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Player Profile

Name: Josiah AKA Jose
{Birthday} 8 December 1994
{Hotmail} liverpool_diehardfan@hotmail.com
{hatez} Arrogance/action shits/posers/bandung/teachers that piss the hell out of me
{others...}CCA: Soccer, NCC(land)Part C Staff sergeant/PTI instructor
Quote(s) of the week:"nothing"

Dream Signings

For Liverpool to win the Premiership
To sprint faster
run 2.4 in 10 mins
be able to do at least 15 pull ups by end of the year
Not to be scared of challenges
Improve my overall technical skills
learn new dribbling tricks(i've been stuck at the same stage for half a year!)
play in first team more often
To not be recognized only by my shooting
get 38 pts for final year exam
get into inter class semi final
grow in God

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Player Loves

Sports! (soccer esp!) Facebook
Listening to music
Chilling with friends
anything gun related
Playing Examples

Steven Gerrard
Jamie Carragher
Fernanado Torres
Dwight Howard
Dwyane Wade
Andres d'alessandro


Daryl Chen-BCC Future NCC Air USM | Issac Neo | Jem Ong-Future NCC RSM/ASM | Yen Hang-weightlifting addict | Jian Jie-tracker | Rishi-Make everybody kenna pumping | Dave | Jon-Waterpolo keep | Nikhel-Niks | Alex | Shadi-real long legs | My Church's Blog | Sheng Yuan-band turned canoeist | Noel | Rohan Shah-Shah of Blah | 2.12 Naphtali Class blog | Nick Soh-Founder of Sohism | Brandon-Muscular Canoer | Shahdan-real long legs | Gokul migrated to Qatar...and back | Wee Shuen-ex tution buddy | Geng Jie-Another muscular canoer | Tyrone-guai lo | Eduardo da silva...my ass | Rui Jun | Ryan Ong-C div star striker lol | Grace-loudhailer | Abigail-Another loudhailer | Jon Wong-ANOTHER muscular canoer...haha | Asyraf the Mat | Constance | Lionel-thbuffedboy | Jon Goh-Soccer teamate! | Daryl Er best keeper and striker! | Deon | Joseph-retarded scholar :P | William-KAKA |

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Designed by shinigami_ojou
Thursday, September 17, 2009

well this week was eventful. nat. monday heard about something related to one of my classmates but its better not to share here. anyws then tues training was ok, shooting was fine, clarified my name with coach. hahah. dint play very well in the match tho. :\ haha cdiv almost shocked us but we managed to equalise in the end hahah. they lucky goal ryan ong anyhow kick then daryl tot it was going out then it managed to sneak in at the near post lols. i kept getting tackled, kick the ball too far. need to slow my tempo and control sia. stepped on the ball and slipped oso -.- anyws wed went home early to study :D hahahaha. today's cmaths test i damn cock up. die alr. iso was great hahah, teacher say recommending my product for comp and bose said it was a very good product hahahah. but the truth is, i dun think it works on jam, only drinks. its supposed to be a jams and drinks dispenser ;) and the water also leaks hahaha. we said it could work of course :P lols. its a good idea la, possible but we dun hv the materials. hahahah. anyws today's friendly against VS was unexpectedly rewarding. :D we went there thinking we would get owned but we rose to the challenge in jon ongs words hahahha. our cdiv drew theirs and we also drew their sec3 and 4s. but nt fair they play some sec 4s hahaha. some were 16. cheats. lols. second in s'pore still cheat. haiz. hahah first third i played striker lols. played rather well la, positioning was okay, but i cock up a couple of traps la, ole myself. as in from throw in high ball etc. my high ball trapping still not confident, i cant kill the ball totally yet :\ anyws took two shots, both volleys. so werent that good la, but my passing was quite good, no pass to nowhere either reach or intercepted so quite happy la. dint dribble much but when i did dint lose the ball :D but those were their lousier sec3s la hahah. second third they play their first team we couldnt play our passing game alr, had to rely on heavy clearing lols. then coach sub me on for anand cos he injured then at the same time dc injured, so i have to play centreback. hahahahaha. william played right. lol. cock up once but lucky the guy never score. haha. clear into him then he shot hit side net hahah. damn scary. then third third i was supposed to play centremid but cos no more centreback i had to play it again. lol. played quite okay. we let in the equalising goal in this third but not exactly my fault, toh header wrongly then the guy volley like almost open goal. i missed the header thts why toh head instead but to be fair, only jon ong, dwee and daryl er wld hv been able to connect. then cock up a couple times, like i intercept but my clearance mishit so went damn close only. =.= then got one i try left foot clearance on left side but i mishit so it spin back wards then i try again then mishit again =.= then they winger took it but i tackled him back and cleared finally hahaha. besides that played ok lah, nt bad considering i hardly play cb. missed a couple of headers but damn scary sia, i scared pain lah -.- heading improve alr but still not so good. 2mrw hopefully can wear lanyard to ncc hahah but im the only jackass tht haven sew the staff rank on yet lols.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 6:14 AM

