afraid that the Germans would eventually win the war and cause Nazism to be widespread throughout the world. Nazism was a very damaging belief as it involved self-exaltation, the belief that one is better than another. In this case, it was the Aryan race and the Jews. This resulted in widespread massacre of Jews. Therefore, the Americans wanted to prevent this from happening, thus they declared war on Germany. This is an example where self-righteousness is the most justified reason for conflict.

However, I will now express why I feel that most of the time; self-righteousness is not the most justified reason for conflict. An example is the case of America dropping the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, in this case, self-righteousness is not justified as America had entered the war wanting to change the values of the enemy and impose democracy onto them as they believed it was the best form of government, as stated above. Yet the act of dropping the bombs came about as they had wanted to end the war as quick as possible and not because they had wanted to change Japan’s way of life to reflect American values. Thus, in this case, self-righteousness is not justified as America did not drop the bombs in order to impose democracy onto Japan. They simply did not want any further casualties and financial losses.

Moreover, there are several other reasons for conflict, one of which I regard as the most justified, which is self-preservation. In most cases, war comes about through self-preservation. Self-preservation is the instinct for individual preservation of oneself and the inborn desire to stay alive. In the case of war, it comes about when a country attacks another country that did not want to fight a war. Thus, the attacked country has to defend itself out of a desire to stay alive, thus bringing self-preservation into play. There are many examples of self-preservation in war, a supreme example being the Iraq war, where the United States had claimed that Iraq possessed nuclear weapons so as to invade it. Thus Iraq had to fight back, thus in this case, self-preservation occurs. Another reason that can be given for conflict is self-exaltation, a very good example being the tyranny of Hitler in Nazi Germany. As mentioned above, since Hitler felt that his race, the Aryans were superior to the Jews, he attempted to exterminate the Jews from Germany through mass murders. Thus, conflict arose. However, I do not regard self-exaltation as the most justified reason for conflict.

In conclusion, as I have stated above, I regard self-preservation as the most justified reason for conflict as I feel that we should do our best to solve problems peacefully and steer away from conflict as much as we can. Thus, self-preservation is the only reason that can be given in such cases, where one defends oneself out of self-defense and a desire to live and where conflict is a last resort. In self-righteousness however, without that air of superiority and self-belief, conflict will not occur. Thus, I believe self-preservation is the more predominant reason for conflict. However, my conclusion and stands may not be accurate as I have based it on certain assumptions and I am personally against war and conflict and have always regarded it as a purely last resort action, thus resulting in my conclusion. Thus, while self-righteousness is a justified reason for conflict as I have explained above, I strongly feel it is definitely not the most justified reason for it.

(896 words)

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 6:16 AM

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Well exams are coming in 7 days....poor express in 4 but they dun need to get A2 for everything on average.....need to mug Amaths like shit, im totally lost. i tot my cmaths was not so bad but....got owned by last yrs test paper so better mug for tht too. anyway study plan for next few days.....

physics notes

whole day history notes. do or die.

chemistry notes or maybe just revision since im clueless about chemistry.

physics again since tution's on monday

physics whole day cos of remedial and tution

Lang arts


IHS and Lang arts papers!!!!!!!
study chem and history (die lah, chem and history 2gether)

Chem and history papers!!!! die.
amaths cmaths and physics after these killer 4 exams. chinese only need to learn chiyu. yay. nat.

sians......i had wanted to abandon chem since im totally clueless about it but.....my term 1 chem got 60 whereas my term 1 physics only 40 so thers no way physics getting me my 36 pts. but im totally sucky at chem!! i have to confirm with andrew wong whether term 1 counted if not then thank god. tho my IHS will be pulled up and cmaths and amaths. haiz. clash of two. god save us all.

today pe played squash since it was raining. dam fun leh. tho im quite noob but still better then most of my class ;)they suck at sports. so dint play soccer. haven played in almost a week. study study study. ben thio pissed daryn off by calling him a fucker for no reason. lol. and the health check said my heart rate was 62 bpm. hmm....i dint noe i was tht fit. fitter ppl like daryn and victor only got 71 and 82 respectively. i drank tea somemore :P


You'll Never Walk Alone~** 6:40 AM

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

tomorrow is the bollywood thingy but drop dead am i going. i dun see how cracking a bhangrah dance record will put us on the world map. blue ocean, making a joke out of it only. do something with more purpose instead of prancing around to tamil raps. supporting the school? those tht noe me well noe i dun lik to do things i view as stupid and a waste of time. enough said.