Friday, September 11, 2009

hahaha jus remembered other things that happened in the last month of my not posting. after honours day went to play lan with yh, lim, sheen, kannan, zzh, kendrick, ray and geng. got owned in dota obvsly hahahhhaha. got owned damn damn bad. yh was talking about quitting lan and everything lol. then after tht played a bit of cs which was better la, but i dun like awp lah. after lan went west mall to watch gi joe with zzh, lim, sheen, kannan and ray. nice movie, effects all quite cool. storyline was okay lah. a lot of past relationships between the characters tho lol. storm shadow was damn cool. hahah heard he dint die cos the actor alr signed contract for next film. interesting to see how he'll survive. yest friendly against st pats was our first win in half a year! intae hwang opened the scoring with a one touch shot from the left. then they equalised following which colin scored a goal which i dint see. then rohan scored from a colin through ball. started but dosent mean anything cos coach dun noe us well yet. he keep calling me thomas because of an unfortunate miscommunication =.= anyws played right mid. first 15 mins still played quite okay, after tht went downhill. they really pissed me off quite bad when they dint let me take the free kick and in the end did some retarded pass. second half got subbed off for anand then later went on to play centre back. wth. coach say nvm try new position but i know ill never make it as centre back. too restrictive then my heading also like shit. a lot of pressure also. i played it one training last yr while playing for reserves, cocked up position =.= (for me) try new position for wat. i alr play like 5. anyways after that went carls junior eat talk heck lot of cock. 56 ahhahahah (inside joke) there were these two damn fat ang moh women who came in then we laugh like siao . lols. next wk friendly against victoria hahahahha. heard their standard deprove a lot but still hope we can do well lah! :D

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 8:21 AM

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

woah its been long since my last post. more than a month. anyways decided to get back on track :D im jus going to recount events thtat i rem tho :P

Drama night
morning was swim meet so had ncc duty. zzz. anyws i ponned the whole duty and played basketball hahahah. then slacked a while at try for 2mrw, played street with jevon and jiaand saileesh and sif then went home slack a bit. few hours later went back sch play soccer with sheen and isaac teh. they wer playing with acjc and scholars. i had to play for scholars cos they outnumbered :( sucked balls. they play pump and chase. retarded style of play srsly. then cooled off go buy drinks then went drama. sean brought like 2 girls(1 gf) and some she-male lah. no comment. anyws the drama was O.K i guess, obvsly wasnt as gd as last yr but it had its moments lah. it didnt help though, that the protagonist was some goody two shoes. after that went kap eat with sean, lim, isaac teh, jing long and seans girl friends. damn hungry cos never eat dinner. reached home at 12 30 zzz. almost missed last bus :P

i forgot everything else alr hahahahha. oh ya last fri drong gave us holiday cos of the best boys sch in sports and games thing so went out with terry, jon ong, dwee and daryl. winfred managed to find us and tagged along. lol. damn funny, 1.40 at food republic he say he leave at 2, then at 2 he say he leave at 2.30 then after that we go cathay then he say oh i go wif ur, then from plaza sing i take 14 home. then he still follow us all the way to cathay. then we buying ticket tht time then he say he watch with us. lols. damn funny. but nvm la, cos he come then terry make fun of him damn bad say he like grandma all cos of his white hair etc. then we go toilet before movie then he go cubicle piss then terry damn bad say he scared we see his old dick drop off all the white pubic hair all. LOL.

then we went to watch year one. hahha im ashamed to admit it was my first time watching a rated movie in a cinema. lols. anyws it was damnn funny! all these retarded shows produced by judd apatow like step brothers are damn funny. after tht went plaza to eat then went tll. jem replaced my class :) hahah but he suay, cannot see me talk cock and show off my ownage vocab cos it was a replacement teacher. sians. anyws then went to his hse to sleep over before ssc (senior spec course) and introduced him to peter chao. hahah hes so dam funny. ill put a vid another time. anyws then hao bai and ryan came over and they also laugh like crap when they watch. lols. last moment of pleasure b4 ssc.

first day woke up then chiong to change all except me cos i slept in no. 4 :P then i see them all wear badge. damn it i forgot. anyws first day was damn draggy. i jus dint feel like going la. then damn scared for mutual also. act. i jus wasnt confident of myself la, see all the other sch one shout so loud. i knew i knew the commands as well as them but damn nervous la. i was ic of my section a while then i forgot kekanan lou rous. =.= so i moody, dun feel like making friends jus stone with ye yang. (hahah wth right) for the first time i felt homesick. srsly dunno why. almost cried. then anyws second day kena owned by clt cos i dun noe sizing drill. nt my fault no one teach. then all the other sch noe leh. by heart somemore. then my clt say if i dun learn by tonight then i will fail. but he wasnt serious la. but later they make me ic of the platoon. i was like omg. then they make me do sizing drill and i dint noe shit. then one cadet captain had to guide me thru the whole thing. clt also chided me for not commanding loud enough. then they laugh cos my pronounciation of commmands damn weird. pissing sia. survived somehow :\ then last night cohesion night was damn funny. cadet captain fahmy is still as full of shit as ever. then got one clt damn skill can sing and beatbox then they say he can play soccer and skateboard at the same time and i was like wtf? damn talented sia. anyws was in a better mood alr la and met up with old fairfield friends who were in my platoon, jared and marcus :) and old campfeast bunkmate shao heng lols. he stole my foolscap basket. hahah but he return la. last day was quite slack, a lot of talk cock time. felt damn happy after getting my lanyard. yess. and this was the first time everyone passed in a ssc. felt so happy. anyws then went home with fmss ppl and jared , talk a lot of cock on the way. they damn full of shit, purposely show off lanyard to the central district ppl coming in for course. lols. reached home and collapsed man. damn tired. but so happy to get my lanyard.

anyws then yest training played quite well during the match. damn long never play full field then i was damn energised, ran everywhere. playing against jon ong and colin somemore. coach brought his son sec one alr almost my height same build also. nxt year queensway captain apparently and he is damn good for his age. coach mus be asking him to do one leg squats everyday. XD back to me now ^^ i scored two goals hahah. one i run from centreline right flank one two with marc all the way to infront the goal and shoot. sneaked into the near post. hahahha. then second goal was i from half line centre there run right thru centre cos no one cover then toh send one damn nice long ball then i jus trap and poke past horatio. ^^ but also had bad points like took too long at a few times then got tackled, mispassed a couple of times too. :\ anyways still played well XD sent a couple of good through balls too :D my vision has improved a small bit :D tomorrow friendly against st pats, peter isnt going to be ther so i have no excuses for playing badly this time.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 12:03 AM

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Fill out each one you've done since you've started school =)).
When you're done multiply the number you got by three.
Ooo, this is gonna be FUN.

[x] Gotten a referral (its like an extension so yes)
[x] Gotten detention
[x] Gotten your cell phone/iPod taken away
[ ] Gotten suspended
[x] Chewed gum during class
[x] Got In School Suspension

[x] Gotten late to a class more than 10 times
[x] Didn't do homework over 15 times
[x] Returned at least 2 projects in late

[x] Missed school cause you felt like it(today!)
[x] Skipped class at least 1 time
[x] Laughed so hard you got kicked out of class

[x] Texted people during class
[x] Passed notes
[x] Threw stuff across the room
[x] Laughed at the teacher

[x] Went on myspace, friendster, facebook , xanga , etc on the computer at school
[x] Took pictures during school hours
[x] Called people during school hours
[x] Listened to an iPod/ CD player/mp3 during class
[x] Hit a teacher or student with a textbook

[ ] Threw something at the teacher
[x] Went outside the class room without permission
[x] Failed a class this year
[x] Ate food during class

[ ] Couldn't go on a field trip cause you behaved bad
[x] Didn't take your stuff to school
[x] Gotten detention and didn't go
[ ] Used passes from other days/Or made fake pass
[x] Yelled during class loud enough so the teacher could hear