1h20 mins pe 2mrw!!!! soccer!!!!!

sleep. we all need it.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 8:51 AM

man jus completed IHS essay...wun post it yet cos i wan ppl to check out the insane ronnie coleman video. frigging beast. anyway yest was like some laughing marathon since cumtell came back and it was ben thio's presentation for iop. ben thio's some guy i hate btw. cos he pisses me off. yea. and whacks me for no reason. the last time that happened i pushed him out of class. satisfying.....anyway i had like a 3 dollar maggi goreng for recess and got a major heartburn doing his presentation. laughing my ass off. that bastard and his stupid american accent when he presents. what pissed me off more was tht bose liked it. she likes all the screwed up shits. anyway he made references to me like "egomaniac" and stuff. his american accent was priceless. we laughed our asses off. it was dam retarded. midway through it wore off so i put my head on my table trying to rest, facing away from him. the first clue i got was seeing him out of the corner of my eye walking towards me. i was semi-conscious. next, douglas said ," tham hes coming, hes coming". then i turned midway, BAM! he whacks my back. i was lik wth? bose tot it was part of the presentation somemore. on hindsight i should have acted pain then he would have been screwed. anyway i dint retaliate, even after class. jus gonna verbally abuse that asshole. yeea.

then when bose was asking him questions, i made an astute observation that everytime he talks, his arms have to swing by his side, like SBJ. then when bose asking question, it stops. then when he reply, start swinging again. me and ah liang were laughing our asses off. then she asked him why he chose to use matthew as a hero example or sumthing then he said sumthing lik ," because to the class im a loser" then cumtell and the rest started laughing like hell. i dint hear so when i found out and started laughing everyone had stopped so bose said, "josiah do u want me to give u a demerit point?" then ben thio raised his arms like those martial arts movies where they say we shall meet again, u noe arms raised, like praying lik tht. so he did that and said "thank you madam!" which just made us laugh more. lol. then after the presentation, me and ah liang were telling cumtell and jun han abt the arm swinging thing so cumtell said ," oh u noe winfred do standing broad jump lik this." then he acted it out dam funny he was like swinging his ass and saying "he was lik swinging his ass up and down" then everyone laugh dam hard cos bose was right behind him and he was swinging his ass at her. then colin told him then he was dam pai sey. bose look at him dam funny, i laugh so hard until i really roll on the floor. cumtell ah cumtell....

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 7:11 AM

Ronnie Coleman....

I dint noe that was physically possible....

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 6:29 AM

Sunday, April 26, 2009

i was lik jus scrolling through the crazy cups websites looking at my old achievements for fun. then i saw the timings of the later generations and its lik damn no life. compare this: my best ever timing for this certain event was 12 sec maybe 11.8? but these no lifers can do 9s easily. and back then the best in our sch could only do 10s. (fairfield used to be quite dominant in this cup stacking thing) now ngee ann pri is flooding the competition, it already started in 2006, leading to me only winning 1 bronze compared to 2005's gold, silver and bronze. jus shows how future generations are better i guess....better gene pool?