[x] Slept during some of class
[x] Played basketball with paper balls using a trash can as a basket
[x] threatened a teacher
[ ] Felt hungry during class and went home to eat
[x] Treat the teacher as invisible
TOTAL = 30

teachers hate me 90%. 0.o

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 7:30 PM

Sunday, July 26, 2009

finally felt lik posting so, here it is. just watched the liverpool match on tv. lots of talent. players like krisztian nemeth and daniel pacheco showed lots of potential. nemeth especially, great finishing. pacheco has some nice speed. benayoun was owning in the first half tho no assists. then kuyt came on and made three goals. but honestly....ive never been a fan of dogs :P anyways singapore played well in the first half tho they started crumbling after each goal. alonso and torres the star players dint do much. hahaha hope the fans are happy with torre's goal lols. mascherano kept getting whacked by the singapore players damn funny. giving him a taste of his medcine i guess. ;) insua also played very well. looks lik they wun be missing aurelio anytime soon hahahas. benayoun's dribbling is damn cool. he keeps changing direction to confuse the defender. riera's goal was nice. fantastic control.build up to nemeth's second goal was dam nice too.

anyways yest was the K-line cup. vs st gabes, st pats and two jap teams. we lost ot st gabes and one jap team and drew the other two. while st gabes won i tink st pats were better and they were lucky lah. cos st pats dominated them but one unlucky own goal, the keeper paul robinson. i dun wan to talk abt the team selections and shit cos ill jus get more angry with ppl but i played lik crap in the three i did play. shots damn off target too soft and kept losing the ball. jon ong says i dun use my strength which is damn true. while its not that i dun wan use but i dun noe how, thts no excuse either. im going to practise my heading and my strength more now so tht means instead of lurking outside the box waiting for far shots, im going to go in and challenge now. gotta be more agressive. its much easier to head without specs but my father dun want to get me contacts. fuck. haiz looks like i have to take out specs when getting ready for headers now.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 6:52 AM

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

haven been doing much the past week....monday was the street soccer thingy. lost both games lols. haha scored the only goal ^^ anyways im quite happy cos there's going to be a friendly tournament nxt sat. hopefully training resumes nxt week as well. im missing soccer trainings man....anyways monday had tll replacement after sch then physics. man. then after that had to stay up til 3 for la coursework, totally burned out. yest. slept 8 hours alr still felt damn tired today. hate staying up late. today stayed back for physics project, douglas being a dumbass as usual...

daryn: we need to build a structure that can withstand the pressure.
douglas: no we need to build a hotel (no sacarsm intended)


daryn: lets make the hotel look like a shark
Douglas: no a shark looks like shit lets make it a turtle.

in the end we only managed to come out with a design. lmao. douglas and jun han keep calling me a nsk cos im from fairfield. bastards. fairfield isnt even a ns lah. played soccer after sch yest. damn long never play with yh and yi sheen. haha sheen actually managed to dribble some ppl! lols.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 7:06 AM

Thursday, July 9, 2009

haha haven posted in ages....anyway sch has been okay so far jus that i haven handed up any hw yet. iso was a breeze thanks to scholar minh toan. hahah.

quarantined from sch so jus slacked at home.

no soccer training because of damn h1n1. pissing. went to eat after sch with jan ang dwee and suren.

after sch went cine to watch transformers with cumtell, jacky, lim and daryn. nice show:D bumble bee and optimus damn imba in this movie tho i dint find that there was as good close up fight scenes as the first movie. optimus's double swords are cool :D megan fox is just whoosh! soccer ppl went to watch ayg and were interviewed by redsports. haha damn funny the interview. see it here

no training again :( played soccer after sch and got cut on my lip because of a missed header. really need to improve my heading.

HAPPY YOUTH DAY! tho lik most ppl came in sch uni or polo. i myself came in polo:D
after sch went out with jon ong, terry, suren, dwee, daryl and mark. went to eat at wheelock sakae but had to wait until 3 cos of the buffet. pranked called saileesh and asyraf and they actually believed terry was peter before we started laughing. damn funny. then on the way to meridian saw the famous shaun khoo smoking outside shaw with his buddies. played pool. hahah srsly never play damn long but still can own jon ong ;) went for tll after tht.

watched transformers at night again with my family. hahaha.

went church for the first time in two weeks becos of swine flu. played basketball and table tennis. damn fun. jun kai actually can play table tennis! celebrated my cousin's 21st bday at night b4 he had to go back to camp.

jon ong ask me go cage but parents dun let :( damn.

still no training :\

went home damn early today, at like 3? record. played squash during ep. split into groups of 3 and my group dint even lose one match. hahaha. jeremy yeo owning. he hits the ball damn damn hard.

celebrated my mum's bday today. her 44th. happy bday mum! :D

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 6:01 AM