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 7:04 AM

Friday, April 24, 2009

well what to do over this weekend:

IHS essay
physics revision
A maths and cmaths revision
history maybe
IHS revision

you see im not including chemistry. ths cos i have given up hope on chemistry. teacher cant teach jus read off slides. which is dam pissing cos chemistry CANNOT just read off slides. need to learn how to apply concepts to questions. physics oso but physics still can survive. plus i gt tution ;) im going to get u 36 points.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 8:36 PM

yest was the last training until after exams and prob my last training as an IP student. anyway it did not go well for me as i had to play with the non-sch team again and of course we lost. looked average but seriously, playing with non-sch team is not lik first team where everyone traps well, everyone pass early, dribble well, cannot get the ball back. it is a world of missed traps, wrong passes and very frequent tackles. peter was dam pissing. anyways ther was a public caning todae. nothing much to talk abt tht. got to play soccer with my class and boy do we suck. we confirm first round inter class get kicked out but heck la jus play. anyways exams is coming dam soon so better go revise. sians.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 12:11 AM

Thursday, April 23, 2009

yest was a very eventful day.....andrew wong dint come so dint get to hand up my KPA. dismissed at 2 instead of 1.30. anyway the soccer ppl had planned to go together, me, suren, dwee, chang, jon ong, anand, saileesh,lester, intae, toh, deon and daryl er. but suren, dwee, daryl, toh, anand and deon pang sey us so we took cab to raffles city. ate at some jap bazaar where we bumped into winfred. that was dam funny cos jus b4 tht winfred called chang ask him where he was then change replied somewhere u wun be and with ppl u wun be with. immediately after that see him. lol. then saw some t-shirts going cheap so bought 1. went for my first ever 'cheering'. its not really cheering if no one except the prefects cheer eh. managed to squeeze into the front to have a better view but still quite shitty cos only can see one side of the field. i tink its quite unfair to pit sec 5s against sec 3s but to heck with that. the match was quite interesting, it was quite obvious that our school had more skill and talent but somehow they won and played better. there was some humans teacher dam extra kept shouting and telling them what to do. jus lik u noe..... seriously. he was lik "Kill the ball! put it down!" "kick it up! up!" lol. terry all those were lik dam pissed with him. then intae dam retarded. this was what happened.

Extra teacher: tackle them!
Moghan: go AC!
in tae: jus kick their balls lah.
extra: eh u. watch ur language (points to lester who is sitting nxt to in tae)
lester: huh? what sir i never say anything!
extra: no dun argue i heard u
lester: huh?


then intae smart went to quarrel with that malay prefect. i'm sorry jem but i have to say this.

there was this sec 2 prefect with white specs cheering. cant shout at all. so he thinks stamping his feet on the ground and shaking his head around while cheering will help enhance his volume. sorry dude, ur one of those fucktards tht make prefects universally looked down upon. srsly. want to cheer ur heart out, ok. dun need to make prefects look like a joke. and jem, srsly jus dun bother going for so many cheerings. dun drag so many down. for what? at the end of the day, the sportsman dun give shit whether u come down or not. they probably get more irritated if they are playing shit and suddenly they hear "A-A-A-A-C!" The tune is ok at first but after a while it started to get on my nerves, much less a tired pissed player who is losing. does doctor ong say "congratulations to our rugby players they did our best. the prefects also did a fantastic job in cheering for our team and they deserve an applause." NO. he dosent give a shit. not a single shit. so jus dun waste ur time jem, u hv better things to do than this. u noe what every single person was saying arnd me? "loser prefects. tell them to shut up lah." i noe ur doing this for ur sch but wads the pt if they dun care?

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 4:31 AM

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

well finally cleared all napha stations. still doing incline pullups, no kick. anyway top of my class was douglas with 40. i was planning to do 41 jus to piss him off, lik i did wif situps but he made me laugh and i barely completed 27. bugger. he keeps calling me colonel tham ever since that ncdcc guest of honour colonel tham came. lol idiot. and he does it with some gay voice and salute. lol so couldnt jack him. retard noe, doing halfway suddenly he say colonel tham. almost make me lose my grip. then i recover start doing again he pop his head over me while im doing, make me laugh again. idiot. lol. so anyway here are the stats again:

2.4 run - 10.33 (A) (target: below ten)
standing broad jump- 2.32 (A)(target: 250)
Sit and reach- 44cm (A) (no target, gay station)
shuttle run- 9.2 sec (A)(target: below 9 hopefully, 8.6?)15:D)
situps- 52 (A)(wa deprove sia, but cumtell made me laugh. anyway situps stays the same throughout and its harder to do with more muscle anyways :P)
pullups (inclined)- 27 (A) (dun need target lah, can do more than 8 but hope to do 15:D)

yay so ther's my perfect 30 score for gold, 6 As. but not pleased with 2.4 and SBA cos i wouldnt hv gotten A if i was 15. crap. but i can do 10 pullups easily so tht wun hv been a problem.

well 2mrw's rugby finals will be my first ever cheering ever. jus go for fun since i oso dint go las yr. never seen a rugby match b4. hopefully it will be fun. no seats tho hv to stand. :( and cant go gym but i prob wun be going for nxt few weeks. dun wan to tire out.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 6:14 AM

Sunday, April 19, 2009

quotes of da day!
*during tll*
xue quan: oh u are drawing a trumpet.
elroy: ya so?
Xue quan : so you like to blow!
Xue quan: wa lao ur all think sick.....

war dun determine who right, war determine who left.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 3:35 AM

well i guess ive put of posting about the thursday's friendly long enough. well, we were simply not good enough lah.they were all dam fast, a team of sprinters, the fastest almost at jian level. their best player was a centre mid korean, big, fast, strong, like gerrard seriously. anyway i was dam off form, whilst they were really good, i was still performing under-par. coach even commented i looked very slack. shld hv done better.did not give a good account of myself besides a few free kicks which werent even very good, just far. was not strong and assertive enough as coach says. thankfully he gave me a second chance and did a little better, at least dribbled a bit, tho the 2 shots i took were disappointing. on the whole, i have narrowed down these few points that i need to improve:

-trapping of high balls (while my juggling has improved, i crumble under pressure and am not comfortable in dealing with high balls.
-volleys(very poor)
-strength(arm strength might be the best, but cant push)
-aerial ability (very impt for centre mid, but i suck at it)
-passing (i crumble easily under pressure and pass badly)
-STAMINA. very impt for centre mid but i am seriously lacking in it.

also a certain person that starts with an A is pissing me off. dint pass to me at all. bastard. think hes dam good jus becos peter likes him. ill show u. ill show ur fat ass.

anyway done all my napha stations except pullups which im doing incline still. sians i rather do real one cos dun need to exert so long. jus 8 times only compared to 30 for inclined. here are my stats so far:

2.4 run/walk- 10 mins 33 sec. dam slow need to improve my stamina as i said.
SBA- 232cm, crap, got A for 14 but not 15. sians. max 240.
Sit and reach- 44cm jus made it, this station is jus ther to rescue fat asses, seriously.
Shuttle run- 9.2 secs. tied for second in my class with victor. colin first with 8.8 but daryn hasnt taken and matthew slipped and got 9.5. still top 5 tho so on the whole this is my best station. massive improvement from 10.1 thnks to a new strategy, learnt from star runs during soccer training.

finally completed my IOP, now for the script!

LOL i pon sch on fri cos couldnt wake up. diaos....

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 3:09 AM

Thursday, April 16, 2009

im lik 350 words into my 1500 word KPA. well done.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 8:40 AM

yay finally got to go gym yest. first time in 3 weeks. however, did not whack as hard as usual cos there were many machine hoggers. will be going again tomorrow, either alone or with shadi. did more biceps then usual so tht was good. chest not as much tho. did the leg extension thing again. managed 3 sets of ten with ease. seriously. dun noe why seemed so light. i was doing the max as usual, 200 lbs;) saw beef playing badminton at the gym outside! so he came to join us. as strong as usual. apparently hes in canoe polo, badminton and tennis now. a bit the spam, but over ther they can start getting CAS at sec 3 thts why. after gym played a bit of badminton, with asyraf showing off his "skills". i tink he fell down while trying to hit the shuttlecock like 10 times. (he missed all) lol. besides tht nothin much happened. my class not as rowdy as other classes, we do poke fun but not a lot. no fights or anything. lol. jus got a lot of clowns like douglas. lol. daryn also dam funny. so instead of shouting, playing soccer, playing com and doing lots of retarded things lik last year, our free periods are basically spent either sleeping, doing hw, eating or talking cock. still fun class tho so i have no complaints.

i feel dam bad towards my chinese teacher. shes dam nice and quite good but im always talking and she always scolds us. and i lost my zuo ye so for the past two weeks i have been doing practically nothing in class. i also always sleep. owe her 4 jian bao also. haiz. better buck up or she wun support me if i get 35 pts. i dun really have any bitchy teachers this yr except maybe bose but shes fine and actually quite nice if u dun infuriate her. its jus tht her fats are very irritating:P i also finally have a complete pair of nice form teachers, unlike sec 1 only mr chia. speaking of which, mr chia and b3 got paired up again. lol. as ah liang says "he must be dam pissed off." but now they're teaching a express class i tink, cos keane's brother is in their class. his brother is really dam pai kia. anyway back to the topic abt teachers. they're all quite nice except chem and physics is dam boring. dam boring. dam boring. i cant help but fall asleep seriously. and the chem teacher is dam oblivious. i test her by sleeping on the table with my file in front of me so obvious she oso never see. woke up at the end of the lesson. i sit in the middle somemore.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 6:30 AM

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

wow i have a really bad backlog. hv to do pod essay by tonite, lab key passage analysis by friday and iop oso. sians. better hope bose dun call me to do 2mrw or friday. wa todae got a lot of dam funny things happen lah. first colin and jeremy yeo were talking about this medieval com game they played and apparently the history teacher oso plays it. then cumtell was making fun of them then he realised tht he used to play tht game too, in p6. then suddenly he was like "oh its dam fun!" lol. then i was lik cumtell wth. he gave excuse tht he played in p6 lol. then somehow the discussion drifted to maple story and douglas was even more interested. rofl. tht idiot plays private server lol. then suddenly they started talking abt runescape and douglas started boasting about some helmet he had. lol. saw my pri sch fren on the bus and he saw daryn who ponned sch! tsk tsk. slacker lol. haiz better get started on those essays.

a certain vp with a retarded accent is pissing me off. dam extra sia. talk abt "spoilers". pot call kettle black.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 4:44 AM

Sunday, April 12, 2009

well that was a quick long weekend. oxymoron! hahahah. friday went for physics tution, nxt class on monday cos i need as much help as i can get. then went to my cousin's hse for their birthday and stuff. sat was mainly spent revising and slacking then at night had cellgroup which was quite screwed since the controller i was using was totally whack. still got 19 kills.^^ todae church no dg since easter, had prayer walk instead, a great time to spend with god. then service, but no sermon todae, instead had sharings. so tht was different. slept the whole afternoon away. gosh. tomorrow have cmaths test, better do well or tee hock will screw me.

havent been to the gym in 3 weeks. dam pissing. at least my pullups are back at ten. hopefully will be able to hit over tht soon. daryl dint come todae so couldn't ask him abt bishan park in depth, but he did mention las week tht they were quite good, but not as good as bartley. i say bring it on. hopefully i will get to start, started the last two but played dam badly for the last one so better acquit myself well in training on tuesday. sians, need to repair my specs, hopefully will be ready by thursday. soccer camp has been confirmed from the 1st to 4th june. heard tht there wld be an "amazing race" on the third day for the whole day then everyone end up at the same place for dinner. 0.o pity jon ong and the committee tho, its dam hard to plan something lik tht hahaha. maybe johanand will go da vinci code mode again lol.

episode 1 of arby and the chief!
forgot to put warning last time. its quite vulgar so dun watch it if u r against this kind of thing. but its hilarious!

synopsis:HALO 3 :

by DigitalPh33r

The first episode of a series that is the sequel to the Master Chief Sucks at Halo trilogy. Master Chief is continuing to suck at every game he plays, especially Halo 3, and has become a lonely alcoholic... that is until Master Chief is greeted by new friend that will change his life forever.......

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 5:08 AM

Thursday, April 9, 2009

woah haven posted properly for dam long. no time sia. played better this training but it was against c div so nt really counted i guess. weekend's quite packed plus hv to prepare iop. going to quite a lot of ppl hses. anyway tues after tht shitty training (4 me thank god zorke isnt lik mr v) went for tll make up and dam lucky jem ong and dc was in my class so wasnt as boring as other normal make ups. rocky was ther and tht retard carried a freaking brief case. as jem ong puts it "he going back to work after class." rofl. then ther was this fat girl who wore some charity shirt saying "does ur shirt save ten lives?" jem ong was dam bad he told me and daryl "no, but at least i look good in it" lmao. then i said "her shirt save 20 lives." haha, dam bad. wed stay back no one play soccer so went to library to do hw with rages and andre who were doing some scouts hike thingy. then played soccer with the chess ppl. finally had a good game for once. gotta chiong physics for tution 2mrw! here's a video thts even worse than daryl's charlie the unicorn vids. its part of a series called Arby 'n' the Chief. u'll see why.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 5:54 AM

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

im dam pissed! i can do the work during class time but the next day i forget how to do all the cmath questions!! sians. why so screwed up one! need to mug. haiz. dam pissing sia. sunday friendly played lik shit, two goals in the 5-0 loss were my fault. tuesday training, play like shit. haiz. better play well 2mrw. i tink cos i haven been playing soccer regularly during recess and after school since nowadays very few ppl play. haiz. im the type tht need to practise lik siao to keep in touch, as seen from my cmaths predicament. grrrrrr.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 4:29 AM

Friday, April 3, 2009

well we lost. lost 2 won 2. but won against sec 2s. =.= only by 1 goal somemore. thx to chester su. use his brain la, easier to dribble saileesh or muhuammad? use ur dam brain la. muhuammad so dam big. in the end goal. idiot. ask him listen oso cannot. let in 2 stupid goals, let the ball bounce in off his hand. bastard. piss me off. if there is ever another competition lik tht, im choosing titus. also the stupid year fives put us in such a strong group for wad. fucking hell. kenna siriwats team and jon ongs team. basket. stupid la. first sec 1 kenna 1.7 now oso get in the strongest group. i swear this is rigged. wtf man. if this yr inter class my class get in 3.13 group i will be dam fucking pissed off.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 10:42 PM

Thursday, April 2, 2009

well wed was napha, did ok i guess...
sit and reach-44cm (A)
standing broad jump-232 cm(A) not pleased wif this one, i wanted to get A for 15 yr old standard oso but soccer training owned my quads.

wa lao the waffle take dam long to make sia, hv to wait dam long, so i went off first, came back almost kenna cut queue by some fat ass pig face IB girl who shld jus piss off for degrading standards in our school. today training not as siao as tuesday one, jus dribbling drills then shooting practice and small sided match. small goals so sian. at least played a little better than tuesday tho not very good still. shooting practice i oso never score. sians. but at least got match, can tune up for 2mrw's street tournament. shaun ou not playing liao, josh oso so my new team lik this:

daryl chen (captain)
noob su (keep)

got 2 mats leh! hv to own! wish me luck! im ponning ncc for this so hopefully wun kenna screwed.

im starting physics tution this sat. anyone interested? hv to go for maths remedial nxt wk, haiz.

im still quite pissed tht i dint get the scholarship, since most of my gd frens hv either gep or jus got the eesip. haiz.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 4:46 AM